Tag Archives: Individualists Tending toward the Wild

Argentina: Fourth Communique of ITS – 2016

(WOS note: Here are links to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd communiques of the new phase of ITS.) from Maldición Eco-extremista, translated by “Chahta-Ima”: “ITS is in Argentina” That was part of the message that we left along with an … Continue reading

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Collateral damage: An Eco-Extremist Defense of Indiscriminate Violence

from Maldición Eco-extremista: Merely being an eco-extremist propagandist, I am forced to pay attention to reactions of anarchist and leftist readers to the actions of ITS and other eco-extremist groups. The first reaction I encounter is usually one of disgust. … Continue reading

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Wild Reaction – ‘Some answers about the present and NOT about the future’

translation we receive and publish (original is at contrainfo [pdf]): Pachuca, Hidalgo, November 13 2014. With this statement, some groupuscules of “Wild Reaction” (RS), will respond to the text “Some ideas about the present and the future” from “Ediciones Isumatag” … Continue reading

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Último Reducto – Some comments in reference to the communiques from Individualists Tending toward the Wild

from feartosleep, translated by waronsociety: After reading the five communiques that the Individualists Tending toward the Wild [1] (ITS) have published on http://liberaciontotal.lahaine.org, Último Reducto (UR) wish to make some comments about these texts: [2] We are not going to … Continue reading

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Mexico: Indirect Response from the Individualists Tending toward the Wild

from edicionesaborigen via instintosalvaje, transl waronsociety: Ediciones Aborigen (Aboriginal Editions) reproduces one of the entries from the blog El Tlatol which was published in August 2014, in which the persons responsible for the blog’s updating take note of something curious … Continue reading

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Mexico: First communique of Wild Reaction (RS)

from contrainfo, transl wos: First communique. Cuernavaca, Morelos August 14, 2014 “The people who are pushing all this garbage of development and technological progress should be severely punished.” – F. [a] After a little more than three years of criminal-terrorist … Continue reading

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Cautious Anonymous – Public critique of Individualists Tending toward the Wild

from feartosleep, transl by wos: “… the existing movement [against the techno-industrial system] is of low effectiveness because too many of the people in the movement are there for the wrong reasons. […] For [some], revolution is only a kind … Continue reading

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Mexico: Communique for package bomb sent to the rector of UNAM

Note from Instinto Salvaje: Without ceasing to communicate what some individuals carry out against some persons, representatives or visible faces of the techno-industrial system, we believe as a webpage that the struggle emerges with the destruction of the techno-industrial system, … Continue reading

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Mexico: Eighth communique of Individualists Tending Toward the Wild

from Dark Nights #40: After a short period of silence due to recent events (public and not so public), the terrorist group ITS has something to declare: “What is needed is not to seek negotiations with the system, but a … Continue reading

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México: Interview with Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ΙTS)

From contrainfo, transl. waronsociety, It’s been a few weeks since the publication of the book “May the night be set alight! Genesis, development, and rise of the Informal Anarchist Tendency”, in which an interview with the ITS is presented, and … Continue reading

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Europol and Mexico to cooperate against anarchist groups

Note from WOS: It goes without saying that we do not share the analysis of the Europol or of the press that are reported below. What we do consider important is to be aware of international police cooperation. It is … Continue reading

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“Bomb Threat: An immediate response to all the infamy”

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: March 2013 was a month marked by bomb threats which could be related with the direct or indirect activity of the group Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS) or those who support their actions.

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A short clarification about Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS)

In light of a recent piece of shit journalism from Business Insider titled “Mexican Anarchists Are Blowing Up Scientists And The Government Is Freaked,” we make the following clarifications: 1. The group Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS) did not … Continue reading

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The Mexican State goes after the anarchists’ “terrorist wing”

from the press via liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Note from LT: The following is an article from the press titled “Going after the anarchists’ ‘terrorist wing’” which shows the State’s worry in the face of the attacks from the Individualists Tending … Continue reading

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