Tag Archives: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva

Spain: Gabriel Pombo transferred back to Villena Prison

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety: Remember that he was already in Villena and was transferred to Valdemoro to bring him to the National Hearing to give testimony in relation to the events in Italy (Operation Ardire). After Gabriel’s refusal to give … Continue reading

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Spain: Italian arrest order for Gabriel Pombo da Silva rejected for now

from publicacionrefractario, transl waronsociety: On Tuesday, April 16, Gabriel went before the National Court. He did not state anything about the events in Italy in which he is accused, refusing in this way to conform with the false categories of … Continue reading

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Spain: Gabriel Pombo da Silva transfered to Valdemoro Prison

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Gabriel has already “visited” Soto, Villena and now Valdemoro since his return to the Spanish State in January. We don’t know how long they will keep him there, or whether they will finally take him closer … Continue reading

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Spain: A few words from Gabriel Pombo da Silva from the prison in Villena

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: […] Today the Assistant Director of Security of this prison came to see me, to see to it that they were giving me visitations and letting me use the telephone. He gave me the impression that … Continue reading

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Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva transferred again

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety: Not only are they keeping the compañero in FIES-5*, they are denying him visitors and hindering his communication… it seems for them nothing is enough, and now they have taken him even farther from Galicia**, transferring … Continue reading

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Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva’s new address in prison [updated]

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: After being transferred on January 25th, the compañero Gabriel Pombo Da Silva was transferred from the prison in Aachen (Germany) to the Madrid V Penitentiary Center in the Spanish State.

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Gabriel Pombo Da Silva – “Don Pedro” (an authentic stoic)

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Don Pedro was (and may still be) a “true Stoic,” a “Unique” and “Egoist” being who ended up in prison for killing or stabbing someone (I have never been able to find out the entirety of … Continue reading

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Letter from Felicity Ryder, who was never arrested with Mario in Mexico City

from parolearmate: Comrades, friends, I would have liked to have written earlier, but for various circumstances I haven’t had the chance to yet. I want to send a warm greeting and say thanks to everyone who has worried about me … Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Bank attack in solidarity with Gabriel Pombo Da Silva and Doug Wright

from anews: A Wells Fargo in Seattle had some of its windows broken last night as a small gesture of solidarity with Gabriel Pomba da Silva who is currently imprisoned in Germany and is facing renewed repression under Operation Ardire … Continue reading

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Luciano Pitronello – The abyss does not stop us

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety: The abyss does not stop us. Communique at one year after the Bombing that almost cost me my life First days of June, 2012 To the conscious rebels; to my companions scattered across the world: A … Continue reading

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Argentina: Attacks on bourgeois and private security cars in Buenos Aires

from vivalaanarquia, transl thisisourjob: On Threats and Barking Dogs For more than obvious reasons, we find ourselves obligated to analyze the situation here on the banks of the River Plate and thus clarify a few points that, to our understanding, … Continue reading

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Rojoscuro – Facing yet another repressive operation of the Italian state

from ParoleArmate, transl act for freedom now/B.pd: “Operation Ardire” is the name of the recent repressive assault on our anarchist comrades. A number of rebels were arrested, others are under investigstion. Moreover arrest warrants were issued against dear comrades who are locked … Continue reading

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Operation ‘Ardire’ – Update on Marco and Gabriel

from informa-azione via actforfree: We learn from Soccorso Rosso Svizzero [RHI – SRI] that Marco Camenisch and Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, imprisoned in Switzerland and Germany respectively, haven’t so far received any notification of further restrictive measures, international rogatory, searches in the … Continue reading

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Italy: Massive international repressive operation ‘Ardire’ launched against anarchists; A statement from Tomo [revised]

revised version from contrainfo: At 4 o’clock in the morning of June 13th, 2012, the carabiniers of the Special Operations Group (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale, ROS) raided about forty homes, implementing the so-called ‘operation boldness’ (operazione ardire), a crackdown against people … Continue reading

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