Tag Archives: Denver

Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol has been incarcerated since December

from denverabc: Amelia has been imprisoned since December of 2011, after being arrested at a demonstration against a Wal Mart distribution center in Loveland, Colorado. She was extradicted to Denver after her court case from the Wal Mart action was … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Communique for attack on bank and Wal-Mart

from colorado indymedia: Anarchists attacked a Wal-Mart with paint and smashed up a bank and ATM May 16th in a northwest suburb of Denver. This action was carried out in full solidarity with all anarchist prisoners held by the state … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Claim for early May Day attack on police car

communique from coloradoindymedia: May Day was started off right by a team of local anarchists with an attack on a police patrol car at aproxamately 1am at 13th and Speer.  Multiple windows were completely smashed.  No jusification was given for … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Claim for May 1 attacks on Starbucks and cop car

communique from coloradoindymedia: After a day in the sun and streets of Denver and a rowdy-as-hell May Day demo, some queer anarchist demons of the nights let their hair down and gave some gentrifying fucks a much-needed makeover. These comrades … Continue reading

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Announcing Never Alone, long-term anarchist prisoner support tour, April 2012

from Never Alone Tour: It’s 2012. The world is ending. So what are we at Sacramento Prisoner Support and Marie Mason Support Crew gonna do? Go on an epic road trip to talk about prisoner support, of course! Because unless … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Communique for attack on police substation

from colorado indymedia (21 December 2011): anonymous missive on recent attack target: district 4 denver cop shop time: after your bedtime mode: vandalism rationale: immediate retaliation for the eviction of the civic center park homeless encampment. for dpd’s existence. to … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Burning barricades and clashes with police during eviction attempt

 from ignite: Update 4:51PM 12/20: Here is some pretty solid video of last night’s action. As we speak, several of those arrested on minor charges are in the process of being bonded out. Update 1:15PM 12/20: Important tweet from Denver … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Cop shop and bank attacked in solidarity with Oakland Commune, Atlanta, Occupy* and Denver squatters (communique)

From Colorado Indymedia October 27th, 2011, original title “Escalation.” communique: Last night, under the cover of the season’s first snow, a bank and a cop shop (snitch station) were attacked by masked individuals in the Five Points area of Denver. … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol hospitalized and jailed by DPD in retaliatory squat raid with three others

Update 10/28/11 @4:39PM: Bond has been posted for Amelia. She will be out on Monday at the latest, today at the earliest. Jonathon is still locked up pending huge money and collateral payments. Unfortunately, the DA went ahead with charging … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Several banks attacked in anti-police demonstration

from ignite: Set with a backdrop of a $365,000 effort to monitor and suppress the Occupy Denver satellite protest which has been ongoing since the end of September, O22 gathered at the entrance of the Denver Zoo at 6PM on … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: 160 Parking Meters Sabotaged in Retaliatory Attack Against DPD

from Colorado Indymedia: On July 18th, Denver Police took human life once again. The victim in this case was Alonzo Ashley, a 29 year old man visiting the Denver Zoo during one of the summer’s hottest days. As the visit … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Police car attacked in solidarity with anti-police arsons in London

from Colorado Indymedia (August 6th 2011): There was a cop car window smashed in the Denver area in solidarity with the cop car burnings in London today.

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Denver, CO: Queen City Antifa statement on July 9 anti-police demo

from infoshop news: They could not, and will never, take us all. Fists and hearts burn in the streets as Denver marks the one year anniversary of the murder of Marvin Booker. Saturday, July 9th marked the year anniversary of … Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol Update #6

from Denver Anarchist Black Cross: DABC NOTE: Sorry for the long delayed update on Amelia’s court hearing that took place Monday June 27th. Things have been super busy in Denver, especially as folks gear up for Running Down the Walls … Continue reading

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