Category Archives: How To

Three letters of advice for saboteurs from Marco Camenisch

Greetings and advice from Marco Camenish to the compañerxs of chile in relation to Mauri’s death. from liberaciontotal, transl. by waronsociety: Dear compañerxs, I implore you to send these greetings and this simple but perhaps important advice to the compas … Continue reading

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“Cautious Detonation” – Advice for saboteurs in the handling of explosive devices

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Note from LT: This advice that came to us by mail goes out to those who choose the path of nighttime action. It is very important that the compañerxs who risk their lives to deliver, with … Continue reading

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Mexico: Claim for explosive attack on Guadalajara pharmacy in Toluca with note from LT

From liberaciontotal translated by waronsociety: I am a man just as the earth is a star. As ridiculous as it would be to set the earth the task of being a “thorough star,” so ridiculous it is to burden me … Continue reading

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Continual War statement on their move to noblogs and computer security

from continual war: In the past anarchist websites like were shut down temporarily on, as well as other blogs on different sites. This could lead to similar actions on for continual war, that is why we have … Continue reading

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Greece: How Greek anarchists destroy CCTV cameras

Direct actions against modern totalitarianism 1.1) Why destroy cctv cameras ? Trust your instincts, but if you need intellectual justification then: “The gaze of the cameras does not fall equally on all users of the street but on those who … Continue reading

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