Dec 112014

In case someone was still wondering… this project has come to an end. We will no longer be updating sabotagemedia as we are dedicating our time to other projects with which we share affinity.

We’d like to send warm embraces to all who have supported and collaborated to this project over the years.
Thanks to for letting us use this space, we’ll leave it to them to decide if they maintain it as an archive or close it.

Towards chaos!


Jun 222014

Translated from Spanish by sabotagemedia

On Monday June 16 the last hearing was held against Amelie, Fallon and Carlos, the three anarchists arrested Jan. 5 on charges of damages and attacks on public peace. For now, judicially we have to wait for the conclusions by lawyers and judges on the sentencing in the local trial which our compañerxs are facing. As for the federal trial, on Wednesday June 25 will be held the next hearing. While there are set times for the last two stages of the trial, we know that judges may delay the delivery of the sentencing. It’s important to continue to show our solidarity with the comrades kidnapped by the state.
Freedom for All!

translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

note by sabotagemedia: We were going to translate this letter but after verifying this translation done by act for freedom now!, we feel it remains close to the original in Spanish even though it is a translation of a translation. Although, there is a PS in this translation which we haven’t added here since it isn’t present in any publication of the original letter. We thank act for freedom now! for letting us know about this translation.

Greetings, comrades!
I’m writing this letter driven by a strong need to communicate with the comrades outside. I’m convinced of the importance of being updated on all the episodes of struggle against what we normally call ‘the enemy’, that is the State and capital, from their miserable institutions to their fascist methods of control.
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The media report that in Longueuil on the night of May 22 to 23, some sixty school buses were vandalized at a parking lot on the Jacques-Cartier West Boulevard. Windows were broken, doors damaged and fire extinguishers were emptied inside the vehicles.

24 elementary schools, 7 secondary schools and 6 private schools were affected.

Two people ages 15 and 17 were arrested and interrogated by the Longueuil police. According to the cops, the arrests took place because the two youths talked to some friends about it. They were detained for the weekend until their Monday court appearance, facing break and enter and mischief charges.

translation from Spanish taken from Contra Info

On the morning of May 16th, comrades Amélie and Fallon were notified that they would be taken to the Reclusorio Sur (Mexico City’s Southern Penitentiary) to testify on new charges under federal order.
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repris d’Inflammable

(english below)

Cette espace est né d’un besoin d’hébergement et de diffusion pour nos publications passés et futures, ainsi que pour appuyer les initiatives de propagande avec lesquelles nous sentons une affinité.

Vous y trouverez les numéros d’Inflammable, une revue que nous publions de façon irrégulière et qui compile différents textes, compte rendus, analyses, communiqués, lettres etc. parues surtout à Montréal et les environs. Dans la section distro, vous trouverez aussi des revues, brochures et tracts qui proviennent d’autres projets des environs et que nous partagerons ici pour en multiplier la diffusion.

Nous vous invitons à nous envoyer vos brochures, si elles nous plaisent nous les diffuserons.

Nous travaillons présentement sur le troisième numéro d’Inflammable.


This space is born from the need for hosting and spreading our passed and future publications, but also to support propaganda initiatives which we feel affinity to.

You will find here the irregularly published Inflammable in which we compile different texts, reports, analyses, communiques, letters, etc. circulating mostly in Montreal and surrounding areas. In the distro section you will also find publications from other projects in the area which we will share to help spread widely.

We invite you to send us your publications, if we like them we’ll add them to our distro.

We’re currently working on the third Inflammable.

taken from


a) MAY 1, 6pm: Anti-Capitalist MayDay
b) MAY 1, 8pm: Screening: Wal-Town The Film
c) MAY 1: MayDay Street Dance Party
d) MAY 3, 12-6pm: Post-Mayday Care Day
e) MAY 3-31: Occuprint Exhibition at Ste-Emilie
f) MAY 4, 12-5pm: À qui la ville? Montreal Organizing Assembly against Gentrification
g) MAY 8, 6pm: Radical Film Night
h) MAY 10, 11am: Mothers Against Borders Brunch
i) MAY 15, 7pm: Book Launch: Le Cirque Diabolique
j) MAY 15, 7:30pm: Surrealism in Cinema #1
k) MAY 18, 1pm: Anti-Civilization Day
l) MAY 22, 6pm: Defending the Land: Indigenous Resistance to Extraction
p) MAY 23, 8pm: Glamarchist Lookfair: Queer Dance Party
q) MAY 24, 6pm: DIRA Anarchist Library BBQ
r) MAY 24, 6-10pm: Annual Anarchist People of Colour (APOC) Potluck
s) MAY 26, 6:30pm: Race politics beyond the official white/black paradigm
t) MAY 27, 9pm: Breakfast for Anarchists Book Launch
u) MAY 29-JUNE 1: Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal: Session on the Canadian Mining Industry
v) JUNE 1-15: Anti-Deportation Days
w) JUNE 2-3: Montreal International Theatre Festival
x) JUNE 5, 6-8pm: Anarchist theatre of the Belle Époque
y) JUNE 7, 2pm: Demonstration: Stop Deportations! Status For All!
z) MAY & JUNE: Trauma Support Group: Supporting Each Other When There Is No “Post” Trauma

More detailed information below.
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from anarchistnews

From Chile, a pitch for the foundation of anarcho-Madurism

Armando Vergueiro

In the web page maintained by the Chilean Platformists in the Federation of “Libertarian” Students (FEL), there has been published, in a stellar plan, an official declaration from this grouping, which without a doubt will pass into history as the cornerstone of a new and picturesque version (or better misrepresentation) of non-hierarchical thought[1] It goes by the name “With the Venezuelan people and against the coup movement,” and it deserves that we should occupy ourselves, even if briefly, with the pearls that adorn it.
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sabotagemedia receives these translations from Spanish

First Public Letter

You are waiting for the revolution! Very well! My own began along time ago! When you are ready — God, what an endless wait! — it won’t nauseate me to go along the road awhile with you!
But when you stop, I will continue on my mad and triumphant march toward the great and sublime conquest of Nothing!
Every society you build will have its fringes, and on the fringes of every society, heroic and restless vagabonds will wander, with their wild and virgin thoughts, only able to live by preparing ever new and terrible outbreaks of rebellion!
I shall be among them!

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sabotagemedia receives

On the morning of April 8th, 8 train lines running through Montreal were blocked by disrupting the rail signals.

This action was done in response to ongoing efforts of colonization and repression by the state against indigenous communities across Turtle Island. Colonization and its enforcers are responsible for the missing and murdered indigenous women who have lost their lives as a result of this racist, imperialist society. This action was done in solidarity with recent and ongoing efforts of different communities to honor the lives of these women and to disable the capacity of their assassins.

Rebels, indigenous folk and workers alike have targeted the train lines as an apt means for disrupting the flow of capital and these systems of domination. Historically and presently the railways have acted as a necessary toll for imperialism and colonization.

CN has chosen to build its infrastructure across indigenous territory as another act of stealing land from autonomous communities.

As anarchists we are invested in contributing to an active disruption of domination and state power.

Strength and love to those facing ongoing repression for their actions, and to the families and loved ones of those lost in this war.

Some anarchists

Apr 122014

from pugetsoundanarchists

During the evening of Wednesday April 9th. 3 Bank atms in Seattle had their credit card slots sealed shut. This was done in solidarity with the hunger strikers at the Northwest Detention and for Amélie, Fallon and Carlos.

- Some Anarchists

The media have reported that the RCMP are investigating a shooting at a $3 million house on Sunnycrest Drive in North Vancouver belonging to Johnathan More, president and CEO of Aldrin Resource Corp., a uranium company that has begun drilling in the Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan. He is also director of Athabasca Nuclear, and the CEO and director of Mira Resources Corp., an oil and gas company with projects in Ghana and Angola.

The RCMP state that the house received multiple gunshots shortly after midnight on Friday April 4th, with neighbors apparently reporting of a vehicle speeding away after the shots were fired.

found at

via pugetsoundanarchists

translated from Spanish by sabotagemedia

April 3 and 4 were the dates indicated as the start of the trial for Amelie, Fallon and Carlos, arrested on Jan. 5.
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sabotagemedia receives

Precautionary measures are revoked for Alessandro Settepani, Giuseppe Loturco, Elisa di Bernardo and Stefano Fosco.

Waiting for update on Sergio Maria Stefani.

Cassa di Solidarietà Aracnide

note by sabotagemedia: we have added below the text “Dear comrades in the streets”

sabotagemedia receives

Dear comrades,

Why do you insist on organizing within or in parallel of larger demos, or given symbolic dates? Moments when not only do you know the attacks from police will come because the whole repressive apparatus will be organized, coordinated, deployed and empowered by their laws and technology, but where you will also be reminded to watch your backs for the hostile masses in the street (have you not seen yet, the masses ready to trample you under their fear?), the whole amalgam of leftists who want to maintain and manage domination alternatively, the snitches, and the paciflics* as we call them in Montreal, already setting yourself up in a kettle between cops and citizens, more so than on a normal day.
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