Body Cameras and the Murder of Sam DuBose

Aired July, 2017 on The Final Straw.

On 18 July, Hamilton County, Ohio, Prosecutor Joe Deters announced that his office would not pursue a third trial of former University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing. Tensing had pulled over Sam DuBose in what has been characterized as a routine traffic stop. Tensing is white. Sam DuBose was black. Tensing, a white officer, shot DuBose, a black man, in the head during this routine traffic stop.

By the way, the t-shirt that Tensing wore that day when he shot Sam DuBose in the head had a confederate flag on it.

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The Case of Matthew Salser

Aired July, 2017 on The Final Straw.

Matthew Salser is an oil-war-era army combat veteran. He’s been diagnosed with some pretty serious psychological disorders. In fact, a decent argument could be made that Salser ended up in prison as an indirect result ofnhis mental health struggles and his inability to function.

So, Salser entered the custody of the Ohio Department of Retribution and Corruption with a mental health file as thick as a phone book with multiple shrinks having all drawn the same conclusions, independent of one another. These shrinks had, additionally, prescribed Salser medications they all say he needs in order to function.

So when he got to prison, the prison shrinks deferred to the professionals who trated Salser for years and years and continued his medications, right? Well, no. The prison shrinks dismissed all of the prior diagnoses and took Salser off of all of his meds.

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Aired June, 2017 on The Final Straw.

I think this would be the perfect time to re-visit the topic of “convergences.” I’ve advocated this as a strategy before but I think now, more than ever, with gas prices being what they are, and the mass availability of electronic communications, “convergences” are the wave of the future.

The theory is a synthesis of some really good ideas that worked– from the WTO protest in Seattle to the Invisible Committee’s ideas about establishing communes; from the Occupy movement to proposals to “block everything,” creating choke-points. Here’s how I see it working:

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The Case of Matthew Pearson, Sr.

Aired June, 2017 on The Final Straw.

Matthew Pearson, Sr., is a former marine who spent Memorial Day in debilitating and excruciating pain here at Warren Corruptional Institution. While in the Marine Corps, Pearson seriously injured his knee. After getting discharged, he ended up in prison for killing someone. For years, Pearson has attempted to get medical care from the prison system for his long-documented knee injury.

Seven years ago, he was sent out for a consult at Ohio State University. The doctor who examined him– the State’s own medical consultant –recommended an immediate knee replacement surgery and even set up scheduling for the procedure to be performed.

Pearson’s been waiting seven years.

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Banner Hung in Komotini, Greece in Solidarity with Sean Swain and All Long Term Anarchist Prisoners

Banner hung in Komotini, Greece by folks at the anarchist squat Utopia A.D.

From Contrainfo:  “On Monday, June 12th 2017, we hung a banner at the Old Law School in Komotini as a small sign of solidarity with all long-term anarchist prisoners. We do not forget the comrade Sean Swain.   – Utopia A.D. anarchist squat”

Many thanks for the expression of solidarity! These gestures mean so much to Sean.

The Center is Dead: A Response to “Downfall: Preparing for Right-Wing Factionalism”

I recently read and enjoyed Ami du Radical’s “Downfall: Preparing for Right-Wing Factionalism,” and I agreed with everything but the conclusions. The writer suggests that Trump’s failure will lead to both corporate parties rushing to the center in the next few election cycles in order to grab moderate voters who have been alienated by the parties’ drifts to the fringe. I think the writer misses a broader context.

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Obama Withdrawls

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of holding people’s hands as they go through Obama withdrawals. It’s very frustrating because there’s very little you can do for them, but sit and listen as they ramble and mutter through their delerium, maybe put a wet rag on their foreheads and tell them it will be okay.

But it won’t.

It’s all goin’ down like a goldfish, you know…

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Book Review: Night, by Elie Weisel

Here at Warren Corruptional, I’m involved in a book club that was organized by a retired professor who formerly taught here. Her name is Gloria Flaherty. Gloria marched with Martin Luther King in the 1960s and still advocates for peace and for the leftism that emerged from that era. If you ever want to hear an 80 year-old former professor string together colorful obscenities– some of them in Italian –all you have to do is press her buttons by implying Donald Trump might know what he’s doing.

Gloria introduces reading selections to our book club and then facilitates our discussions. Some of the prior books includes Frantz Fanon’s ‘Black Skin, White Masks,’ about colonization from a black colonial perspective, and Jaqueline Woodson’s ‘Brown Girl Dreaming.’ During my 50-day hunger-strike I missed out on ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’

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