workers control

St Mary's Hospital (Harrow Road) work-in and occupation 1981

St Mary's Hospital occupation

Contemporary information about workers at a London hospital taking over their workplace in protest at bed cuts and closure.

Galeria: Rady Delegatów Robotniczych w Polsce


Rady Delegatów Robotniczych zaczęły powstawać w Polsce w 1918 r. Niektóre zostały szybko zneutralizowane przez nurty reformistyczne, inne utworzyły swoją własną milicję, Czerwoną Gwardię i otwarcie kwestionowały tworzące się państwo polskie. W ich strukturach działały przeróżne radykalne nurty polityczne, walczące o wpływy między sobą. Wśród nich była Socjaldemokracja Królestwa Polskiego i Litwy (SDKPiL), Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (PPS), PPS-Lewica, Komunistyczna Partia Robotnicza Polski (KPRP), czy Bund. Poniższa galeria to zbiór ulotek, odezw i zdjęć z tego okresu.

Interactive map of the 1905 revolution


A map of the 1905-07 revolution – a precursor to the 1917 revolutions, which gave the world the workers’ councils, a staple of many revolutionary upheavals ever since. Work in progress.

Interactive map of workers’ councils (1917-1927)


The 1917 revolution in Russia, and the comeback of workers’ councils, signalled the start of a revolutionary wave that spread across the world over the next ten years. The map below is an attempt at charting the spread of the council movement in the 1917-1927 period. Work in progress!

Occupational hazards

The South London Women's Hospital occupation

A compilation of writings put together by Past Tense on hospital occupations and work-ins in the UK from the 1970s to the 1990s.

The Republic of Labin, 1921

Hammer and sickle from the Republic of Labin

A short history of a short-lived uprising of coal miners in Croatia following an attack by Italian fascists, by Steven Johns.

Is the working class movement dead?

Winter of Discontent, 1978-1979

The following article is loosely based on the notes for a pre-discussion talk by an AF member to a libertarian socialist discussion meeting in Leicester, 25 January 2017.

The Eye of the Needle: Towards Participatory Democracy in South Africa

Rick Turner

This book, by the South African philosopher and trade unionist Rick Turner (assassinated in Durban in 1978) was first published in 1972. It is an argument, written in opposition to the Stalinism of the South African Communist Party, for a participatory democracy in post-apartheid South Africa. The attached file contains the preface. The full text of the book is available at South African History Online.

40 years of Lucas Plan - Some thoughts

Some of us take part in the ’40 years of Lucas Plan’ conference in Birmingham, 26th of November 2016
( - We wrote down some basic thoughts on workers' control, the state and technology

La Kolektivigoj en Katalunio (1936-1939)

Eseo de Antoni Castells Duran pri la kolektivigoj en Katalunio okazigitaj inter la jaroj 1936 kaj 1939.