
Bekasi on the Move: film about recent workers struggles in Indonesia

Bekasi On The Move

In 2012 and 2013, Indonesia experienced large scale strikes as workers demanded better (minimum) wages and working conditions and fought, especially, against outsourcing. Workers from factories of global multinationals in the industrial zone of Bekasi (east of the capital Jakarta) blocked roads and organized so-called "factory raids" to force their employers to accept workers' demands.

Top ten Richard Spencer punch remix videos

Feels like it's been a long time since we've done any top tens but if anything needed it, it's this: here's our top ten Richard Spencer getting punched in the face remix videos, in no particular order.

Simpsonwave: Nostalgia and sentiment in dystopia

Simpsonwave is a video remix series whose success lies in its ability to connect between its source material on a deep level. The Simpsons has its origins in a deep social critique and a groundbreaking willingness to touch on emotionally realistic situations. This ties in well with the music of vaporwave, which is an uncompromisingly subversive and cathartic form of social criticism.

Lucio, the good bandit: reflections of an anarchist - Marie Trigona

Lucio Utubia

A conversation with Spanish anarchist, forger, bank robber, Franco-resister and bricklayer, Lucio Utubia.

Minimum living wage: Oregon organiser confront weakened wage and renter rights proposals [video]

After the Oregon legislature brings forwarded a dramatically weakened minimum wage proposal and undercut possible renter protections, organizers occupy the Governor's office and disrupt the active legislative session.

Portland stands up against housing discrimination and retaliation

Portland Tenants United leads a rally and march to confront rising retaliation and discrimination against tenants, which they say will only be solved by creating tenant power through direct action.

Solidarity in action: housing and labor groups support workers at Janus negotiations

Housing and labor groups come to support the workers of the Janus Youth Shelters as they challenge the boss during IWW negotiations. Workers and organizers confront the director of Janus, asking why he pays poverty wages while making $150k a year.

Housing for all: the tenants movement takes the streets

Video from the Housing for All March, uniting Pacific Northwest tenant organizers against no-cause eviction, houselessness, rising rents, and landlord control.

UnOccupy the prisons: challenging Wells Fargo's investment in private prisons

Video from a 2011 joint action between Occupy Wallstreet and Take Back the Land to target Wells Fargo's investment in the private prison system.

Anarchists occupy Siemens headquarters in Athens

In the afternoon on May 11, 2015 anarchists and anti-authoritarians occupied for several hours the headquarters of multinational company Siemens in Athens, Greece in the context of Class War, asking for German and European workers solidarity in the fight against the Greek and European capitalist system.