Hospital workers continue striking for fairer pay

St Bart's hospital staff continue to fight for fairer pay

Workers at St Barts hospital trust in London are set to continue one of the largest ever hospital strikes in the UK.

UK: A Promising Hospital Strike

Cleaners manifesting during London hospital strike 2017

Since the Spring of this year in several London hospitals about 750 cleaners, security personnel and porters have been in dispute with their employer, Serco. They are part of the lowest paid workers in the U.K.

St Bart's Hospital strike continues

Yarls Wood to St Bart's - Stop Serco

More than 700 cleaners, porters, and security staff at Barts NHS Trust in London are nearing the end of a 7 day strike for a pay increase of 30p per hour, for shorter hours, and against management bullying.

London Hospital Workers Strike over Low Pay

Hundreds of domestic workers in four London hospitals are on strike to demand a 30p pay raise.

St Mary's Hospital (Harrow Road) work-in and occupation 1981

St Mary's Hospital occupation

Contemporary information about workers at a London hospital taking over their workplace in protest at bed cuts and closure.

Freedom Winter 2016/17

Produced for the London Anarchist Bookfair in October of that year, featuring content from a number of activist groups. The lead article is from Frack Off, detailing government and business plans to expand the controversial gas extraction method across Britain, as well as the resistance against it.

NHS on the brink? A nurse's view on the March 4th demonstration and where the NHS is heading

On March 4th, around 250,000 NHS workers, patient activists, union members and members of the public from across the country joined a 'Save the NHS' march in Central London.

Industrial action by NHS doctors, 1975 - Steven Johns

Junior doctors taking action in 1975

A short history of the three sets of industrial action which were undertaken by consultants and junior doctors respectively in the UK in 1975. Though both were very different in content, both were largely successful.

Why are junior doctors in the UK so pissed off?

Junior doctors marching in central London last weekend

After marching around the country last weekend, junior doctors in the UK are to be balloted on strike action against changes to their contracts. We interview an anarchist junior doctor about what the changes are, and what workers are doing about it.

The NHS is 60 - RaHN

A 64-page booklet produced by the Radical History Network of NE London (RaHN) on the NHS. Marking the latter's 60th anniversary, it draws together a variety of articles on different aspects from local health services and workers' struggles to long-term medical history.