The Black Panthers in London, 1967-1972 - Anne-Marie Angelo

An in-depth look at the activities and ideology of the British Black Panther Movement in London, and the influence which the experiences of the American Black Panther Party had on them.

Resistance No. 162 ( Anarchist Federation)

Resistance is the Anarchist Federations publication on social struggles and analysis of them. This issue covers Grenfell, Fascism, Trump, the Racist vans, Deliveroo, the struggle to reclaim Pride, Edinburgh Mothers against the benefit cap, Rent Strike, No to Prisons and Anti-Fracking.

Back issues of Organise (Anarchist Federation UK)

An incomplete archive of back issues of Organise- the theoretical and historical publication of the Anarchist Federation of the UK.

Past opinions may not reflect current thinking within the Anarchist Federation.

Aiding and abetting Erdoğan's brutality

This is one of a series of articles written by Shoal Collective in the run-up to the DSEI arms fair. This one focuses on Turkey's arms industry and deals it has made with other countries. It was originally published in Morning Star.

A demonstration in solidarity with Kurds and against arming the Turkish state will take place on Sunday 10 September outside the East Entrance of the ExCel Centre from 1pm.

Britain’s £100m fighter jet deal is helping Erdogan build a self-reliant dictatorship, writes SARA WOODS

Who is profiting from Syria?

This is one of a series of articles written by Shoal Collective in the run-up to the DSEI arms fair. This one focuses on Syria, who is involved in the conflict, and who is arming them. It was originally published in The Region.

Image by Syrian artist Tammam Azzam

As all the world’s conflicts are played out in Syria, arms companies are making a killing.

Brighton Solidarity Federation opens a dispute with MTM lettings agency

Brighton Solidarity Federation has started a dispute with MTM lettings on the Lewes road. A group of tenants have been organising with SolFed after they were rented a house with serious damp and mould problems, infestations, and poor furniture that the landlady had promised to replace.

Nazis discovered in white supremacist military group?

National Action

Four members of one of the world's most dangerous white supremacist terrorist organisations have been arrested and accused of being members of a banned neo-Nazi terrorist group.

The question of counter-power and ‘municipalism’

We had a splendid time and good discussions at the Plan C Fast Forward Festival 2017. Below you can find our contribution to the discussion about counter-power in the final assembly.

‘It’s only the beginning’: UK McDonald’s staff take historic strike action

Workers at McDonald’s stores in Cambridge (East England) and Crayford (Southern England) are mounting historic strikes on Monday morning. Organised by the BFAWU (Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union), they will be the first ever unionised strikes at a UK McDonald’s.

DSEI: A supermarket for state surveillance and border wars

As borders are increasingly militarised and their operation privatised, migration, more than ever before, is also an anti-militarist struggle, write Amy Hall and Sara Woods of Shoal Collective.