May First German member faces crack-down
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May First German member faces crack-down

For Immediate Release Contact: Alfredo Lopez The German government has effectively outlawed the linksunten Indymedia Center, a joint member of Tachanka! and May First/People Link, in the most serious police state action we have seen in recent years. The attack began two weeks ago with raids (involving of money and equipment) at autonomous KTS Center (which the government is alleging is a linksunten “base”) and several private homes to seize equipment and money belonging to alleged linksunten members.

Tachanka/MFPL member Linksunten banned by German Government

German government officials today raided locations related to the Linksunten Indymedia Center, a joint member of Tachanka! and May First/People Link, officially banning the organization and forcing the organization’s website off-line. The government is accusing Linksunten, one of the German left’s most popular and prominent media resource, of illegally “sowing hate.” This move is the most serious government attack on Linksunten and among the most serious on a member in our history.

Statement on Justice Department Demands on Dreamhost

On August 15, 2017, May First/People Link issued the following statement: The demand by the U.S. Department of Justice on Dreamhost, the Internet service provider, represents an outrageous escalation in the government’s recent history of violation of citizens’ rights and should draw a militant and resolute response of resistance. Dreamhost announced this week that the Justice Department is demanding that it turn over the IP addresses of all visitors to a website – -- used to organize protests at Donald Trump’s Presidential inauguration.

Join May First at Netroots Nation! On Net Neutrality

May First/People Link at Netroots Nation August 10 - 13 Hyatt Regency Atlanta on Peachtree Street Register: Our workshop: Net Neutrality and the Fight to Regain It The Net Neutrality leadership in a conversation with you about where we are now. The FCC decision on Net Neutrality. made possible a huge, community-based movement led by a coalition made up largely of people of color, helped guarantee the independence and fairness of our most important communications resource.

Join Us! Technology and Revolution at AMC June 16!

If you’re going to the Allied Media Conference in Detroit MI (June 15-18) Join us at a Technology and Revolution Convergence: Beyond Security: Technology and Revolution! Friday June 16, 2017 4:00pm - 5:30pm State Hall: Room 111 Here’s the direct link: revo… And the event website (to register): The description: Technology and Revolution convergences have been examining the present and visioning the future through the prism of technology and the struggle to gain control of it.

Member News

Portside (2017-09-16): Friday Nite Videos | September 15, 2017
Portside (2017-09-16): Donald Trump's Rage Against 'Idiot' Sessions
Portside (2017-09-16): John Oliver | Colin Kaepernick
Portside (2017-09-16): A Former Neo-Nazi Is Trying to Stop the Spread of Hate
Portside (2017-09-16): Movie | The Young Karl Marx
Portside (2017-09-16): Dave Van Ronk | House Of The Rising Sun
Portside (2017-09-16): The Genius of Bernie’s Gradualism
Portside (2017-09-16): Changing the Culture of Police Brutality Needs to Happen on the State and Local Level
Portside (2017-09-16): Team Trump’s Hostility Toward Science Is No Hoax
Portside (2017-09-16): Facebook Enabled Advertisers to Reach ‘Jew Haters’
lindorff (2017-09-15): How Badly Did Equifax Breach Damage Social Security System?
lindorff (2017-09-15): How Badly Did Equifax Breach Damage Social Security System?
TiokasinGH (2017-09-15): This Week's Program: Wednesday, September 13, 2017
lindorff (2017-09-14): Hack of 143 million Social Security Numbers is Really About Our Insecurity and Fear
pacbi (2017-09-14): Palestinians to Nick Cave: Heed our non-violent call for justice
zaid-pacbi (2017-09-12): Insurance giant AXA urged to end support for Israeli war crimes
michael (2017-09-12): UK banks 'complicit' in Palestinian oppression, rights group claims
ana (2017-09-12): As Congress tries to criminalize BDS, the Democratic Socialists of America endorse it
leili (2017-09-12): The First Amendment Protects the Right to Boycott Israel
rita (2017-09-12): In First, Israel Will Penalize Amnesty International for Anti-settlements Campaign
pacbi (2017-09-12): Join us on Facebook Live: David and Goliath, Student BDS Organizers vs Israel's Repression
lindorff (2017-09-07): Trump Drops DACA as Well as Child-Maiming Cluster Weapons
maren (2017-09-04): How to join Nov9 - #WorldwithoutWalls
pacbi (2017-09-03): Palestinian Academics Urge European Universities and Scholars to Withdraw from LAW TRAIN
(2017-09-01): A Tale of Two Critics
lindorff (2017-08-30): President Trump’s ‘Arms for Cops’ Program Just Means More Militarization of the Police
TiokasinGH (2017-08-30): This Week's Program: Monday, August 21, 2017
ziyaad (2017-08-29): Join the BDS movement and make an impact!
maren (2017-08-29): Yabous Cultural Center, Jerusalem, shut down by Israeli police
maren (2017-08-29): People in defense of their homes and homeland

Upcoming Events

2017-01-18: Tech and Revolution MF/PL wide meeting


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