Fashion Victim - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Fashion Victim - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Scrooged - acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2016

Scrooged - acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2016

Retail Therapy - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2016

Retail Therapy - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2016

Adrenalize - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2016

Adrenalize - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2016

Sample Collection - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2016

Sample Collection - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2016

Fozzy on Oxycodone - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2016

Fozzy on Oxycodone - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2016

Great Expectations - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2016

Great Expectations - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2016

The Power of Cake Compels You - Acrylic on Twinkies package.  2013

The Power of Cake Compels You - Acrylic on Twinkies package.  2013

Excess - Acrylic on Dior package.  2015

Excess - Acrylic on Dior package.  2015

Feels Sooo Good - Acrylic on medium fry package.  2016

Feels Sooo Good - Acrylic on medium fry package.  2016

Chains of Steel - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2016

Chains of Steel - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2016

Childcare - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Childcare - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Wasted - Acrylic on fry package.  2016

Wasted - Acrylic on fry package.  2016

Great Expectations - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2015

Great Expectations - Acrylic on Chanel bag.  2015

The Day it Began - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

The Day it Began - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

From Her To Eternity - Acrylic on perfume package.  2015

From Her To Eternity - Acrylic on perfume package.  2015

Caramel Candy - Acrylic on candy package.  2015

Caramel Candy - Acrylic on candy package.  2015

Rat Race - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Rat Race - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Unlucky Charms - Acrylic on cereal package.  2015

Unlucky Charms - Acrylic on cereal package.  2015

Gas Relief - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Gas Relief - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Pro Care - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Pro Care - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Spongebobicus - Acrylic on taxidermy spider.  2015

Spongebobicus - Acrylic on taxidermy spider.  2015

Breakfast Undead - Acrylic on cereal package.  2013

Breakfast Undead - Acrylic on cereal package.  2013

Free Kids - Acrylic on cereal package.  2012

Free Kids - Acrylic on cereal package.  2012

Yorkshire Tea - Acrylic on tea package.  2012

Yorkshire Tea - Acrylic on tea package.  2012

Return to the Rabbit Hole - Acrylic on cereal package.  2012

Return to the Rabbit Hole - Acrylic on cereal package.  2012

Take This Coupon - Acrylic on Noodle box.  2012.

Take This Coupon - Acrylic on Noodle box.  2012.

Interceptor - Acrylic on bullet package.  2015

Interceptor - Acrylic on bullet package.  2015

Better Living Through Chemistry - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Better Living Through Chemistry - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

The Magic - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

The Magic - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Do Not Stop - Acrlic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Do Not Stop - Acrlic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

The End of Innocence - Acrylic on bullet package.  2015

The End of Innocence - Acrylic on bullet package.  2015

Heavy Lead Load - Acrylic on bullet package.  2015

Heavy Lead Load - Acrylic on bullet package.  2015

Joker - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Joker - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Fashion Lover - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Fashion Lover - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Cowabunga - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Cowabunga - Acrylic on Chanel package.  2015

Sonic Youth - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Sonic Youth - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

The Perfect Drug - Acrylic on large Fry Package.  2013

The Perfect Drug - Acrylic on large Fry Package.  2013

Oxy Cookie - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Oxy Cookie - Acrylic on pharmaceutical package.  2015

Wasted Youth - Acrylic on fry package.  2015

Wasted Youth - Acrylic on fry package.  2015