subMedia Films

Refugees Welcome – Trailer

What if you had to risk everything to escape war? Would there be strangers on the other side, willing to help you and you family to safety?

Year 2017 Length 2 MINS

Trouble #3: Refugees Welcome

In this month’s episode of Trouble, anarchist media collective we interview a number of individuals from around the world who are helping to chart a course for the future based on living practices of solidarity and mutual aid, and who are invested in tearing down the physical and imaginary borders that seek to keep us divided.

Year 2017 Length 34 MINS

Trouble #2: Bash The Fash

Reactionary right-wing politics are on the rise in the west, and events are moving at a dangerous pace. In the wake of Trump’s ascendency to the US presidency, a toxic mix of white nationalism, Islamophobia, transphobia, violent misogyny, and anti-migrant hysteria is rapidly coalescing into a growing movement that has in turn sparked a surge of interest in anti-fascist organizing.

Year 2017 Length 30 MINS

Trouble #1: Killing the Black Snake

The first episode of Trouble, looks beyond the mainstream narratives surrounding the Standing Rock encampment to get a better understanding of some of the camp’s overlooked dynamics, including serious disagreements over which tactics to use to best stop the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

Year 2017 Length 29 MINS

subMedia smoothie

A smooth blend of juicy videos from’s riotous first decade of anarchist video making.

Year 2015 Length 52 MINS


Comic book artist and indigenous historian Gord Hill recounts the history of the standoff in Gustafsen Lake.

Year 2015 Length 5 MINS

The Oka Crisis in five minutes

The so called “Oka Crisis” is one of the most legendary battles between indigenous land defenders and settles in the last century.

Year 2015 Length 5 MINS

Blocking Pipelines

Since 2009, the Unist’ot’en clan and its supporters have occupied a camp that is blocking proposed oil and gas pipelines in northern British Columbia, Canada.

Year 2015 Length 11 min

To Change Everything: An Anarchist Appeal

To change anything, start everywhere.If you could change anything, what would you change? Would you go on vacation for the rest of your life? Make fossil fuels stop causing climate change?

Year 2015 Length 7.5 MINS