Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

Italy: Hunter’s Training Center Sabotaged, Hundreds of Animals Liberated

from Frente de Liberación Animal

translated by Earth First! Journal

Training Center for hunting was sabotaged, and 200 quails and partridges were released in Prevalle (Brescia), Italy

On the night of September 2-3, the owners of this business of death found: broken glass, overturned and destroyed furniture, open cabinets and cages, plus all the animals were released; about 200 quail and partridges, which were being used for training hunters.


Centro de entrenamiento de caza saboteada y liberación de 200 codornices y perdices en Prevalle (Brescia) , Italia

En la noche del 2 al 3 de septiembre los dueños de este negocio de muerte fue lo que se encontraron; cristales rotos, muebles volcados y destruidos, armarios y jaulas abiertas y todos los animales liberados, unas 200 codornices y perdices, las cuales eran usadas para entrenamiento de cazadores.

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