Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

Hurricane Irma Headed Towards Earth First! Journal Office

Faithful readers,

Yet again, a giant hurricane is headed our way to remind us of our insignificance in the grand scheme of things. Irma is currently a Category 5 hurricane (that’s house-leveling status) and is a few days away from probably wreaking havoc through the Florida peninsula.

We are doing what we can to prep the office to protect our magazine archive, what computers we have left, and our tenacious office cat, Greasy. Last year the hurricane scare was a false alarm, and we’re hoping this one misses us, too. But the radio, TV, internet, and our friends and family are telling us a deadly storm is headed our way, and our local grocery stores are already out of water (and plastic bags). And none of us in the collective our native Floridians. So we’re prepping.

We’ll likely be posting to the newswire, answering emails, and generally being in touch less than normal, until this hurricane passes or kills us. We are also in the middle of doing layout for the fall issue of the magazine, so expect that to possibly be delayed a little bit. Or a lot, if… you know.

Last year, some of y’all graciously donated to help us buy plywood, concrete screws, and other necessities for hurricane prep. Thank you! This year we are doing better financially and we ask that any money you were considering sending to the Journal for hurricane-related support instead be donated to non-government, non-Red Cross organizations lending assistance to the people of Houston. They need our support.

Stay wild,
EF!J Collective

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