Lille, France: Call to Protest the State of Emergency, September 30th, 2017


Received on 17.09.17:

Call to Protest the State of Emergency September 30th in Lille – North of France.

When reality becomes worse than fiction.

Since the shock of the November 2015 attacks, France has been under a state of emergency. Prefects can now issue search warrants, order arrests and house arrests, and ban assemblies as they see fit. This tool was quickly revealed for what it really is: a weapon against protest and social movements. Since then, countless militants have been banned from protesting and demonstrations prohibited. Under the cover of anti-terrorist rhetoric, the State has been preventatively granted the means to crush anyone who opposes it. We are at the point where this tool, which is supposed to be temporary, is going to become common law in the form of yet another “anti-terrorist” law. The state of emergency will become permanent at the very moment that the Macron government engages in one of the worst reforms to the labor code ever undertaken.

Narratives – particularly those of the police – are everywhere. The face of very real attacks conducted by Capitalism and its police, these narratives aim to politically disarm anyone who contests the established order. In Lille, the situation is revealing. The police protect the extreme Right, who sells arms to the very Islamists whose attacks legitimize the state of emergency, which itself serves as a tool to suppress those who denounce this cycle. A series of sordid events has shined a light on the particularly shocking collusion between the police, state agencies, and the radical extreme right. The concrete facts have been clearly established and are now publicly verified. The extreme gravity of these revelations necessitates as large a collective response as possible.

The Facts:

On November 11th, 2011, Hervé Rybarczyk, musician in the punk band Ashtones, was found dead in the Deûle river. This was the fifth body in 3 months fished out of the river that crosses the city of Lille – something which has never occurred before, and has not occurred since. At the time, there was talk of a mysterious serial “pusher”, who knocked
his victims into the water at random as soon as night fell.

The investigation carried out by the Judicial Police blamed a series of bad luck and ruled that the deaths were accidental, tying them to alcohol and drug use. This allowed investigators to rapidly close the cases without investigating the different affairs further. However, the families and close acquaintances of the drowned refused to believe the
version of events portrayed by the police, and raised the possibility on multiple occasions that one or more of the crimes was motivated by homophobia. The police refused to record their testimony or their complaints. They mislaid several files. They concealed autopsy results that revealed the clear presence of blows or wounds on the skin of
several bodies, and labeled the cases suicides or accidental deaths.

These affairs, murkier than the waters of the Deûle river led a journalist to examine and publish a book on these unsolved deaths in 2015. He recounts that in the course of his investigations, the police tried to dissuade him from looking into the death of Hervé Rybarczyk,  and above all of linking it to the previous drownings in the Deûle.

Today, we understand better why the police acted this way and the reasons why they have sought to cover up the affair for all these years.

In reality, Hervé was beaten and thrown into the water by Neo-Nazis.

In March 2015, less than a year after the dossier of drowning was closed without further investigation, they were ratted out by other nazis in the course of an investigation into violence by a far-right gang in the nearby Somme. The following July, an investigation covering all of these dossiers was reopened and conferred to Gendarmerie. But we had to wait two long years before the judge charged with the case, Jean-Michel Gentil, proceeded at the end of April to finally hold a hearing on the principal suspect and his two accomplices. Even then, he did not charge them with premeditated murder, but with involuntary manslaughter.

Two of them belonged to a far-right cell that participated in an attack on a gay bar in Lille following a homophobic demonstration. The third, head of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais chapter of Troisième Voie, a revolutionary nationalist organization, had been convicted and imprisoned in Spain in May 2016 for his involvement in the sale of the Czechoslovak weapons used by the Islamists who perpetrated the 2015 Paris Massacres. All three were close to a local member of the extreme right named Claude Hermant, an informant for the Gendarmerie and the National Police who himself is now in prison for having participated in the sale of weapons to Amédy Coulibaly, author of the attack on the
Hyper Casher at the Porte of Vincennes.

It is important to note that Hermant also ran the Vlaams Huis, a Flemish nationalist local that (much like the bar La Citadelle today) associated itself with nativist militants, neo-Nazis, and many cops from the Lille metropolitan area. This close proximity explains the striking ease with which Vlaams Huis used to publish the names and addresses of labor,
antifascist, or libertarian activists arrested in and around Lille, and underlines yet again the collusion between the far right and state agencies.

In the final episode to date, in May 2017, Lille antifascists called for a demonstration in order to publicly condemn the murders perpetrated by these far-right thugs and denounce the close relationships maintained between the different police services in Lille, the courts, and these killers. It was outlawed by order of the Prefect on the pretext of the permanent state of emergency, and then suppressed by police using unprecedented tactics such as kettling (encirclement), intimidations, and the systematic identification and photography of all persons present. It ended with the arrest of many militant antifascists and the confiscation of their materials.

To sum up: Neo-Nazis who are also informers for the police and gendarmerie kill who they will (gays, punks, or anyone who resembles them) with complete impunity, because they sell weapons to anyone and everyone – notably Islamists of ISIS – under the watchful eyes of the police services, who use the murders these Islamists perpetrate to reinforce the state of emergency. This state of emergency allows the police to generally suppress all social or political contestation, and in particular to muzzle any and all who denounce this crazy mess of a poorly-written police drama become real.

Here, the state of emergency appears clearly for what it is: an unjust and particularly dangerous political tool that must be denounced and combated. We must not allow them permission to kill with impunity nor to silence by force and intimidation our social movements. This is the reason why we are making this call to gather in Lille on September 30th.

The precise place of the demonstration will be given at the beginning of September.

We must cease to accept the worst.

Unions, organizations, collectives: write to to join us in this initiative and call for mobilization on September 30th.

The list of signatories as well as the hour and exact location of the
demonstration will be published in September.

Platform Against the State of Emergency

French version here and here.

Posted in Antifascism, France, Hervé Rybarczyk, Islamic State, Lille, Repression, State Of Emergency

Turkey: Distributors of Anarchist Newspaper Meydan Gazetesi Sentenced to 6 Months Imprisonment

On April 21, 2017, several comrades were arrested and detained in Kadıköy, Istanbul for distributing issue 33 of the Meydan Gazetesi anarchist newspaper and a call for May Day protests. The comrades Nergis Şen, Rıfat Güven and Zeynel Çuhadar were arrested and detained for defying the government ban on May Day protests.

Following the investigation instigated by the Istanbul Anatolian 16th Criminal Court of First Instance, the Meydan distributors were sentenced to 6 months imprisonment.

Statement from Meydan Gazetesi about the court’s decision:

“We will never give up writing and distributing what we believe in as an anarchist newspaper – that freedom can only be achieved by social struggle. Against repression, investigations, arrests and imprisonment we will continue to write, resist and take action.”

(via Seninmedyan, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Istanbul, Kadıköy, Meydan Anarchist Newspaper, Meydan Gazetesi, Nergis Şen, Repression, Rıfat Güven, Turkey, Zeynel Çuhadar




Desde outubro de 2015, a Cruz Negra Anarquista de Bloomington vem proporcionando fundos mensais axs presxs anarquistas em todo Estados Unidos através de nosso Fundo de Guerra para xs Prisioneirxs Anarquistas. Agora estamos pedindo ajuda para manter forte este projeto no futuro.

Escolhemos especificamente companheirxs que estavam recebendo muito pouco dinheiro ou apoio de fora, que não têm apoio familiar, ou que de outra forma necessitavam de ajuda monetária. Estes fundos foram essenciais quando algunxs companeirxs ficaram na solitária devido às ações entorno da greve  prisional de 09 de setembro, ajudando a sua sobrevivência nas condições mais opressivas. Também enfatizamos o apoio a prisioneirxs rebeldes que mantiveram a luta por trás dos muros.
Queremos deixar claro para nossxs companheirxs na prisão e aquelxs que atuam fora que podem seguir lutando sem medo de abandono se forem pegxs.

Atualmente, fornecemos 40 dólares por mês a cinco prisioneirxs anarquistas:

Michael Kimble, gay, anarquista negro e rebelde com uma longa pena, encarcerado por ter assassinado, em autodefesa, um racista homofóbico.
Sean Swain, um anarquista rebelde da prisão em Ohio.
Eric King, um anarquista condenado a 10 anos por tentar incendiar um escritório de um deputado em solidariedade com a rebelião de Ferguson.
Jennifer Gann, uma mulher anarquista trans e rebelde prisioneira com uma condenação longa na Califórnia.
Andy H., um companheiro anarquista local na prisão por agredir um policial.

Além disso, enviamos quantias substanciais de dinheiro a outrxs companheirxs e projetos temporais: Casey Brezik, Cleveland 4, Marius Mason, rebeldes encarceradxs frente a repressão por pertencer a uma organização ou revolta, um espaço social anarquista na Malásia que precisa de reparos depois de um incêndio, e lutadorxs encarceradxs de outras lutas sociais.

Até agora, temos financiado isso nxs mismxs através da angariação de fundos, exclusivamente através do apoio de amigxs e companheirxs locais. Esta constante necessidade de fundos também é para outros esforços (duas distros de zine anti-cárcere, uma noite de informação mensal anti-cárcere, eventos para escrever cartas, um boletim da prisão amplamente distribuído, correspondência e visitas a nossxs companheirxs
anarquistas encarceradxs, a manutenção da infraestrutura anarquista em Bloomington, etc) que às vezes têm ficado em segundo plano. Vivemos numa pequena cidade, o grupo de pessoas dispostas a dar dinheiro axs prisioneirxs anarquistas não é grande. Num esforço para aliviar isso, pedimos às pessoas de outros lugares que nos ajudem a manter o Fundo de Guerra.

Todo o dinheiro enviado para nxs irá diretamente axs companheirxs encarceradxs: consistentemente axs de nossa lista, e periodicamente para outrxs que necessitem.

Se pudermos cumprir com nosso objetivo, começaremos a enviar fundos consistentes a outrxs companheirxs encarceradxs.

Agradecemos à todxs xs que doam e levam adiante a promessa de expandir e aprofundar nossos esforços para libertar nossxs companheirxs e destruir a sociedade carcerária que xs mantém confinadxs.

Bloomington ABC (CNA)

Posted in Anarchist Black Cross, Andy H., Bloomington, Eric King, Fundraiser, Jennifer Gann, Michael Kimble, Prison Struggle, Sean Swain, USA

Germany: The Public Conspiracy – On the Riots in Hamburg


Received on 15.09.17: 

Translator’s note: This communique/report back appeared in the immediate aftermath of the riots and was translated from German

Sometimes it’s a small coincidence that determines the course of events. Nobody could have guessed as much beforehand, least of all those acting in the moment. Yet maybe they felt that what they were doing would take on a larger magnitude, who knows. If the few activists in Arrivati Park on Friday afternoon could have foreseen what they would unleash, would they still have acted the same way? who knows… They were probably were just frustrated by the constant police violence, by all the bells and whistles, by the incessant noise from the helicopters, that perpetual unnerving sound that burns itself into your head. Maybe the ‘yellow press’ was right to use the rhetoric of civil war. Yet as we watch the dystopia of an actual civil war transmitted live from the Middle East, this rhetoric seems presumptuous, foolhardy, however still best represented by the constant chopping of helicopters in the sky.

But they have yet to experience an actual civil war

Over at Arrivati Park, there’s an ongoing rally which was intended to be a resting place. But this is forbidden. As a result, the police stand prepared with a water cannon like they always do. One may not gather unpunished or unobserved: this is the helpless gesture signaling that the situation is already spiraling out of control. The usual political circus has been escalating for days on end. Yesterday the cops attacked the demo at the Fischmarkt. In return they got chaos, barricades, broken glass and a sea of roving bands devastating the city. In the last 24 hours, we Autonomen have kept our promise: we will paralyze the city, we will attack everywhere, we will be uncalculable. As a result, the forces of public order are at their end. Their promise was to secure the summit. In order to do so, they need an infinite number of personnel and resources. They definitely don’t have the resources that would grant them control over the entire urban space of Hamburg. This was already evident on Thursday night and by Friday afternoon it had become undeniable. The cops had prepared for people to be in one location: the fairgrounds. They would enclose people in their tiny castle, without calculating that people would go elsewhere. The courage of those fighting in the morning was impressive, but the amount of people fighting in the second wave was even more impressive. Very seldom does the communication and cooperation between different forces work as good as it did in these couple of days.

Here again in Arrivati Park, a few people have taken the initiative to fight back against the police provocation. They risk going out in the street, maybe someone throws a bottle at the water cannons. Banal and unimportant in this moment. The cops respond in the same fashion they always do: the water cannon sprays the people who are on the locked down street. Up above there are 2 bonus units staged in the direction of the rally. Someone else gets up and shoves a trashcan into the streets: another spritz from the water cannon, a couple more police batons. Somewhere the RT live-stream is running.

It’s early evening. We’re spent from hours and hours fighting on the streets. We head into the apartment. We come directly from the riot, we need a moment to rest. We look out the window: the water cannon revs its engine and sprays indiscriminately. In the apartment, we’re sitting on the sofa watching the live-stream with others. The live stream shows the Pferdemarkt: people are tipping over trash cans on the Schulterblatt. We lay down and eat something. After a half an hour of sleep, we look back at the live stream: on the Schulterblatt, people are throwing bottles at the police from all different sides, the water cannon is spraying in all directions, the mood seems to be escalating. Fuck it, we’re going out into the streets. We step outside the apartment and see dozens of people walking. We join them. At every intersection we gather more and more people. Soon hundreds of us are walking in the direction of Schulterblatt. It’s the absurd meta-level of our time. You fight, you look out the window and can see other people fighting and on the live-streams millions of other people see you take to the streets. Soon there are hundreds, even thousands of us walking together, ready to storm the Schanze district.

At the Schanze, where people and fire share the streets, something starts that we have not experienced in Germany before. We, the young generation, have never had such experience [Erfahrung]. In the Schanze, what we call politics- our identities, our actions- transforms into something that can best be described as a public conspiracy. It is not an insurrection, but just before one. It is a rebellion, an insurgency, initiated and defended by all of us who’ve been out on the streets for days now. The rebellion, however, is carried further by those attracted by the spectacle and by self-determination. This portion of society, having long ago been ostracized from it (ie. society) is lured by the promise of fighting against the cops. And that is exactly what happens in this instance. What began as a summit protest against the G20 becomes a revolt against the pigs, a social rebellion. In the glow of fire, everything becomes possible once again. The feeling of the riots, of self-determination was tangible for so many people. Of course, not seamlessly. But never so tangible as in this moment.

We take the Schulterblatt and hold it. Many different factors (the police protecting the concert of fools, too few police forces, people allegedly on the roof and on the scaffolding, the mixture between ‘us’ and everyone else becoming stronger) contribute to the district being completely ungovernable. Uncontrollable. It’s time for little girls to get themselves drinks from Rewe. Time for some dudes to try to work up to the cash box in the local bank. Time that we only made partial use of.

Every difference between ‘us’ and ‘them’ is dissolved. Not without contradiction. Not flawlessly. But more fluidly than we’d ever dreamed of seeing in Germany at this time. In the fights at the barricades, in the common sharing of champagne, we see differences disappear almost completely. The contempt for the authorities is visible in everyone’s eyes. Everybody’s doing it. You don’t have to sit in a plenum for months on end discussing this and that and then later discard the plans. You only have to look at your TV screen or your phone, come out and participate.

This is the big moment in Hamburg. We’ve stolen the show: the meeting of fools no longer receives attention. The social conflict takes center stage. The pent-up hatred for the police felt by an ever larger portion of the population, nourished over the course of a life time and incited repeatedly throughout the week finally forces its way out. The immiseration. The feeling, no, the knowledge, that this society has nothing left to offer. That we must take what belongs to us anyways.

The Rewe is looted. Everything for everybody!

Even if it felt like it for a couple hours, it wasn’t an insurrection. Our actions were too unplanned for that, too dependent on accidents from all sides. Not everybody in the streets wanted it. Dear readers, the vast majority is not ready for an insurrection. There’s too much fear about the individual consequences. It’s ok. Fear is a part of it as well. One day we hope to have more courage than fear.

Still there is much that we must learn. How to divvy up our forces better. How to think more strategically in an instance where there really is a zone, a territory that we want to defend. It was foreseeable that the cops would not have enough numbers, since their main priority was to protect the concert. Only the forces that weren’t defending the concert were available to attack. But there was certainly not enough to control everything else.

We should have forced our way further in the direction of the police station, in the direction of Stresemannstraße. Broaden the area under our control and use it as a potential gathering space. It seems absurd for us to hear people complain that sexist slogans were being shouted in the Schanze. As if we weren’t sexists, even if we claim the opposite, and do try to not be. But we are all free to discuss, to complain, to intervene and to agitate. We shouldn’t expect that people would be ‘perfect revolutionaries’ in such a situation. But we can explain that cops aren’t ‘cunts’, or that they’re shitty not because they’re cunts but because they’re cops. We told many people that bottles shouldn’t be thrown from 60 feet away, that you have to get closer to the police to throw them, otherwise they will hit other demonstrators. Almost everyone understood us. That being said, an unbelievable amount of people threw bottles, so many that we are happy to pay the price by feeling them break on our heads Next time we’ll wear a helmet

How we used to laugh when the old people told us how when they used to loot they would go for the high percentage booze first. Unimaginable. Now we know better, next time there will be champagne and beer, but no more drunk people throwing fire extinguishers into the burning barricades.

We don’t have much experience, there’s plenty of room for improvement. Build the barricades 3 meters in front of the resident’s cars, not next to them. This can make the difference between sympathy and rejection later. We won’t light any inhabited buildings on fire and will try to prevent others from doing so.

Almost exclusively chain stores were looted, stores that stood in solidarity with the protests were spared or defended without exception. We can only agree with our friends over at crimethinc: “Next time people open up a police-free zone, let’s fill it with the lives we all deserve.”

And to the barking dogs “Some have criticized the rioters who barricaded the Schanze district and drove out the police for hours as being ‘apolitical’, engaging in ‘mindless chaos’. On the contrary, nothing is more political than creating a space like this, in which we may once again become the protagonists of our own social and political lives rather than letting the authorities impose their order on us.”

Next time, we will get better. Try something out, fail, reflect, try again, fail again. This time was pretty good.

We’re walking home. On the way, a liquor store, beer. A pack of 100 Bavarian police are standing in the intersection without orientation, totally wiped out. The whole intersection cries out “All of Hamburg hates the police”. On any normal day, these police wouldn’t tolerate a single insult. Here everybody is throwing bottle caps, tobacco, garbage at them. People stand in front of the police and scream “Fuck off!” “Go back to bamburg”. The cops take off; their boss told them that another part of the city is burning. The person sitting next to us tells us that he speaks five different languages, but was never welcome here in Hamburg. Now he shows us a video he took on his phone of him throwing bottles at the cops.

Revolt, try new tactics, fail. Reflect, revolt again, try again, fail better.

This time we did pretty well. We’ll see you next time!

The invisible friends

Posted in ACAB, Fuck The Police, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Hamburg, Riots, Street Clashes

Eco-Fascist Groups Applaud ISIS, Murder of Heather Heyer & Publishers LBC (Mexico/USA)


Over a week ago, an article was posted on that reflected on an altercation between someone at the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair and people tabling with Little Black Cart (LBC). This article will not attempt to go into detail about the altercation, nor a background of eco-extremism, ITS, or past arguments about it. The point of this essay is brief, but we think it is important.

In the latest episode of the Brilliant, a podcast associated with LBC, the hosts lament on the lack of real world dialogue and discussion, specifically around eco-extremism. They contend that another website which has published two critiques of ITS; specifically how they have issued death threats against anarchists, claimed to have killed random people, use sexist and homophobic slurs, and have even left a bomb outside of a long running anarchist squat, are hall monitors that want to censor what people read, limit the terms of debate, frame who is good and bad, and more over, press impressionable young minds, referred to as “patsies” by the main show host, into attacking the people behind LBC.

Like Little Black Cart, we think dialog and free expression is important. We don’t think anyone should be censored, especially not radicals. In the spirit of free and open dialog we have taken it upon ourselves to help in the spreading of two recent translations about eco-extemism. We hope that everyone will find this interesting!

The first is from the eco-extremist blog “Maldicion Eco-Extremista,” which according to the editor of the Atassa journal, is one of the main blogs that he pulls from to do translations which are then published on, in the Atassa journal, and are shared on the Atassa Facebook page. This communique has not been posted yet – on any of the usual platforms. But, in the spirit of free speech, we have decided to help Atassa in their heavy work load. This is not the full translation, but if you are a real rebel and are truly a dangerous thought criminal, yet to be brainwashed by the Strugglismo ‘Social Justice Warrior’ “under his eye” regime, you can read it here – if you have the courage:

In this communique, eco-extremists give a big shout out to their friends in the US and name drop a couple of projects. It reads:

“It’s known by many that the writers and propagandists in the U.S. who identify with the tendency of eco-extremism have been growing during these recent moons, as have the many projects in those territories where the most courageous natives shared their surroundings with buffalos, eagles, elk, bears, salmon, etc.

The northern lands of the American continent are being won over by the tendency that moves away from political humanism and spits mockingly on hyper-moral civilized values.

It was obvious that the rabid followers of humanism would protest against the incorrect words and the “atrocious” acts of ITS in Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Brazil. Scared, they would whisper, “I hope ITS doesn’t come to the U.S.” and that’s what happened. ITS hasn’t come to the U.S., but (here is the “but”) little by little the most emblematic theorists of eco-extremism were arriving, who created publishing projects and put into circulation websites that reproduced the discourse against human progressivism.

The first sign we have to support this is the publication of Atassa magazine, the first issue of which was a tremendous blow for the humanist slanderers, demonstrating the arrival of eco-extremism to the U.S. The second issue will be a true earthquake for those same defamers of the tendency.

The Little Black Cart publishing house (LBC), has been responsible for launching and disseminating the magazine. The anarchist campaign against eco-extremism has centered on slandering its members, saying that LBC has links to ITS, something that is completely stupid, which shows the dirty tricks these sick leftists use who don’t know how to stop the advance of the tendency in their areas.

As is known, [the editor of Atassa] has worked publicly for some time, participating in radio shows, writing interesting reflections, recording audio and videos where he shows his feelings for the tendency (not for nothing is he the chief editor of Atassa magazine), becoming considered by many as a fierce defender of eco-extremism, without fear of paying the legal consequences that entails. [The editor] is undoubtedly the one who holds the reins of the theoretical part of the eco-extremist project in the north of the continent. His persistence and dedication is greatly valued.

Either way, incidents between eco-extremists and their allies with leftists anarchists will continue in the U.S., of that we are sure.

From Maldición Eco-extremista, may the theorists in those territories know that from many places in Latin Ameria we are following your work and appreciate that you are carrying on, despite knowing that you literally have a large majority of the anarcho-weeping movement against you, together with law enforcement agencies: STRENGTH!

With the Unknown on our side!

Encouraging bombs against the anarchist slanderers in Latin America!

Reddened knuckles against the heads of anarchists in the U.S.!”

Whoa! Such fierce and interesting words! I’m a get meh 10 copies!

Our next communiqué comes from some anarchist blog that is complaining about getting threats from an Eco-Extremist group for publishing critiques against them. So much for free speech! Feel free to read the entire blog entry here:

Also, on this post, the eco-extremist author takes credit for issuing the threats, saying they were just “mocking emails.” Don’t be a snowflake yo!:

“And it’s on several blogs that we were participating in one way or another in spreading these critiques [of ITS and eco-extremism] (translating, sending, publishing), we started to receive ridiculous threats from these people. In them, along with revealing information about compañeros, linking them with specific spaces in the struggle (and compromising their security and that of the spaces), they also delighted over attacks by the Islamic State in large European cities as well as over the death of our compañeros, for example Heather Heyer, who was fatally run over by neo-Nazis during a counter-protest in Charlottesville a few weeks ago.

Below I transcribe a fragment of one of those (intimidating?) messages that I received, as it seems particularly revealing. I did not transcribe it in full because in the unpublished part this gang of para-police blabbermouths share specific information about compañeros, informing on where the do their work or stopped doing their political work, and to spread it would compromise these people:

“(…) as the humanist anarchists in the U.S. were run over by neo-Nazis (both groups are cocksuckers), the Islamic State finally struck in Spain where you are, you son of a thousand whores!

While it’s true that neither of these acts were carried out by eco-extremists, it’s a sign of the wild curse that has fallen on you and your loved ones for defaming us. Be careful, shitty atheist, the ancestral spirits roam free and will torment you until your death!”

Damn, I could slice my cheese on that edge! Extra points for the witty patriarchal and homophobic slurs!

According to Little Black Cart, those that are critical of eco-extremism and their publishing and promotion of their content, are trying to green light violence against them. This is untrue. We do not wish to fight people with LBC, nor do we wish to encourage violence against them. We simply want to be able to be critical of eco-extremism, and by extension ask why LBC wants to be associated with groups that try and kill our friends, especially knowing straight from the horse’s mouth, that eco-extremists appreciate all their hard work. Isn’t open dialog what LBC says it wants?

In the face of this, anarchists across North and South American have gotten death threats. ITS has also attempted to kill anarchists at the Okupa Che squat in Mexico. For us, these acts are real and material things, and the implications of them deserve a broad discussion.

Lastly, we are sharing a meme that was posted on the main eco-extremist website, that mocks the death of antifascist Heather Heyer in Charlottesville. Move over Alt-Right!

(via Indybay)

Posted in Analysis, Eco-extremist Tendency, Eco-Fascism, Heather Heyer, Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS), Little Black Cart (LBC), Mexico, USA

USA: Support the Bloomington ABC Anarchist Prisoner War Fund! (Eng/Esp)




Since October 2015, Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross has been providing consistent  monthly funds to anarchist prisoners throughout the United States via our Anarchist Prisoner War Fund. We are now asking for help keeping this project going strong into the future.

We have specifically chosen comrades who were receiving very little money or support from the outside, who have no familial support, or who were otherwise in need of monetary aid. These funds have been essential when some comrades did stints in solitary due to activities surrounding the September 9th prison strike, aiding their survival in the most oppressive conditions. We also emphasize support for rebellious prisoners who have maintained the struggle behind the walls. We want to make it clear to our comrades in prison and those taking action on the outside that they can continue to struggle without fear of abandonment if they are caught.

Currently, we provide $40 each month to five anarchist prisoners:

  • Michael Kimble, a gay, Black anarchist and long-time prison rebel imprisoned for the self-defense killing of a racist homophobe.
  • Sean Swain, an anarchist prison rebel in Ohio.
  • Eric King, an anarchist doing 10 years for attempting to firebomb a Congressman’s office in solidarity with the Ferguson rebellion.
  • Jennifer Gann, an anarchist trans woman and long-time prison rebel in California.
  • Andy H., a local anarchist comrade in prison for assaulting a cop.
  • In addition, we have sent substantial amounts of money to other comrades and projects on a temporary basis: Casey Brezik, the Cleveland 4, Marius Mason, prison rebels facing repression for organizing and revolt, an anarchist social space in Malaysia in need of repairs after a fire, and imprisoned fighters of other social struggles.

Thus far, we have raised this ourselves through fundraising, exclusively through the support of local friends and comrades. This constant need for funds means our other efforts (two prison zine distros, a monthly anti-prison info night, letter writing events, a widely-distributed prison newsletter, correspondence and visits with our imprisoned comrades, sending monthly packages of zines and books to anarchist prisoners, maintaining anarchist infrastructure in Bloomington, etc) sometimes have to take a backseat. We live in a small town, and the pool of people willing to give money to anarchist prisoners isn’t large. In an effort to alleviate this, we’re asking people elsewhere to help us keep the War Fund going.

All money sent to us will go directly to imprisoned comrades:  consistently to those on our list, and periodically to others who need it.

If we can meet our goal, we will begin sending consistent funds to additional imprisoned comrades.

We thank anyone who donates, and we carry forth the promise of expanding and deepening our efforts to set our comrades free and destroy the  prison society that keeps us all confined.

Bloomington ABC




Desde octubre del 2015, la Cruz Negra Anarquista de Bloomington ha estado proporcionando fondos mensuales a lxs presxs anarquistas en todo Estados Unidos a través de nuestro Fondo de Guerra para lxs Prisionerxs Anárquicxs. Ahora estamos pidiendo ayuda para mantener fuerte este proyecto para el futuro.

Hemos escogido específicamente a compañerxs que estaban recibiendo muy poco dinero o apoyo del exterior, que no tienen apoyo familiar, o que necesitaban ayuda monetaria. Estos fondos han sido esenciales cuando algunos compañerxs se quedaron solxs debido a las acciones que rodearon la huelga de la prisión el 9 de septiembre, ayudando a su supervivencia en las condiciones más opresivas. También hacemos hincapié en el apoyo a lxs prisionerxs rebeldes que han mantenido la lucha detrás de los muros. Queremos dejar en claro a nuestrxs compañerxs de prisión y a aquellxs que actúan en el exterior que pueden seguir luchando sin miedo al abandono si son atrapadxs.

Actualmente, proporcionamos $ 40 cada mes a cinco prisionerxs anarquistas:

  • Michael Kimble, gay, anarquista afroamericano y rebelde prisionero de larga condena, encarcelado haber asesinado, en autodefensa, a un racista homofóbico.
  • Sean Swain, un anarquista rebelde de la prisión en Ohio.
  • Eric King, un anarquista condenado a 10 años por intentar incendiar una oficina del Congreso en solidaridad con la rebelión de Ferguson.
  • Jennifer Gann, una mujer anarquista trans y rebelde prisionera de larga condena en California.
  • Andy H., un compañero anarquista local en prisión por agredir a un policía.

Además, hemos enviado cantidades sustanciales de dinero a otrxs compañerxs y proyectos temporales: Casey Brezik, Cleveland 4, Marius Mason, rebeldes encarceladxs frente a la represión por pertenecer a una organización ó revuelta, un espacio social anarquista en Malasia que necesita reparaciones después de un incendio, y luchadorxs encarceladxs de otras luchas sociales.

Hasta ahora, hemos financiado esto nosotrxs mismxs a través de la recaudación de fondos, exclusivamente a través del apoyo de amigxs y compañerxs locales. Esta necesidad de fondos constante es para también otros esfuerzos (dos distribuidoras de zine anticarcelarios, una noche de información mensual anticarcelaria, eventos para escribir cartas, un boletín de la prisión ampliamente distribuido, la correspondencia y las visitas a nuestrxs compañerxs anarquistas encarceladxs, el mantenimiento de la infraestructura anarquista en Bloomington, etc) que a veces tienen que pasar a un segundo plano. Vivimos en una pequeña ciudad, y el grupo de personas dispuestas a dar dinero a lxs prisionerxs anarquistas no es grande. En un esfuerzo para aliviar esto, les estamos pidiendo a otras personas que nos ayuden a mantener el Fondo de Guerra.

Todo el dinero enviado a nosotrxs irá directamente a lxs compañerxs encarceladxs: consistentemente a lxs de nuestra lista, y periódicamente a otrxs que lo necesiten.

Si podemos cumplir con nuestro objetivo, comenzaremos a enviar fondos consistentes a otrxs compañerxs encarceladxs.

Agradecemos a todxs lxs que donan y llevan adelante la promesa de expandir y profundizar nuestros esfuerzos para liberar a nuestrxs compañerxs y destruir la sociedad carcelaria que lxs mantienen confinadxs.

C.N.A. Bloomington

(traducción por Instinto Salvaje)


Posted in Anarchist Black Cross, Anarchist Prisoners, Bloomington, Eric King, Fundraiser, Jennifer Gann, Michael Kimble, Prison Struggle, Sean Swain, USA

USA: Banner Drops in NYC in Commemoration of the Attica Uprising & the Prison Strike

12Received on 14.09.17:

In Commemoration of the Attica Uprising and the Prison Strike

By The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement – NYC

For the anniversary of the Attica uprising, and the one year anniversary of the 2016 nationwide prison strike, we dropped two banners in Queens by the Department of Corrections. We call on all those engaged in the revolutionary and anti-fascist struggle to join us in the fight for abolition.

On this anniversary revolutionaries are in a battle against the far right. The white nationalist movement now sits at the helm of state power, and once again, America’s racist foundation is laid bare for the world to see. As we look back to the Attica uprising and the remarkable prison strike, and acknowledge the political tenor of the time, we should note that the MAGA supporter, or the Klansman are not fringe anomalies in the US, but they are the essence of America itself. These moments of revolt, then, are monuments to our historical resistance against slavery and slave society. Attica, like all prisons, and Trump’s campaign, like all US political campaigns, are rooted in a fundamental anti-blackness that makes the political and social system in America operational. To end this system of slavery we must look to the Attica uprising and the prison strike as concrete examples of revolutionary potential.

On September 9, 1971 prisoners in the notorious Attica “Correctional” Facility revolted in the face of continued mistreatment and horrendous conditions. The prison uprising turned into a hostage negotiation, not for the prisoner’s freedom, but for the most modest demands: better treatment. The basis of the demands – to be treated like men not “beasts” – articulated the very demand which could never be met. Dehumanization is the sole purpose of the prison system, and one of the main instruments white supremacy uses to maintain its dominance.

Elliott James “L.D.” Barkley, the young negotiator for the uprising, knew that the possibility of not resolving this situation well, “threatens the lives of not only us [prisoners], but of each and every one of you, as well.” In a horrendous reassertion of authority’s dominion, and to tragically confirm Barkley’s assertion, officers shot Barkley in the back.

Almost half a century later in 2016, with the spectre of the massacre at Attica still haunting every penal institution in America, inmates bravely proclaimed that prison is, in fact, modern day slavery, and must be combated as such. On Sept 9th, they launched a nationwide prison strike – the largest in US history — that spread to 46 facilities. The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement would like to pay homage to the rebels from Kinross facility to Holman in Alabama. We acknowledge the strikes importance and significance for the revolutionary movement, and the war against slavery, which is a mainstay of American society, will continue indefinitely.

We salute these brave inmates from Attica to the 2016 prison strike, and salute all the prison rebels who have fought against the white supremacist prison system. Those who fight while inside are fighting for everyone, and battling in the most draconian conditions. Let us join them in their bravery, and take lessons from their actions as we engage in a shared revolutionary struggle. If we are to succeed as anti-fascists, we must also be abolitionists. If we are to be abolitionists, we must destroy the prison, burn down the plantation, and abolish the state that constructed them.

Prisons are slavery!

Bail is ransom!

Let the crops rot in the fields!

Burn down the American plantation!

Posted in Against Prison Slavery: Nationwide Prisoner Strike Sept 9, 2016, Antifascism, Attica Uprising, Banners, New York City, Prison Strike, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), USA