
Anews podcast – episode 14, June 2nd, 2017

  • Posted on: 5 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 14 for June 2nd. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

Editorial – Hope?

TOTW – Where?

Introduction to Anarchy:
What about mobility over distances in an anarchist situation?
this podcast

Introducing Plain Words

  • Posted on: 4 January 2017
  • By: thecollective

Plain Words is a website that seeks to spread news and analyses of interest to anarchists, radicals, and others in struggle in and around Bloomington, Indiana.

All texts and images posted on Plain Words are submitted to us by others unless otherwise noted. We are not an organization or specific group, but simply a vehicle for spreading the words and actions of others.


Indiscriminate Anarchists

  • Posted on: 14 December 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

In anticipation of the publication of issue 1 of Atassa: Readings in Eco-extremism, we offer this free translation from the issue originally published in Spanish in Regresión 5 in October 2015. Further information about Atassa and its availability can be found at atassa.wordpress,com.


How I dream sometimes of a world all in harmony: each tendency based in its own initiative, without clashing with another; without humiliating themselves, in order to be stronger tomorrow, when we should all run toward the great battle of the revolution! But all of that is only a dream.”

Anarchy Radio 11-15-2016

  • Posted on: 15 November 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Kathan co-hosts and reports on awesome Portland resistance ($1 million
damages Nov. 11). Ayahuasca: a consumer fad? Hydro power = mercury
poisoning. The South is burning. Polluted Danube, need for our own resources
health-wise, not techno "solutions." Artificial daylight. Bank of No Money touts
autonomy, not leftoid organization fetish. Action news, one call.

PLAY: A Call for Submissions for the Next Issue of Perspectives

  • Posted on: 9 June 2016
  • By: NorthSiders

PLAY: A Call for Submissions for the Next Issue of Perspectives

Are you an organizer or activist currently engaged in movement work? Are you interested in taking time to reflect on the lessons and ideals of this work in order to help advance anarchist praxis? Are you a self-taught thinker with a particular interest or expertise in some aspect of radical history or practice? Are you willing to share your insights to contribute to our collective memory? Do you have ideas, experiences, or questions that you would like to develop and share with a wider audience?

What Is Anarchism? (1-3)

  • Posted on: 15 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


At the beginning of each issue of The Transmetropolitan Review we have provided a brief explanation of what anarchism is. Too long have our detractors, infiltrators, the media, the police, and rich kids have been the ones explaining what anarchism is to the public. In each issue, we have aimed to keep our definitions simple, to combine the words of anarchists throughout time and synthesize their thoughts into something short and easy to understand. This is an unending effort, and anarchist pedagogy is notoriously slow. But out goal remains to spread anarchism, and so we present you with the first three definitions of anarchism, originally released in the fall-winter of 2015-2016 in the Seattle region. Around 700 issues of each paper were printed, and each issue has received around 1000 views on this website. We encourage other anarchists to engage in similar projects in their respective regions. At this moment of electoral narcosis and confusion, we must remind people of the beautiful idea and what it can offer to this bruised and battered world.

Lost Maps Distro Seeks Submissions

  • Posted on: 14 November 2014
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Lost Maps is a super fledgling distro looking for submissions and to build up the content it carries.

Here's the description & contact:

The Lost Maps Distro distributes zines, prints & media projects that explore folklore, literature, culture, geography, documentary and community history through a radical lens. All of these items are purchaseable through our Etsy and through tabling.

If you’re interested in distributing your zine or media project through Lost Maps, email us at lostmaps at riseup dot net.