
Anarchy Radio 06-27-2017

  • Posted on: 28 June 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Cops kill more blacks, dope epidemic rages, lethal heat waves e.g. in Southwest
(street signs melt, jets can't lift off, AC fails, homeless die). My ten days in Italy.
Lake Chad almost gone, democracy in death throes? Nihilism leads to ITS fetish?
2/3 of all traffic deaths due to road rage. Cars, homes are traps for toxic air. Com-
pletely baseless tech claims, Girl Scouts to become cyber cops. Binky: the app that does
nothing. One call.


Anarchy Radio 05-30-2017

  • Posted on: 30 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Listen Here: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio05302017

"Nihilist" attack on Portland light-rail, two dead. Ads of the week. Everything is online -
and often failing, paralyzing major services. OD's under-reported, mass shootings con-
tinue. Birds, sea life steadily poisoned. Second Livestock, latest GMO madness, robot-
ics for babies. Paul Kingsnorth: "Most of us don't want to change much."(!) Kathan, Cliff,
Ian next week (June 6). International action reports, two calls.


Anarchy Radio 05-16-2017

  • Posted on: 16 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio05162017
Kathan co-hosts. Global hack by wannacry: no place to hide. Telehealth: be a
virtual patient. Accelerationism. Murder of a young woman - latest fascist path-
ology from ITS. Invisible Committee gets it re: technology; Adbusters does NOT.
Shootings, oceans awash with plastic, coffee shops drop wi-fi. Action briefs, 3 calls.

Anarchy Radio 05-09-2017

  • Posted on: 9 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio05092017

The Great French election abstention. Further sickening ITS garbage:
kill all hikers! Domestication is here to stay! Can't go back! Chronic misery
of civilization, arctic melting faster, "alarming" Long Island water crisis,
record heat in US SouthWest, opioid epidemic worsens. Indian anthro-
pologist regrets his role in domesticating Andaman Islanders. Resistance
news, Feral Futures in SW Colorado, June 17-25.


Anarchy Radio 05-02-2017

  • Posted on: 2 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio05022017

May Day action! ITS #28 and Wandering Cannibals proclaim hate and death for all humans - except themselves. Humans in So. Cal. 130,000 years ago. "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning (Online)," "Pope Tells Tech Leaders to Nurture Ties With Others." More extinctions, power outages, shootings, anxiety "disorders." Head of AMA: tech HARMS patients. Resistance news, three calls.

Anarchy Radio 04-25-2017

  • Posted on: 25 April 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio04252017

Anti-fa? Yes, but...Zombies of the week. Documenta 14/postmodernity/March
for Science. No more play for kindergartners, groundwater going. Acid attacks
on big rise in UK. More nightclubs are anti-cell phone. Website best way to con-
nect with ill friend. Where's the post-left, anti-civ pulse of anarchy?? Latest from
The Brilliant. "Panic Attack": "society is a stew of unease, fear, rage, grief, help-
lessness and humiliation." Action briefs, three calls.

Anarchy Radio 04-18-2017

  • Posted on: 18 April 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://www.radiofreeamerica.com/show/anarchy-radio-kwva-eugene

Kathan co-hosts. KZ reflects on the 47th anniversary of her felony arrest
and the course of her life. More on anti-fa as a weak, lowest-common-denominator
liberal approach. More spills, shootings. Earth Day?? "France in the End of Days."
"How Western Civilization Could Collapse" (BBC). The ever greater lies and swindle
of technology, its ever greater colonization and reach. Resistance news, one call.


03-14-2017 Anarchy Radio

  • Posted on: 14 March 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio03142017

Kathan co-hosts. Portland's anarchist pothole brigade. Alexander Kerensky in 1917 and 1966. Ted K's new book: Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How. James Oberhelm, Irish art provocateur. Who's voting anymore? London air worse than Beijing's. Alaska's Cook Inlet gas line leaking since December. The Void: "truly beyond VR." Action news, one call.

Anarchy Radio 02-21-2017

  • Posted on: 21 February 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio02212017

Kathan co-hosts. How urbanism fails globally. How fixating on Trump fuels
science and technology. Homo Deus, another hideous, tech-worshipping book.
Scurvy makes a comeback in a disease-ridden world. Older Americans hooked
on mind drugs. Elon Musk on human-machine interface: needed to keep up!
Are egoists and nihilists anarchist? Resistance briefs, three calls.

12-06-2016 Anarchy Radio

  • Posted on: 6 December 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio12062016

Cliff co-hosts. Standing Rock update. "crazy ants" attack technology, Kafka tells the way out.
Millions of dead trees. "Primitive Technology" on YouTube. Great Barrier Reef in trouble, 30th
anniversary of Declaration of the Right to Development, "virtual love beats the real thing" for
some Japanese. Trees make for bad air in cities. Anarchist actions, three calls.

