The Brilliant

The Brilliant podcast: Episode 30 - Season Two

  • Posted on: 26 August 2016
  • By: aragorn

From The Brilliant

This is the first episode of Season Two of the Brilliant podcast (aka episode 30). In this new season we are going to split up the podcast into several different, but parallel projects. The first is a podcast conversation with Bellamy. This will be familiar in form and energy to Season One. The second is a different kind of a conversation (more of an interview) spread out over a year with Isaac Cronin, an influential figure in Bay Area post-situationist. We will cover most of the peaks and valleys of a life lived radically. The third is a series of interviews about infrastructure. How one becomes a provider of it. How one transverses the gap between DIY culture & education and becoming a practitioner. How the things one does as a j.o.b. is and is not relevant to the project of building for a qualitatively different world. Finally there may be some readings of obscure but relevant & interesting texts.

The Brilliant podcast: Episodes 25-29

  • Posted on: 1 August 2016
  • By: aragorn

Here are the last five episodes of season one of The Brilliant podcast. They were mostly recorded at the end of March, so obviously are a little bit dated, but only a little. Most of the themes we discuss here are still relevant and topical but here is where we were at four months ago. Since these recordings we have had adventures and begun season two of this podcast. These will be worked on over the next few weeks and will available in August.

These were made possible by the hard work of Linn O'Mable.

The Brilliant - Episode Thirteen: Your Joy is so Bourgeois

  • Posted on: 3 December 2015
  • By: aragorn

From The Brilliant

In this episode of the Brilliant, we begin by discussing briefly what made us first call ourselves anarchists: Aragorn! talks about being realistic by demanding the impossible while Bellamy almost mistakes the episode for a therapy session. We then spend a good bit of time on the Paris attacks, an effort which mutates into a discussion about how we frame analyses of distant events. Finally, we use a thoughtful and lengthy critical e-mail from a listener as a point from which to wander through the subjects of revolution, “changing the world”, pessimism versus passivity, and the meaning of joy.

The Brilliant - Episode Twelve: To Put it Delicately

  • Posted on: 22 November 2015
  • By: aragorn

In this episode, we respond to some of the wonderful feedback, suggestions, and questions we've received from listeners – there is actually so much that we weren't able to get to all of it in this episode and will follow up on it in the next. We are asked about issues of race; discuss how we have very different backgrounds related to this issue; and end up talking about the importance of, and our frustration with, the way discussions of race are framed in North America. Bellamy addresses some feedback about how FRR was better than his current podcast, leading A! to talk about what it looks like to do meaningful projects in our context. A! responds to criticism of an essay he wrote in the past, connecting it to genocide. Finally, Bellamy escapes a dramatically read critique by filibustering.

The Brilliant - Episode Eleven: Revolution

  • Posted on: 12 November 2015
  • By: aragorn

From The Brilliant

This episode we begin an examination about revolution where B ends up falling on the "working with small groups" and A! falls on "anarchist space is good" side of the conversation. We also talk about some listener feedback about the Midwest and some about how A! is some kind of a social scientist and shit. Especially the shit part.

Recorded on November 6th 2015

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The Brilliant - Episode Nine: The People

  • Posted on: 3 November 2015
  • By: aragorn

This episode features Crimethinc. and their To Change Everything tour. We try to turn the conversation into a condemnation on humanism to limited success. We do ask some questions that others may have more complete answers to than we did in this conversation. Obviously we are thankful to Crimethinc for bringing their guests to our neck of the woods to entertain and beguile us with how wonderful other places are. We also respond to some more feedback including a correction from Resonance Audio and more anthropology feedback.