cover of issue

July/August 2017

Available only in the print edition:

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    An Empire Upside Down

    Christy Thornton

    The new directions in Trump’s approach to Latin America reveal the changed status of U.S. influence in the region. | Order this issue or subscribe.

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    If Corporations Are People, What Kind of People Are They?

    Geoff Schneider

    Brief descriptions of psychopathic behavior by corporate “people.” | Order this issue or subscribe.

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    Climate Change, Imperialism, and Democracy

    Questions and answers with Liz Stanton

    A climate economist talks about how climate change is related to global inequalities in wealth and power. | Order this issue or subscribe.

  • the regulars

    • editors’ note “Thus Has It Always Been, and Thus Shall It Ever Be”
    • the short run
    • comment A Flying Public Finally Erupts
    • up against the wall st. journal Dissing the Disabled
    • economy in numbers A Future for Growth, If We Choose It
    • ask dr. dollar What Would a Progressive Trade Policy Look Like?