Happy Day! Jared Kushner Has Made Yip Yap Words, With His Face!

Will you find his voice soothing? CLICK TO FIND OUT! In this OPEN THREAD!
How can we be lovers if we can't be friends?

Erick Erickson Decries Incivility, Says Mean Liberals Are Actual ISIS

Erick Erickson is back in over-reaction.

Dear Louise Mensch, Please Do Not Lawsplain To Preet Bharara

of all the lawyers in the world...

Supreme Court Would Like A Word With The Mapfuckers!

Supreme Court notices that Republican gerrymandering might be PART OF THE PROBLEM.

Technology Will Save Us All: Rich Asshole Edition

We have solved all our real problems and moved on to the made-up ones

Donald Trump Not Under Investigation Yes He Is No He Isn’t GO FUCK YOURSELF SHUT UP

It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is.

A Plan, A Canal, A Fucking Idiot

Able was he ere he saw his ass from his elbow.

Guess Sheriff David Clarke Will Only Kill People In Milwaukee, Not Whole Country, Darn.

We probably haven't heard the last of David Clarke, especially if there's a TV camera within 20 miles.

These Dickhead Karen Handel Videos Will Help You Decide To Vote For Jon Ossoff

The election is Tuesday! Do Georgia voters really want this asshole lady in Congress?

Maybe If Everyone Murdered Everyone We Wouldn’t Need Politics

This week is off to a terrible start.

London Having Fucking TERRIBLE Year. Wonkagenda For Mon., June 19, 2017

Trump's lawyer thinks you should ignore his tweets, John Ossoff's race is getting dirty, and Megyn Kelly is MEAN to Alex Jones. Your morning news brief!
Princess Sunbutt Will Rise Again!

Deleted Comments: Yankees Too Dumb To Know They Stoled Old Glory From The Confederate Flag!

It's hard to keep a proud neo-Confederate down -- or out of the comments on an article from two years ago.

Open Thread: It’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ But For MEN.

'All I said was she looked like she could take a dick! It's a compliment!'

Judge Declares Mistrial After Some Jury Members Still Unsure That Bill Cosby Is A Rapist

Juries are terrible and our justice system is broken.

Donald Trump’s Presidency Is Making His Bank Account Great Again, Reports Confirm

Who is suing the president today? It is EVERYBODY! HOORAY!

Pizzagate Idiots Yell At Shakespeare For Murdering Donald Trump And Steve Scalise

Last night, two morons decided to attend the thee-ay-ter. It did not go well.

America: Still Really Fucking Racist

Really, really fucking racist.

Your Weekly Top Ten Is In Gay Love With Kamala Harris And Martin Heinrich


Oh No Megyn Kelly, Alex Jones GOTCHA’D Your GOTCHA! (Not A Euphemism)

This may not match the excitement of 'Al Capone's Vault.' But it will match the excitement of AN OPEN THREAD!!

Trump Lawyer Hires Lawyer Who Hires Lawyer Who Hires Lawyer Who Hires Lawyer Who

YOU get a lawyer! And YOU get a lawyer! EVERYBODY GETS A LAWYER!

Republicans To Fix Healthcare By Finding Solution To Fix It. You’ll Really Want To Read This One.

Republicans' case for rewriting healthcare might be stronger if they had a case.