Posts Tagged ‘Poznan’

Antifa demo in Poznan (Poland)

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

This is short video from antifascist protest in Poznan, clashes with fascists.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Poznan: “Nationalism Shall Not Pass!” (Poland)

Friday, April 21st, 2017

On Saturday, April 8, a demonstration “Nationalism shall not pass” was organized by an anarchist collective Rozbrat[1], in Poznan. The protest was organized as an opposition to the growing wave of hatred, xenophobia, racism and homophobia. The goal was to show this wave as a result of the exploitation of the capitalism. The demonstration was supported by various groups and organizations, such as foreigners living in Poznan, feminist and LGBTQIA + organizations, the academic community and people of culture. There was approximately 800 people participating. The demonstration started in the city center, next to the one of the shopping centers where the racist attack on a Polish citizen of Syrian origin had taken place a few months ago. After reading off the statements “Nationalism shall not pass” and “Students and academics of Adam Mickiewicz University against nationalism and racism”, the demonstration was attacked by a few nationalists. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Shipyard workers and Anarchists clash with police in Poznan (Poland)

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

Clashes in Poznan over fired workers

Clashes in Poznan over fired workers

On 23rd October almost 4,000 workers from different trade unions took part in a demonstration in defence of their workplaces. About 500 people are going to be fired from the Cegielski factory due to the so-called economic crisis. Anarchists and members of anarcho-syndicalist trade union Wokers’ Initiative also took part in the protest.

The demonstrtors first gathered on the premises of the factory and then moved towards the Provincial Office. The bloc of Workers’ Initiative and Sierpien ’80 together with the anarchists was chanting slogans such as “Government out to the pavement, paving stones on the government”, “One, two, three, four, stop those damn dismissals”, “A worker dismissed, a boss hanged”, “Capitalism isn’t working! factories under the control of workers” etc. Rhythms of Resistance samba group from Poznan supported the demo with their rhythms. A banner saying “A worker dismissed, a boss hanged” was dropped from one building on the route of the demo.

When the demonstration reached the Provincial Office, the leaders of Solidarnosc trade union (which organized the demonstration) were declaring a radical fight in defence of the workplaces and even “burning the office”, at the same time they were buring car tyres. When the anarchists joined the shipyard workers in the back of the office building clashes with the police broke out, then the shipyard workers retreated as they were told to by their leaders.

After the demonstration had finished, the cops on horses surrounded a group of anarchists and WI activists, also those from Cegielski factory and took their I.D.s. At the same time one of the WI activists interrupted a live TV interview given by the boss of Solidarnosc and said “The members of our union are being nicked over there, and people from Solidarnosc are doing nothing about it, where is your solidarity??!!”. This event was trasmitted live to the public TV news. None of the demonstrators was arrested. Three cops and one unionist got injured and hospitalized.

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Posted in Autonomy, Direct Action