Posts Tagged ‘Portugal’

New Counter-Info – Tormentas de Fogo (Portugal)

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

New counter-information site ‘Tormentas de Fogo‘, translating news and articles from Spanish, Portuguese and English:

Letter from anarchist prisoner Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda – Chile.



Essa publicação reúne algumas ofensivas anárquicas dentro e fora das cadeias, contra a desprezível reunião dos vinte chefes de estado mais poderosos do mundo.

Algumas palavras de provocação… Não tão somente…

A energia caótica mantém a chama da anarquia queimando. As ações transcritas nessas linhas são recebidas por nós calorosamente. Todavia estas práticas não se encerram apenas na nossa memória, mas encontram solo fértil em nossas mentes e corações. Portanto não se trata de contemplar o passado, mas vivê-lo intensamente durante o presente.

Uma cronologia para continuar…

A visão transmitida é bastante nítida: nós não esperaremos pela próxima cúpula. Essa publicação celebra a rebelião, procurando manter pulsante a paixão demolidora pela total liberdade.

Da leitura… Até a cumplicidade…

Tormentas de Fogo

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Posted in Autonomy

Lisbon: Gathering 24/03 at the Spanish consulate in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Portugal)

Monday, March 21st, 2016


For the State, terrorists are those that endanger its interests. Fed up with this reality of fear, corruption, police abuses, media manipulation, some decide not to give up, and fight. For this they are persecuted.

Thursday 24th March at 17:30
Consulate General of Spain
3, Salitre St., Lisbon

We gather to oppose the parody trial against the anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar.




-via contrainfo

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Invitation for the Fair of Subversive Editions in Lisbon (Portugal)

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

2nd Fair of Subversive Editions

On September 25, 26, and 27, in Lisbon, the 2nd Fair of Subversive Editions will return. We want this to once again be an open space for debate and the exchange of ideas critical of this reality we wish to subvert. We continue to believe that books, magazines, periodicals, zines, music, video, and debates are still important vehicles in the assault on this society that we reject, and in the search for alternatives that free us from the relations of domination it is based on. If you participate in a publishing group, bookstore, distro of subversive and non-party material, we invite you to come and participate.

To reserve your space at the Fair of Subversive Editions contact: mostradedicoesubversivas@riseup.net


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Posted in Autonomy

6th Anarchist Bookfair – Lisbon – 24th, 25th, 26th of May 2013 (Portugal)

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

We’re back!

Here comes the 6th Anarchist Bookfair, which will take place on the 24th, 25th and 26th of May 2013 in Lisbon at the Amigos do Minho (in Intendente), with the every year renovated goal of creating an autonomous space, open to all, for the dissemination and discussion of the anarchist ideas.

In this year’s program of the Bookfair, besides the usual stalls, two debates are scheduled. On one hand, we want to discuss the actuation and limitations of the media industry and its possible alternatives. On the other, we’ll debate the role of libraries as a privileged space for meeting, reflection, discussion and sharing.

It is intended that the Bookfair incentives the edition of books and other anarchist publications and its reading. We continue to believe that anarchy is the alternative to the violence of the state, the arrogance of the capital, the “progress” of the technique and the damages of subservient journalism.


feiradolivroanarquista (at) gmail (dot) com

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Posted in Autonomy

CNT update of 14 November General Strike (Spain, Southern Europe)

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

From Tarcoteca:

CNT update pickets around the Spanish state. The general trend: fairly quiet day in many cities and fulfilling the goal of stopping the activity in the industrial areas and major markets. Widespread impact of the pickets also in the city centers. Massive demonstrations followed in the afternoon. Anti-repressive alert in Logroño and Granada!

Translation from: CNT, Cobertura informativa: General Strike 14N

Portugal, Lisbon – Clashes outside parliament

Italy – Revolt Everywhere, Freedom for All!

Spain, Pontevedra : Sabotage of ATMs

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Posted in Direct Action

"Tattoo" by Landeg White

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

This poem is released for the date of the combative November 14 2012 general strike called for the entire southern european area. This is a general strike that has heard a specific call to go beyond simply one day of refusal, towards an entire rejection of the manufactured crisis of capitalism. For insurrection and the destruction of the existent.

(to the sound of Greek bagpipes)

Today, the Greek Government
executed by firing squad
1000 pensioners, along
with 2000 workers, as part
of a package of financial
reforms, to reassure
the markets and permit
the Troika to release one
more tranch of the bail-out.

How one feels for the victims
In all this, the bankers
criminalised, shorn
of bonuses, the markets
bearish, nervous as
kittens, the green back,
the pound, the tsunami
floating yen, scurrying
between time-sealed

vaults and safe-havens,
exposed to the sniping
of credit default swaps
as Molotov cocktails
rain down relentlessly
from Fitch’s, Moody’s,
and S.& P.’s. Will
the friendly Troika
contrive fresh reforms?

Will our young friend,
the euro, be vaporised?
Growth is a must, come
what may, be it 3000
health workers hung,
drawn and quartered,
4000 firemen burned
at the stake, even
the odd politician garrotted.

Landeg White

Landeg White is a scholar, translator, novelist and poet, who has taught at universities in Trinidad, Malawi, Sierra Leone, the University of the West Indies, Trinidad, the University of Malawi and was the Director of the Centre for South African Studies at York University. Among his various books are studies of V.S. Naipaul, of Mozambican and Malawian history, and of southern African praise poetry, together with five collections of poems. His translation of Camoes’ ‘The Lusiads’ won the Texeira Gomes prize for 1998. His most recent book is “Studying to be Singular: John Gabriel Stedman, 1744-1797”.


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Posted in Library

How George Wright Became a 'Convicted Murderer' Without Having Committed the Crime (USA, Portugal)

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Written by George Pumphrey, Berlin, Germany.

When news broke that, at the request of the US government, Portugal had arrested George Wright (Jose Luis Jorge dos Santos), a Portuguese citizen, for consideration of his extradition to the United States for having escaped prison, there was an air of the spectacular in the news articles. The accent in many articles was on the arrest of a “convicted murderer,” who had been a fugitive for 40 years.

George Wright had escaped from the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, N.J., in 1970, where he had served more than seven years of a 15 – 30 year prison sentence for murder. It was also reported – almost in passing – that Wright and four other Afro-Americans had hijacked a Delta Airlines jet from the US to Algeria in 1972 with a ransom of $1 million destined to the foreign section of the Black Panther Party located in Algeria. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

About the arrest of the Afro-American George Wright, Black Revolutionary (Portugal)

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

325 receives and transmits:

The US-Justice System is Seeking Revenge

This week, on the basis of press agency information, ND (“Neues Deutschland”) reported that a “wanted criminal” – wanted since breaking out of a US prison – had been apprehended in Portugal. George Pumphrey, a US-American with French citizenship, living in Berlin, knows the “criminal” George Wright. Roland Etzel interviewed Pumphrey.

?? Where did you first encounter George Wright?

It was in Paris. I had fled to Paris because of political and racist persecution in my country. George Wright, along with four other Afro-Americans had hijacked a jetliner from the USA to Algeria and later came to Paris. A French underground organization, that aided national liberation movements in the “Third World”, had supported us, which is how we met. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

George Wright, a Murderer? A closer look at the Plea-Bargaining aspect of the US Judicial System (USA)

Friday, December 9th, 2011

From solidariedadejorgedossanto(at)gmail.com:

By George Pumphrey, Berlin, Germany.

Many news articles had an aura of the “spectacular” in their reporting on Portugal’s arrest of the Portuguese citizen, Jose Luis Jorge Dos Santos (George Wright), at the request of the US government for consideration of his extradition to the United States. The articles placed their accent on the arrest of a “convicted murderer,” who had been a fugitive for 41 years.

Portuguese police arrested Jose Luis Jorge Dos Santos, earlier known as George Wright, September 26, 2011. In 1970, after serving eight of a 15 – 30 year sentence, Wright, along with three other inmates escaped from the Bayside minimum security prison facility in Leesburg N.J. According to the media, US officials are allegedly seeking to have Wright return “to serve the remainder of a 15- to 30-year jail sentence for the killing of Walter Patterson,” during a 1962 gas station hold-up in New Jersey. (One must add “allegedly,” because the media quotes no specific US official alleging that this is the sole or even the main reason for their seeking his return.)

In 1972, Wright, and 4 other Afro-American (taking along 3 children), hijacked a Delta Airlines flight from the USA to Algeria with a ransom of $1,000,000 destined for the foreign section of the Black Panther Party, based in Algiers at the time. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Attack against Lisbon cathedral (Portugal)

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

12 October 2010

Lisbon cathedral woke up on the 12th of October with paintbombs and spraypainted.

“The S.E.F and the church go hand in hand. Let both go up in flames!”
(S.E.F. is the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras)

“Solidarity with comrades in Belgium. Fire to the detention centres!”

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Posted in Direct Action, No Borders

On the upcoming trial in Lisbon concerning events in 2007 (Portugal)

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

On the 25th of April 2007 happened in Lisbon an anti-authoritarian demo against fascism and capitalism. Close to 500 people took part on a march through one of the city’s richest areas, where paint was thrown at shops, banks and a riot cop van and slogans were spray painted on walls. To this shamelessness the guards of democratic order replied with a police charge and beatings against the demonstrators and everyone who were passing-by. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle