Posts Tagged ‘Neo-Nazis’

Call for International Solidarity with Taras Bogay, anarchist and eco-activist (Ukraine)

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

On the 19th of February, Taras Bogay, an anarchist and eco-activist from Lviv, Ukraine, was assaulted by a group of 20-30 drunk neo-nazis from the rightwing organisations Right Sector and the neo-nazi militia named the Azov battallion. They attacked Taras after he tried to protect a group of foreigners that the nazi group was harassing with racial slurs and threats.

During the fight the attackers threatened to kill Taras. He was knocked unconscious and sustained a heavy concussion and numerous cuts resulting in the near loss of one of his fingers. While defending himself and the foreigners, Taras slightly cut one of the attackers with no serious injury. Taras fought well, but the forces were uneven.

Despite Taras having been found covered in his own blood, the Lviv police department released news about the incident later that day without mentioning Taras’ injuries. The news stated: “the police arrested a 27-years old man that stabbed an 18-year old teenager in a conflict”.

A few days after the incident a false “witness” claimed that Taras suddenly attacked the group of innocent people, then cut himself and ran away. While every word of this evidence is a clear lie, it may be considered as proof of Taras’s fault in the court. The case clearly demonstrates that Ukrainian police has a strong affiliation with far-right organizations. Currently, Taras is being treated for his wounds, and is doing rehabilitation from his concussion. Taras is recovering gradually and his condition is gradually improving. Nevertheless, he is still unable to work.

Taras is experiencing severe financial problems. First, he is unable to work due to the injuries and have to pay medical bills. Second, to protect himself from the false charges, Taras requires a lawyer that cost at least €900 (he has concluded a contract with a lawyer for the period of investigation – about half of a year).

Without a good lawyer Taras could face a prison sentence between five and seven years (the charges being disorderly conduct and grievous bodily harm).

We have started the fundraising campaign at firefund.net/ukraine to collect €900 that will enable us to provide Taras with a good lawyer and help him to survive during the period of unemployment. The struggle against far-right politics relies on global solidarity and mutual aid.

Also, you may donate to ABC bitcoin wallet: 39pQm5RxArsFZEBt4MPvMFuHEuyY1oG18k

Stop fascist scum! Solidarity with Taras Bogay!

Thank you for the support!
Long live anarchy!


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Letter from imprisoned antifascist Jock Palfreeman (Bulgaria)

Monday, February 13th, 2017

The annual fascist “Lukov March” is again planned for the 18/02/2017, the date marked by Bulgarian fascists as it was when the Communist rebel Violeta Yakova killed him as part of the class war and resistance against the then fascist regime.

In reaction to the barbaric affront that the Bulgarian fascists and their lumpen commit yearly there is also a yearly anti-Lukov March demonstration organised. The anti-Lukov March is more then just symbolic opposition to fascists in Bulgaria; it is also symbolic opposition of the crimes that the fascists commit against all human decency. For example when the fascists from the Bulgarian National Union make illegal identification checks on public streets, or when the Bulgarian National Resistance makes ambush attacks on human rights demonstrators in trams. The beating and assault of a random Bulgarian man in the park with the “excuse” that they thought he was a Roma. The anti-Lukov protests are general symbolic opposition not simply to General Lukov, it is against the crimes committed by his modern day acolytes. The fascist political parties such as Ataka and the Patriot Front. It is against the crimes committed by the fascist street gangs such as National Resistance and the NAZI football formations such as Sector B. (more…)

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Bristol: Far-right nationalists gathering raided and shutdown by Antifa black bloc ‘dressed like special forces’ with guns (UK)

Thursday, February 9th, 2017

On Saturday 7th January at around 3pm a far-right nationalist meeting was taking place in Almondsbury Sports and Social Centre, attended by white supremacists and neo-nazis. The event called by fascist group ‘Bristol Forum’ was attempting to bring together racists and bigots in a safe space for their views. This meeting was raided by a black bloc of anti-fascists who allegedly fired air guns, smashed windows, threw chairs and used fire extinguishers to attack the fascist scum inside the building. Desperate and terrified nationalist bigots were apparently in fear for their lives, with just 3 of them claimed to be suffering injuries, as the fascists barricaded themselves inside the building like the cowardly scum they are. Fascist-nationalist Adrian Romilly from Portsmouth who attended the meeting with another fascist friend gave an interview with the local right-wing paper Bristol Post, likening the antifa black bloc to a “special forces unit”, giving great publicity to the “impression they’d done this sort of thing before and their silence, dress and general ‘professionalism’ added to the sense of menace”. Describing how the attack started he was quoted as saying “… there was a sound like a rifle shot and the first window glass splintered, shards of glass scattering over the place where the speaker had been sitting moments before”, “This was followed by a series of sharp cracks as a succession of windows were broken by a fire extinguisher and by chairs brought up from a lower floor.”

It seems the successful raid was only made public in early February as a police faithful citizens appeal for information swung into place due to the investigation resulting in so far no arrests and presumably almost zero information as to the identities of the Antifa “special forces unit”, despite CCTV recordings being studied.

In Bristol last year in March fascists attacked an anti-racist mainstream event attended by 100 people and members of the Labour Party, Green Party and the local Mosque. The 10 or so fascists were beaten up and ejected from the area.

The struggle against fascism will always need to be autonomous, extraparliamentary and street-based. Hatred, racism and bigotry has to be confronted physically, and absolutely no quarter given for fascist and neo-nazi groups to spread. Hunt and attack.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Blood & Honour list leak (UK)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Updated PDF version 12/2/17

Blood & Honour is a neo-nazi music promotion network and political group founded in the UK in 1987. Founded by Ian Stuart Donaldson and Nicky Crane it is composed of white power activists and other white nationalists and has links to Combat 18, a neo-nazi terrorist group.

PDF: Blood & Honour list leak

‘The force of Hitler makes us small
But one day we will be free again;
we are about to break the chains.
For our fists, they are hard;
yes — and the knives sit ready;
for the freedom of the youth
Navajos fight’

Edelweiss Pirates

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Anti-Fascist / Anti-ISIS Graffiti in Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Anti-Fascist/Anti-ISIS graffiti by the comrades in Newcastle Upon Tyne UK.

Track:- ‘Angelic Upstarts – Anti Nazi’
Link:- https://antifascistnetwork.org/

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Call for Day of Solidarity with Sacramento Sunday July 10th (USA)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

What was supposed to happen Sunday June 26th 2016 was a mega-march of white supremacists groups against what they deemed to be the anitifa threat to their “faith, family and folk”. The Traditionalist Workers Party, Golden State Skins and KKK were set to rally on the West Capitol steps in Downtown Sacramento.

They never made it onto those steps. within seconds of stepping onto the capitol they were chased away by a large crowd of anti-fascists. Over 300 anti-fascists and anti-racists had converged hours before the planned march in an attempt to shut it down. When 20 or so white supremacists armed with shields and adorned with TWP imagery attempted to take those steps they were attacked with rocks, bottles, knives, bats, fists, pepper spray and anything that those antifa could get their hands on. They were chased for blocks and when they attempted to escape in a waiting car, all of its windows were smashed out.

In the end it wasn’t only white supremacist blood that splattered the ground. Several antifa comrades had also been stabbed, received knife wounds and suffered serious injuries. Later, the leader of the TWP would call the blood pouring from the chests of our friends a “victory” for him and his bonehead brethren.

Boneheads like the TWP and GSS are only the most obvious and explicit manifestations of white-supremacy. The police, the media and countless other institutions uphold white-supremacy in our everyday lives. On the 26th, anti-fascists fought against the police and the media as well as the more explicit racist in the streets. (more…)

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MI5 were informed of Thomas Mair’s links to neo-Nazi organisations in 2000 (UK)

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

On Thursday 16 June Labour MP Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death by the fascist nationalist Thomas Mair in Birstall, West Yorkshire. Mair shouted nationalist slogans, apparently “Britain First”, during the assassination. We publish this article and the photo above, in contrast to the corporate media who have overwhelmingly played down Mair’s Neo-Nazi links, instead presenting him in the typical ‘Lone Wolf’ garb suitable for covering up the extensive growth of a dangerous right-wing that has been nurtured by the daily press.

Thomas Mair is portrayed by the right-wing tabloids as being ‘mentally ill’ – a label usually reserved for those perpetrators of a political assassination if they are white. But Mair’s far-right, neo-Nazi links not only span decades but countries: a network of hate and racism that knows no bounds. The network, both formally and informally, links fascist organisations and tendencies globally. In Mair’s case, his links extend to organisations that span at least three continents. Mair is charged with the murder of Jo Cox MP, who was a lifelong campaigner of human rights and spearheaded many humanitarian causes. She was just the sort of person Mair and his fascist associates detested. Some may believe his alleged vile act was not premeditated, but his history proves otherwise. That Mair allegedly chose to carry out the act in the lead up to the EU Referendum speaks volumes. Below is a mapping of the trail of hate that provides the topographical context to Mair’s beliefs and motivations. Moreover, what this trail shows is that Mair and his hate-filed colleagues were the subject of surveillance by an MI5 (and FBI) informer as far back as 2000.

Screenshot from 2016-06-18 20_33_39

Photo showing, allegedly, Tom Mair, [centre with white shirt and blue cap] holding Britain First banner (Dewsbury, 2015)

Read the full story on undercoverinfo.

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Brest antifascist Dzmitry Zvan’ko is released from jail on parole (Belarus)

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Dzmitry Zvan’ko sentenced to 5 years for a fight with neonazis in Brest was released on parole yesterday. All in all he has spent 3 years in jail.

There are two more convicts in this case – Roman Bogdan and Dzmitry Stsyashenka. Don’t forget them, show your solidarity!

Roman Bogdan

213010 Shklov
p. Molodezhnyj, IK-17, otryad 12
Mogilevskaya obl.

Dzmitry Stsyashenka

213800 Bobruisk,
ul. Sikorskogo 1a, IK-2, otryad 14
Mogilevskaya obl.

ABC Belarus

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Fight the Nazis in Bristol – 4 June (UK)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

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Come and fight nazis in Dover and Brighton (UK)

Friday, May 27th, 2016

From Rabble: Fascist scum are attempting get-togethers in the coming weeks in the seaside towns of Dover and Brighton. On Saturday 28 May, neonazis are planning not just another daytime stumble around Dover town, but also a Blood and Honour gig in the evening. The weekend after, on 4 June, there is a planned march by the “South Coast Resistance” in Brighton. See anti-fascist call-outs below for further details. May they drown in the seas of their own tears.

No Nazis in Dover – oppose the Nazi South East Alliance and Blood and Honour gig – Saturday 28 May, Dover

From Kent Anti-Racism Network

The Nazi South East Alliance are coming to Dover on 28 May to spread their message of hate towards refugees, people of colour, LGBTQ people, Muslims, Jews and other minorities. Their world view envisages an all-white Britain. They plan to hold a demonstration in Dover during the day and hold a Rock Against Immigration (Blood and Honour) – Nazi gig in the evening. Blood and Honour is a Combat 18 organisation – whose rallying cry is ‘Aryan Unity’.They have been involved in murder, gun-running and terrorism. Despite the South East Alliance claiming they’re coming to Dover for ‘ordinary people’ they are instead aiming to promote an extremely violent Nazi programme – similar to the murderous policies of Hitler.

During World War Two, the Nazis exterminated millions of Jews. Many more millions lost their lives fighting to keep the world free from fascism. This is the tradition that the South East Alliance and Combat 18 stand in. (more…)

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No “Day of the German Future” on 4th of June 2016 – Let’s unite to block & sabotage! (Germany)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

“Day of the German Future” in Dortmund? Let’s unite to block, sabotage and prevent the neo-Nazis from marching!

On the 4th of June 2016 neo-Nazis are about to march in the streets of Dortmund. Since 2009 the annual “Day of the German Future” rallies have become one of Germany’s most important neo-Nazi events. The local neo-Nazis of Dortmund’s far-right party “Die Rechte” want to bring the annual event to Dortmund for the first time.

What’s all this about?

The “Day of the German future” rallies are set around the far-right narrative of ‘native’ Germans dying out and being replaced by migrants and refugees. This narrative views Germany as an entity that existed for millenias with natural borders and as a fixed and ‘pure’ national and ethnic community. In other words: It’s the core ideology of national socialism with a slightly more timely wording.

What’s the deal with Dortmund and the far-right?

Dortmund has been a stronghold of neo-Nazi groups since the 1980. Over the years, the city has seen various neo-Nazi groups ranging from hooligan gangs to legalistic far-right parties. At the moment, the small neo-Nazi party “Die Rechte” (The Right) is the dominant far-right group in the city and region. Even though the party won a seat in the city council at the last communal elections, they could not be further away from a genuine interest in democratic processes. On the contrary, the party’s origins are in a number of radical and partly militant neo-Nazi groups. They have a history of violence against antifascists, migrants and people of colour. Their activity in the last years is heavily focused on migrant and refugee issues. They protest against refugee centres and camps throughout the city and spread their racist hate.

Amongst the broad variety of racist, antisemitic far-right groups and parties in Germany, “Die Rechte” is about as radical and openly in line with historical national socialism as it gets.

What can we expect on the neo-Nazi’s side?

The neo-Nazis want to march in the northern part of Dortmunds city centre – the “Nordstadt”. Being an old working class neighbourhood, more than 50% of its inhabitants today are either migrants themselves of have a migration background in their families. In earlier years, the neighbourhood has also been the site of a number of big neo-Nazi protests with far bigger counter protests.

We expect the neo-Nazi rally in June to be one of the biggest explicitly neo-Nazi marches this year. The “Day of the German Future” rallies in other cities have seen between 200 and 600 neo-Nazis so far since 2009.

Who are we?

We are a group of people who came together to block and sabotage the so called “Day of the German Future” and stop the neo-Nazis from marching. We are autonomous antifascists and cooperate with other local antifascist groups and alliances. Of course we do not only want to address local players but individuals and groups throughout Germany and Europe to join us in the activities against the “Day of the German Future” in Dortmund.

What do we want?

We want to stop the neo-Nazis from marching! We don’t get into the blame game: The door for a peaceful blockade oftentimes only opens up because of militant tactics destabilising the police operations. We are in solidarity with everyone acting against the Nazi rally in a meaningful and purposeful way. Let’s unite in Dortmund to prevent one of the last remaining big neo-Nazi events in Germany from happening.

Block, sabotage and prevent Nazi rallies!
For solidarity and emancipation without borders!
No future for Germany!

Contact source here

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Dover: Report from demo against neo-nazis (UK)

Friday, April 8th, 2016


From AFN:

Today, anti-fascists from across the country stood in solidarity with locals from around Dover to oppose neo-nazis and assorted far-right rejects who descended on the town, once more openly flying fascist flags and seig heiling.

The AFN had organised coaches from across the country, with groups traveling from Brighton, Berkshire, Oxford, Bristol, Portsmouth and London amongst others. London2Calais also organised transport, as did the UAF. We were met in Dover by a large contingent of locals organised by the Kent Anti-Racism Network.

All in all, around 350 antifascists gathered around a KARN aid convoy to Calais, which, after being filled with donations from locals, was to be sent to the port. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Dover: Demo against Neo-Nazi groups – April 2 (UK)

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

Anti-fascist demo called by Kent Anti-Racist Network to counter violent neo-nazi and far-right nationalist groups who are making a demo themselves in the town.

Stop the Nazis marching – Dover 2 April, 11am

The neo-Nazi South East Alliance (SEA) and others have announced a ‘Unity’ march through Dover on Saturday 2 April.

These groups left a trail of violence and vandalism in the town when they last marched on January 30. They are seig-heiling Hitler-loving neo-Nazis that try whip up hatred and intolerance. They have no support in the town, but bring their hatred to our community, pretending to care about locals and lorry drivers. They are the British equivalent of the groups in Europe that are attacking and murdering migrants. (more…)

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'Why Islam is worse than Nazism' by Ex-Muslim Serkan Engin (Turkey)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism

I am an atheist author and poet, who had lived as a Sunni Muslim for 23 years from birth, and I am still living in a Muslim country, Turkey. Also, my parents and all of my relatives are still Muslim. So, my critics about Islam can be easily consider this an inside view.

I know that the title of this essay seems assertive, but I will explain the rightness of this title step-by-step in this essay.

First of all, you have to learn about Islam that if you are an “outsider”, a non-Muslim, for example, a Christian, an atheist, a Buddhist, a Jew or whatever else, all Muslims have the “right” of killing and raping you, grabbing all your properties, your country, land, money and anything else. They take this “right” from the book of their belief, the Quran. In other words, they take this “right” from their belief’s core, the theology of Islam. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Appellate court granted a commutation for Brest antifascists (Belarus)

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

On December 15 a regional appellate court have commuted the sentence of
two Brest antifascists, convicted on charges of participating in a mass
fight with neonazis that took place on May 8, 2013. The new sentence of
Dzmitry Stsyashenka is 3 years and of Roman Bogdan – 6 years of penal
colony. The sentence was commuted by two years for each prisoner, most
probably because they had paid the damage to the injured noenazi (all in
all about 3500 euros). Almost half of it was paid by their relatives.
If you still want to support the families and make a financial
contribution, do so using paypal belarus_abc[at]riseup[dot]net or ask for the
bank account privately.

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