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The Fascism Portal

The flag of the National Fascist Party of Italy bearing the fasces, the namesake of fascism

Fascism is a political authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to unify their nation based on commitment to an organic national community where its individuals are united together as one people through national identity. The unity of the nation is to be based upon suprapersonal connections of ancestry and culture through a totalitarian state that seeks the mass mobilization of the national community through discipline, [narrowing of the permitted limit of social discourse], physical training, and sometimes eugenics. The limiting of the spectrum of acceptable opinion includes the aggressive suppression of dissent. Frequently, fascism seeks to eradicate perceived foreign influences that are deemed to be causing degeneration of the nation or of not fitting into the national culture.

Selected article

Adolf Hitler, writer of "Mein Kampf", in the early 1920s
Mein Kampf (English: My Struggle) is a book by Adolf Hitler (pictured). It combines elements of autobiography, an exposition of Hitler's political ideology, and a history of the early Nazi movement. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926. Hitler began the dictation of the book while imprisoned for the Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923. Though Hitler received many visitors earlier on, he soon devoted himself entirely to the book. Once released from prison on 20 December 1924, Hitler moved back to the picturesque mountainous climes of the Obersalzberg. While he was in power (1933–45), Mein Kampf became available in three common editions: the first, the Volksausgabe or People's Edition; the Hochzeitsausgabe, or Wedding Edition, and; the Tornister-Ausgabe. A special edition, known as the Jubiläumsausgabe, or Anniversary Issue, was published in 1939 in honor of Hitler's 50th birthday. The book could also be purchased as a two-volume set during Hitler's reign, and was available in soft cover and hardcover. Mein Kampf is known as a work of Nazi propaganda that promotes nationalism, militarism, anticommunism, and anti-Semitism, and today is censored in many countries.

Selected image

Bundesarchiv Bild 119-1486, Hitler-Putsch, München, Marienplatz.jpg

Members of the German Nazi Party during the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich in 1923, in which the Nazis emulating the Italian Fascists' March on Rome, attempted to overthrow the Bavarian and German governments. The Putsch failed and Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and other Nazi officials were put under arrest for a lenient sentence of one year.

Did you know...

Watchtower and electrified barbed wire fence of Buchenwald concentration camp

Selected quote

Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini, "Diuturna"

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  • If you would like to help maintain the fascism portal, a list of tasks needing attention is maintained on its talk page.
  • You are also invited to visit WikiProject Fascism, a work group organizing the collective effort to improve fascism's coverage on Wikipedia! If you are interested in joining it, please add your details to the list of participants.






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