An unfiltered fire hose of flaming condemnation

Tis the season I become obsessed with weather apps

This isn’t another post about farming or agriculture, and I don’t think this will elicit as much hate mail as I got for wanting to get pigs out of confinement. But who knows. I have a knack for pissing people right the fuck off including…

September 27, 2017

“Just like the caribou require the wolf”

Yesterday I began telling you the story of John Arbuckle, a 9th generation farmer who runs a farm with his wife in Missouri—he and his network of pasture-raised famers only produce sausage for ButcherBox at this point—and the response has been phenomenal. I will admit…

September 21, 2017

Has this former vegan lost her mind?

Back at the beginning of June I “came clean” and admitted that I have added meat back into my diet. Not a lot of meat, but enough to overcome some vitamin deficiencies and crippling depression that stemmed from a state of hunger I’m not even…

September 20, 2017

// Featured Reads

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Hi. I’m Heather B. Armstrong. When I first wrote a bio for this site I called myself a SAHM—a Stay At Home Mom, or, Shit Ass Ho Motherfucker. More than a decade later I am now what’s referred to as a FTSWM—a Full-Time Single Working Mom, or, Fuck That Shit Where’s Marijuana.

This used to be called mommy blogging. But then they started calling it Influencer Marketing: hashtag ad, hashtag sponsored, hashtag you know you want me to slap your product on my kid and exploit her for millions and millions of dollars. That’s how this shit works.

Now? Well… sit back, buckle up, and enjoy the ride. dooce is back. And she’s talking about herself in the third person, so you know you better have a barf bag at the ready.

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