Whitelaw Towers

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A white supremacist/ neo Nazi website. It was created in 2010 by former administrators of the White Pride Coalition of Australia being Peter Campbell and Jim Perren. The page is noted for its slander and misinformation campaigns it runs against the left as well as the typical ZOG fetishism, trying to link “the Jews” to every conspiracy and global catastrophe world wide. It operates a Facebook page and a wordpress.

Whitelaw Tower’s MO is targeting and “outing” left wing anti fascist activists, targeting specifically the editor of the Slackbastard WordPress. It collaborated closely with the neo Nazi run webpage Anti Antifa Australia, hosted by Chris Smith. The two have currently merged into the same entity. WLT is very closely linked to the Australia First Party and is considered to be the party’s dirty website. It also operates as a information network for the tiny online neo Nazi community to swap dirty secrets.

WLT is currently engaged in ongoing feuds with enemies of the AFP, whom they identify as Ziopatriots. These are people who Jim Saleam used to refer to as civic patriots or conservatives and aren’t quite cool enough to be in the Nazi nationalist club yet. Not until they hate Jews enough. WLT are also affiliated in secret with the UPF and have been writing creepy and obsessive pieces praising their crush Blair Cottrell. They are engaged on his behalf to write hack jobs against the Australian Patriots Army and their leadership.

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Anyone that has ever bothered to look at the WLT online material, which by the way, has a steady growth of 300 likes over the last 6 years, you would notice a shift in general content. WLT existed once upon a time to publish the neo Nazi hate mail and fantasies of a few bedroom Nazis eager to fulfil their desires for supremacy and importance. Its soul purpose was to target left wing and anti fascist activists via online intimidation. Over the last few months their targets have shifted entirely, almost exclusively producing hack jobs on the likes of Shermon Burgess, Neil Erikson, Nick Folkes, Ralph Cerminara, Mike Holt, Howard Crawford and Scott Moerland, all people WLT perceive as Ziopatriots and rivals to neo Nazi control over the “patriot” movement. What do you know! they are all Jim’s enemies too!

On a surface level, yes, the blog is utterly irrelevant with a fanbase that was diminished before it even really began. WLT produce somewhat comical digs made by the most sinister and tough talking Nazi keyboard warriors, which I’m sure they see as being their appeal. They don’t hide the fact they hate Jews, blacks, Aboriginal people, homosexuals and pretty much everyone. WLT serves a purpose as it airs the movements dirty laundry and has become one of the smallest yet funniest online crying pools known to man.

The WLT Team (Lol get your hand off it Jim) announced that they will be shutting down. Sad. I will admit that their self loathing and defeatist writing style was amusing at times along with their divisive tactics, which helped to bring down the patriot movement. The handful of active online Nazis have appeared to have reorganised their brownshirts and launched a new online initiative United Nationalists Australia. All the same faces id imagine. Good Night, good riddance.

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Prominent Figures

Nathan Sykes

Peter Campbell

Jim Perren

Chris Smith

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