
Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 10.21.13 pm

Faceless are a small Islamophobic protest group. It was formed in 2012 predominantly by members of the Party for Freedom. The groups soul agenda is opposing the wearing of Islamic garments, in particularly the Hijab and Niqab. The group are known for dressing in Niqab’s and staging their own little publicity stunt actions, making sure to call ahead to both the media and police.

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The group’s core members are Nick Folkes, Sergio Redegalli and Victor Waterson, pictured above. They gained five minutes of fame during one of their publicity stunts in late 2014, when they marched on Parliament House dressed in Niqabs and Ku Klux Klan outfits. They are a frequent presence at far right anti Islam rallies in Sydney, in particular during protests against the Penrith Islamic community centre development.

Prominent Figures

Nick Folkes

Sergio Redegalli

Victor Waterson

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