CFP: Fourth North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference, 4-6 January 2013, New Orleans, LA


Fourth Annual North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference

New Orleans, Louisiana – January 4-6, 2013

Deadline for Proposals: November 15, 2012

POLEIS - Peoples' Organisation for Liberty, Efficiency, Ingenuity and Sustainability

Growing up  in a soviet bloc country during the decade when marxism collapsed, I ended up on a quest for a better alternative. Looking back to history for answers and envisioning the future for solutions i came up with an alternative to global capitalism which I'd like to share.

michael.loadenthal's picture

Solidarity Statement against the raids and grand jury


Should the 2012 NAASN Conference be held in November in New Orleans?

Yes, and it should be held concurrently with the NOLA Anarchist Bookfair.
58% (7 votes)
Yes, but it should not be held concurrently with the NOLA Anarchist Bookfair.
42% (5 votes)
No, it should be held somewhere else.
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 12
michael.loadenthal's picture

CFP: “Challenging the rhetoric of non-State actors, political violence and ‘terrorism’"

Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action [


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