- published: 04 Aug 2017
- views: 14923
Exile means to be away from one's home (i.e. city, state or country), while either being explicitly refused permission to return and/or being threatened with imprisonment or death upon return. It can be a form of punishment and solitude. It is common to distinguish between internal exile, i.e., forced resettlement within the country of residence, and external exile, deportation outside the country of residence. Although most commonly used to describe an individual situation, the term is also used for groups (especially ethnic or national groups), or for an entire government. Terms such as diaspora and refugee describe group exile, both voluntary and forced, and government in exile describes a government of a country that has been forced to relocate and argue its legitimacy from outside that country. Exile can also be a self-imposed departure from one's homeland. Self-exile is often depicted as a form of protest by the person that claims it, to avoid persecution or legal matters (such as tax or criminal allegations), an act of shame or repentance, or isolating oneself to be able to devote time to a particular pursuit. Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."
Path of Exile is an online action role-playing game developed and published by Grinding Gear Games. It is a free-to-play title supported by microtransactions. An open beta was released in 23 January 2013, and the game was officially released on 23 October 2013.
The player controls a single character from an overhead perspective and explores large outdoor areas and underground caves or dungeons, battling monsters and fulfilling quests from NPCs to gain experience points and equipment. The game borrows heavily from the Diablo series, particularly Diablo II. All areas aside from the central encampments are randomly generated for increased re-playability. While all players on a single server can freely mingle in encampments, gameplay outside of encampments is highly instanced, providing every player or party with an isolated map to freely explore.
Players can initially choose from six available classes to play as (Duelist, Marauder, Ranger, Shadow, Templar, and Witch). Each of these classes are aligned with one or two of the three core attributes, Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence. The final class, the Scion, can be unlocked by freeing her near the end of Act 3 on Normal difficulty, and is aligned with all three attributes. The different classes are not restricted from investing into skills not aligned with their core attributes, but will have easier access to skills that are aligned with their core attributes. Items are randomly generated from a wide variety of basic types and endowed with special properties and gem sockets. They come in different rarities with increasingly powerful properties. This makes a large part of gameplay dedicated to finding well-balanced and synergistic equipment. Skill gems can be placed in gem sockets of armor and weapons, giving them an active skill. As the character advances and levels up, the equipped skill gems also gain experience, allowing the skills themselves to be levelled up and increase in potency.
Mind over matter is a popular phrase with paranormal, spiritual, and philosophical uses.
Mind over Matter may also refer to:
Exile is to be away from one's home while being explicitly refused permission to return.
Exile, exiled, or exiles or The Exile or The Exiles may also refer to:
Path may refer to:
In mathematics and computing:
Physical paths:
Other uses:
Path of Exile 3.0 Beginner Guide - Slayer Cyclone
Let's Play Path of Exile: The Fall Of Oriath - PC Gameplay Part 1 - I Have No Idea What I'm Doing!
PATH of EXILE 3.0 Starter Build - Scorching Ray Inquisitor (Righteous Fire Mind Over Matter)
Path of Exile 3.0 Starter Build Guide - Glacial Cascade Mine Saboteur - Fall of Oriath Harbinger
Path of Exile: 5 Awesome Starter Builds For 3.0 - Fall of Oriath
Exile - kiss you all over
Path of Exile 3.0 Beginner Guide - Ancestral Warchief Totems Chieftain
Diablo 3 vs Path of exile: во что играть? Плюсы и минусы каждой игры
Path of Exile 3.0 Beginner Guide - Inquisitor Frost Bolt Totems
Actors: Danielle Cole (actress), Sean Kaufmann (actor), James Sled (miscellaneous crew), Mark Daniel Dunnett (composer), Ryan Knight (director), Ryan Knight (producer), Peter Higginson (actor), Peter Higginson (actor), Chris Luckhardt (producer), Chris Luckhardt (producer), Chris Luckhardt (actor), Tiffany Wong (miscellaneous crew), Kristin Wallace (actress), Adam Rodness (actor), Craig Cyr (actor),
Genres: Action, Comedy,Actors: Tadeusz Kantor (director), Tadeusz Kantor (writer), Krzysztof Miklaszewski (actor), Krzysztof Miklaszewski (producer), Leslaw Janicki (actor), Waclaw Janicki (actor), Andrzej Welminski (actor), Andrzej Welminski (actor), Lech Stangret (actor), Maria Kantor (actress), Lech Stangret (actor), Maria Kantor (actress), Maria Kantor (actress), Stanislaw Rychlicki (actor), Stanislaw Rychlicki (actor),
Genres: Drama,Hey guys Zizaran here. I wanted to update my cyclone guide for 3.0 as there have been some changes to the build and I think it is now an even stronger skill. For reference my old guide is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwJDpEI6VkU Main Gem Links Cyclone-Faster Attacks-Melee Physical-Ruthless-Increased Area of Effect (Concentrated Effect for bosses)-Damage on Full Life Ancestral Warchief-Maim-Melee Physical-Concentrated Effect-Faster Attacks-Damage on Full Life. Warlord's Reach is a very useful Unique Jewel that I highly recommend using. For leveling this is the passive tree that I recommend. Points 16: http://poeurl.com/boLd Points 39: http://poeurl.com/boLe Points 54: http://poeurl.com/boLh Points 67: http://poeurl.com/boLj Points 88: http://poeurl.com/boLl Points 100: http://p...
You are an Exile, struggling to survive on the dark continent of Wraeclast, as you fight to earn power that will allow you to exact your revenge against those who wronged you. Created by hardcore gamers, Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in a dark fantasy world. With a focus on visceral action combat, powerful items and deep character customization, Path of Exile is completely free and will never be pay-to-win. Get Path of Exile (For Free!) on steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/238960/Path_of_Exile/ _ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Wanderbot Support me on GameWisp: https://gamewisp.com/wanderbots My Twitter: twitter.com/wanderbots Watch Me Live: twitch.tv/wanderbot
Path of Exile 3.0 Fall of Oriath Harbinger League starter build guide - Scorching Ray Inquisitor with Righteous Fire and Mind Over Matter served with a side of Aoili dipping sauce on a bed of of couscous. No gear requirements to get started, can comfortably farm the money it needs to buy a Rise of the Phoenix to go RF (or to invest in another build). HC viable (200%+ life with Mind Over Matter) and pretty fast n fun to play. Passive Tree: http://poeurl.com/bpep Path of Building Import with Gear and Skills: https://pastebin.com/xKCCMBhv Check out my other 3.0 Starter Build Glacial Cascade Mines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2eFEalqgY0 Mind Over Matter Life/Mana Search: http://poe.trade/search/oyemaihagunaus Just click the "sum((pseudo) (total) +# to maximum...)" to sort by highest to...
Glacial Cascade Mine Saboteur Path of Exile League Starter Build Guide for Harbinger League - cheap, fast, fun and a solid way to earn currency and get established in the new league. Only recommend unique is Tremor Rod, which is pretty common and cheap typically (we'll see!) but build is fine without it (burst damage is actually higher but slower clear speed and less QoL). Path of Building Full Build Import Link: https://pastebin.com/fJ4fsr4R Passive Tree Only: http://poeurl.com/bo9Y Mind Over Matter Life/Mana Search: http://poe.trade/search/oyemaihagunaus Just click the "sum((pseudo) (total) +# to maximum...)" to sort by highest to lowest ZIGGYD TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/ziggydlive
In this video, I present 5 different builds for Path of Exile's newest expansion 3.0 Fall of Oriath. They are all distinguished by being cheap and easy to play. Build Links: - Milky's RF: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1904823 - Ziz SRS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al6PTFlV804 (Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zizaran) - Alkaizer's Sunder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhdy-EVNBLI Kiko's Firenova Mine: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498 Lifting's Frostbolt totems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu5yRiHz7Tg Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/lifting_ Twitter ► https://www.twitter.com/LiftingNerdBro Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LiftingNerdBro Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/LiftingNerd_Life/ 2'nd YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/LiftingNe...
Hey guys Zizaran here. I wanted to update my Ancestral Warchief guide for 3.0 as there have been some changes to the build and I think it is a strong league starter. Bandit: Kraityn Main Gem Links Ancestral Warchief-Melee Physical Damage-Increased Area of Effect(Concentrated Effect for bosses)-Faster Attacks-Added Fire Damage-Ruthless (In Bringer of Rain) Ancestral Warchief-Increased Area of Effect(Concentrated Effect for bosses)-Damage on Full Life-Added Fire Damage Herald of Ash-Hatred-Rallying Cry-Flame Dash Shield Charge-Faster Attacks-Fortify Cast When Damage Taken-Immortal Call-Vaal Haste-Increased Duration World First EHC Shaper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr99lUNWMEo Old Ancestral Warchief Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr1pRQmFOhk 2-handed leveling passives 11 po...
http://exile.jp 新生EXILE 第1弾シングル「NEW HORIZON」いよいよ7月23日発売!! 4月27日のEXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITION in 日本武道館にて、 新メンバー5人が加入して、第四章へと突入した新生EXILEの第1弾シングル 「NEW HORIZON」がいよいよ発売! 新たなる力が加わり、さらに迫力を増した圧倒的なパフォーマンスに誰もが驚愕する! 新たなる世界を見据えて始動する新生EXILEの想いをATSUSHIが歌詞へと書き下ろし、 名づけられたタイトルは「NEW HORIZON」(地平線)! そしてカップリングにはEXILEメンバーが出演して話題沸騰のコカ・コーラ ゼロのTV CMソングを収録! 話題の2曲ともにMusic Videoを収録した豪華シングル! そして何と豪華盤には誰もが待ち望んだライブ映像が早くも登場! 新生EXILEメンバーを決定した「4.27 EXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITION in NIPPON BUDOKAN」のライブ映像を収録する事が決定! 新生EXILE、THE SECOND from EXILE、三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE、 TRIBE、E-girls、GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE、THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE出演! EXILE一族が総出演した超豪華ライブDVD収録!! EXILE NEW SINGLE 「NEW HORIZON」 2014.7.23(水)発売 【CD+2DVD】\3,800(税別) / RZCD-59639/B~C 【CD+DVD】\1,800(税別) / RZCD-59640/B 【CD】\1,000(税別)/ RZCD-5964...
Мы подошли к этому вопросу. Диабло или пое? Две выдающиеся RPG, но что лучше? Выбираем лучшую Пост о денежках — https://vk.com/cursedoneguides?w=wall-151070074_51 Добавляемся в группу! http://vk.com/cursedoneguides Стрим - https://www.twitch.tv/cursedone66
Hey guys Zizaran here with a new guide for 3.0. Frostbolt totems were very strong for me in the beta so I wanted to make a guide for the build. Leveling Gem Links: Frostbolt-Faster Casting-Cold Penetration-Controlled Destruction Freezing Pulse-Controlled Destruction-Spell Echo-Cold Penetration Orb of Storms-Increased Critical Strikes-Decoy Totem Frost Bomb-Frostbite-Less Duration-Curse on Hit Herald of Ice-Herald of Thunder-Curse on Hit-Assassin's Mark Shield Charge-Fortify-Faster Attacks Totem Gem Links: Frostbolt-Spell Totem-Controlled Destruction-Increased Critical Strikes-Faster Casting-Increased Critical Damage Freezing pulse / Fire trap / firestorm starting passive tree 13 points: http://poeurl.com/bpex 24 points: http://poeurl.com/bpeD 39 points: http://poeurl.com/bpeF 50 points:...
Hey guys Zizaran here. I wanted to update my cyclone guide for 3.0 as there have been some changes to the build and I think it is now an even stronger skill. For reference my old guide is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwJDpEI6VkU Main Gem Links Cyclone-Faster Attacks-Melee Physical-Ruthless-Increased Area of Effect (Concentrated Effect for bosses)-Damage on Full Life Ancestral Warchief-Maim-Melee Physical-Concentrated Effect-Faster Attacks-Damage on Full Life. Warlord's Reach is a very useful Unique Jewel that I highly recommend using. For leveling this is the passive tree that I recommend. Points 16: http://poeurl.com/boLd Points 39: http://poeurl.com/boLe Points 54: http://poeurl.com/boLh Points 67: http://poeurl.com/boLj Points 88: http://poeurl.com/boLl Points 100: http://p...
You are an Exile, struggling to survive on the dark continent of Wraeclast, as you fight to earn power that will allow you to exact your revenge against those who wronged you. Created by hardcore gamers, Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in a dark fantasy world. With a focus on visceral action combat, powerful items and deep character customization, Path of Exile is completely free and will never be pay-to-win. Get Path of Exile (For Free!) on steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/238960/Path_of_Exile/ _ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Wanderbot Support me on GameWisp: https://gamewisp.com/wanderbots My Twitter: twitter.com/wanderbots Watch Me Live: twitch.tv/wanderbot
Path of Exile 3.0 Fall of Oriath Harbinger League starter build guide - Scorching Ray Inquisitor with Righteous Fire and Mind Over Matter served with a side of Aoili dipping sauce on a bed of of couscous. No gear requirements to get started, can comfortably farm the money it needs to buy a Rise of the Phoenix to go RF (or to invest in another build). HC viable (200%+ life with Mind Over Matter) and pretty fast n fun to play. Passive Tree: http://poeurl.com/bpep Path of Building Import with Gear and Skills: https://pastebin.com/xKCCMBhv Check out my other 3.0 Starter Build Glacial Cascade Mines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2eFEalqgY0 Mind Over Matter Life/Mana Search: http://poe.trade/search/oyemaihagunaus Just click the "sum((pseudo) (total) +# to maximum...)" to sort by highest to...
Glacial Cascade Mine Saboteur Path of Exile League Starter Build Guide for Harbinger League - cheap, fast, fun and a solid way to earn currency and get established in the new league. Only recommend unique is Tremor Rod, which is pretty common and cheap typically (we'll see!) but build is fine without it (burst damage is actually higher but slower clear speed and less QoL). Path of Building Full Build Import Link: https://pastebin.com/fJ4fsr4R Passive Tree Only: http://poeurl.com/bo9Y Mind Over Matter Life/Mana Search: http://poe.trade/search/oyemaihagunaus Just click the "sum((pseudo) (total) +# to maximum...)" to sort by highest to lowest ZIGGYD TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/ziggydlive
In this video, I present 5 different builds for Path of Exile's newest expansion 3.0 Fall of Oriath. They are all distinguished by being cheap and easy to play. Build Links: - Milky's RF: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1904823 - Ziz SRS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al6PTFlV804 (Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zizaran) - Alkaizer's Sunder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhdy-EVNBLI Kiko's Firenova Mine: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498 Lifting's Frostbolt totems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu5yRiHz7Tg Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/lifting_ Twitter ► https://www.twitter.com/LiftingNerdBro Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LiftingNerdBro Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/LiftingNerd_Life/ 2'nd YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/LiftingNe...
Hey guys Zizaran here. I wanted to update my Ancestral Warchief guide for 3.0 as there have been some changes to the build and I think it is a strong league starter. Bandit: Kraityn Main Gem Links Ancestral Warchief-Melee Physical Damage-Increased Area of Effect(Concentrated Effect for bosses)-Faster Attacks-Added Fire Damage-Ruthless (In Bringer of Rain) Ancestral Warchief-Increased Area of Effect(Concentrated Effect for bosses)-Damage on Full Life-Added Fire Damage Herald of Ash-Hatred-Rallying Cry-Flame Dash Shield Charge-Faster Attacks-Fortify Cast When Damage Taken-Immortal Call-Vaal Haste-Increased Duration World First EHC Shaper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr99lUNWMEo Old Ancestral Warchief Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr1pRQmFOhk 2-handed leveling passives 11 po...
http://exile.jp 新生EXILE 第1弾シングル「NEW HORIZON」いよいよ7月23日発売!! 4月27日のEXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITION in 日本武道館にて、 新メンバー5人が加入して、第四章へと突入した新生EXILEの第1弾シングル 「NEW HORIZON」がいよいよ発売! 新たなる力が加わり、さらに迫力を増した圧倒的なパフォーマンスに誰もが驚愕する! 新たなる世界を見据えて始動する新生EXILEの想いをATSUSHIが歌詞へと書き下ろし、 名づけられたタイトルは「NEW HORIZON」(地平線)! そしてカップリングにはEXILEメンバーが出演して話題沸騰のコカ・コーラ ゼロのTV CMソングを収録! 話題の2曲ともにMusic Videoを収録した豪華シングル! そして何と豪華盤には誰もが待ち望んだライブ映像が早くも登場! 新生EXILEメンバーを決定した「4.27 EXILE PERFORMER BATTLE AUDITION in NIPPON BUDOKAN」のライブ映像を収録する事が決定! 新生EXILE、THE SECOND from EXILE、三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE、 TRIBE、E-girls、GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE、THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE出演! EXILE一族が総出演した超豪華ライブDVD収録!! EXILE NEW SINGLE 「NEW HORIZON」 2014.7.23(水)発売 【CD+2DVD】\3,800(税別) / RZCD-59639/B~C 【CD+DVD】\1,800(税別) / RZCD-59640/B 【CD】\1,000(税別)/ RZCD-5964...
Мы подошли к этому вопросу. Диабло или пое? Две выдающиеся RPG, но что лучше? Выбираем лучшую Пост о денежках — https://vk.com/cursedoneguides?w=wall-151070074_51 Добавляемся в группу! http://vk.com/cursedoneguides Стрим - https://www.twitch.tv/cursedone66
Hey guys Zizaran here with a new guide for 3.0. Frostbolt totems were very strong for me in the beta so I wanted to make a guide for the build. Leveling Gem Links: Frostbolt-Faster Casting-Cold Penetration-Controlled Destruction Freezing Pulse-Controlled Destruction-Spell Echo-Cold Penetration Orb of Storms-Increased Critical Strikes-Decoy Totem Frost Bomb-Frostbite-Less Duration-Curse on Hit Herald of Ice-Herald of Thunder-Curse on Hit-Assassin's Mark Shield Charge-Fortify-Faster Attacks Totem Gem Links: Frostbolt-Spell Totem-Controlled Destruction-Increased Critical Strikes-Faster Casting-Increased Critical Damage Freezing pulse / Fire trap / firestorm starting passive tree 13 points: http://poeurl.com/bpex 24 points: http://poeurl.com/bpeD 39 points: http://poeurl.com/bpeF 50 points:...
You are an Exile, struggling to survive on the dark continent of Wraeclast, as you fight to earn power that will allow you to exact your revenge against those who wronged you. Created by hardcore gamers, Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in a dark fantasy world. With a focus on visceral action combat, powerful items and deep character customization, Path of Exile is completely free and will never be pay-to-win. Get Path of Exile (For Free!) on steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/238960/Path_of_Exile/ _ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Wanderbot Support me on GameWisp: https://gamewisp.com/wanderbots My Twitter: twitter.com/wanderbots Watch Me Live: twitch.tv/wanderbot
Path of Exile Builds https://tinyurl.com/k5nc5om Live Stream: http://twitch.tv/Pohx Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pohxx Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/0hxP Recording Software | OBS 64 Bit Microphone: Blue Yeti Business Inquires: PohxBusiness@gmail.com I often listen to music in the backround, It's usually from one of these two sources ! https://www.youtube.com/user/Vindsvept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP9NZPAX_dA
In this video, I am showcasing the recent nerfs/buffs/changes to the various ascendancy classes in Path of Exile 3.0 Fall of Oriath. The changes are based on today's newly released patch notes, which can be found here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1930317 Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/lifting_ Twitter ► https://www.twitter.com/LiftingNerdBro Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LiftingNerdBro Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/LiftingNerd_Life/ 2'nd YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/LiftingNerdLife/ Outro music by Vindsvept - check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/Vindsvept Consider doing me the favor of sharing the video on Twitter, Facebook or Reddit. If you do, thank you very much! SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/LiftingNerdBro?sub_confirmation=1
Прямой донат - http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/9koff Discord —— https://discord.gg/vaHJtpZ У кого появится желание помочь каналу с развитием, тот может, как говорится, помочь материально произведя донат по следующим кошелькам WebMoney: R346996450553 (WMR-КОШЕЛЁК-RUS) и Z184911316570 (WMZ-КОШЕЛЁК-USD) Multistreaming with https://restream.io/
https://goodgame.ru/channel/Miker/ Чат тут Подписывайся на канал!
In this video I will go over the most important changes coming to Path of Exile 3.0 Fall of Oriath. Link to patch notes: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1930316 Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/lifting_ Twitter ► https://www.twitter.com/LiftingNerdBro Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LiftingNerdBro Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/LiftingNerd_Life/ 2'nd YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/LiftingNerdLife/ Outro music by Vindsvept - check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/Vindsvept Consider doing me the favor of sharing the video on Twitter, Facebook or Reddit. If you do, thank you very much! SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/LiftingNerdBro?sub_confirmation=1
Dark Pact is a new skill in Path of Exile 3.0. It can be used in a number of ways, so in this video I will show you 8 different builds to inspire you. I will be trying the Necromancer with minions variation myself in the Harbinger League. Dark Pact sacrifices 6% of your life, or that of up to 3 skeletons, to deal AoE chaos spell damage to enemies. This means we can focus on minions, and sacrificing their life, or we can focus on sacrificing our own life. The end result is always an AoE spell that does chaos damage. Each build showcases a different style. Scaling chaos damage usually involves a Wither spell totem with increased duration and faster casting to try and get to 20 Wither debuff stacks, increasing damage taken by 140%. Arcane Surge is a support gem that gives more spell damage...
2012年ぐらいに宅録してみたものがPCから出てきたのでアップしてみました! 一発どりなので、多少聞き苦しいところがありますが、ご了承ください。
Полный список изменений: https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/24210 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1930316 Регулярные стримы: http://www.twitch.tv/chistor_ Записи трансляции: http://www.twitch.tv/chistor_/profile Сообщество ВК: http://vk.com/chistorgaming
Миллион страниц нерфов, а так же планирование наркоманского билда. https://www.pathofexile.com/ Мой твиттер: https://twitter.com/WhyMe758 Стрим: http://www.twitch.tv/whyme758
Contradiction in my thoughts is the barrier of my life
I cannot jump that nigh to overcome
Too many hidden ways - their destination is the same
Which way is wrong and which is right
Sometimes I wish I had a choice
To end or to begin
Sometimes I wish I could live on my own
But nothing's breaking through the walls inside
All the dreams remain behind
All the voices fade away
I'm falling into nothingness of life
I don't care about the time
I don't need to understand
There's no confusion in my mind but the clarity is gone
I hope you'll never ask about tomorrow
My abandoned ship is carried by the current
I cannot fight against it and I cannot force it
Sometimes I wish I had a choice
To end or to begin
Sometimes I wish I could live on my own
But nothing's breaking through the walls inside
All the dreams remain behind
All the voices fade away
I'm falling into nothingness of life
I don't care about the time