July 11, 2017

Archives for December 2014

Consensus in Bitcoin: One system, many models

At a technical level, the Bitcoin protocol is a clever solution to the consensus problem in computer science. The idea of consensus is very general — a number of participants together execute a computation to come to agreement about the state of the world, or a subset of it that they’re interested in.

Because of this generality, there are different methods for analyzing and proving things about such consensus protocols, coming from different areas of applied math and computer science. These methods use different languages and terminology and embody different assumptions and views. As a result, they’re not always consistent with each other. This is a recipe for confusion; often people disagree because they’ve implicitly assumed one world-view or another. In this post I’ll explain the two main sets of models that are used to analyze the security of consensus in Bitcoin.

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On the Sony Pictures Security Breach

The recent security breach at Sony Pictures is one of the most embarrassing breaches ever, though not the most technically sophisticated. The incident raises lots of interesting questions about the current state of security and public policy.
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How cookies can be used for global surveillance

Today we present an updated version of our paper [0] examining how the ubiquitous use of online tracking cookies can allow an adversary conducting network surveillance to target a user or surveil users en masse.  In the initial version of the study, summarized below, we examined the technical feasibility of the attack. Now we’ve made the attack model more complete and nuanced as well as analyzed the effectiveness of several browser privacy tools in preventing the attack. Finally, inspired by Jonathan Mayer and Ed Felten’s The Web is Flat study, we incorporate the geographic topology of the Internet into our measurements of simulated web traffic and our adversary model, providing a more realistic view of how effective this attack is in practice. [Read more…]