The Health Benefits Of Ganoderma Lucidum Enhanced “healthy Coffee”

Before I explain some of the health benefits of Ganoderma healthy coffee, let’s review some of the adverse effects of regular coffee, without Ganoderma extract. Although there has been some controversy surrounding the subject, most health practitioners would assert that drinking coffee is not conducive for health for a number of reasons. Coffee can leech vital alkaline minerals (like calcium, magnesium and potassium) and water-soluble B vitamins from the body, making it contributing to an overall overly acidic condition. Plus, coffee can deplete the adrenal glands and energy stores, thus weakening the immune system over time.

In addition to the adverse health conditions that long-term coffee addiction can cause, the caffeine contained in coffee can cause a host of negative side-effects, such as: nervousness, jitters, acid reflux, upset stomach, headache, irritability and insomnia. Despite its generally acknowledged adverse health effects, coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world, and most people who drink it consider it a necessity rather than a luxury, making it the most popular unhealthy addiction in the world!

The Adverse Effects of Regular Coffee Consumption:
1) Can result in lowered Magnesium levels*
2) Causes increased Calcium loss through urine*
3) Acidity can irritate stomach and produce metabolic acidosis*
4) Can elevate homocysteine levels and cholesterol levels
5) Can increase cardiac arrhythmia and heart disease

*The first three combined effects can contribute to osteoporosis.

But because is so addictive, it is unrealistic to expect people to quit drinking it without offering an effective alternative to those who depend on coffee’s stimulant properties to help them wake up and stay alert, which is why Ganoderma extract enhanced healthy coffee was introduced a few years ago. Ganoderma lucidum mushroom is a potent medicinal herb that can decrease the adverse effects of coffee and add numerous health-supporting benefits, making it the ultimate solution for transforming this unhealthy addiction into a healthy one. In fact, Ganoderma-enhanced healthy coffee has enabled numerous coffee addicts to reduce their dependency and intake of coffee. Additionally, many people have reported significant “coincidental” health improvements simply by replacing their regular coffee with Ganoderma healthy coffee and tea products.

“Healthy Coffee” enhanced with Gandoderma lucidum extract has been gaining popularity over the past five years amongst coffee consumers and entrepreneurs interested in home-based money making opportunities. Although there is a plethora of Ganoderma coffee products and companies to choose from, I am willing to stake my reputation on the Ganoderma products and companies presented on this website for the reasons stated below.

What is Ganoderma lucidum?
This medicinal mushroom, also known as Red Reishi, Mannetaki and Lingzhi, was discovered over 5000 years ago by ancient Chinese doctors, who ranked this “Superior” to all other herbs, including Ginseng. Dubbed as “The Herb of Immortality” and “The King of Herbs” Ganoderma lucidum was reserved for royalty. The herb was so highly prized that peasants who found Ganoderma lucidum growing wild in the forests could exchange it for the mushroom’s weight in gold!

Why Is Ganoderma Lucidum So Special?
In general, Ganoderma functions as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a natural substance found in a few rare plants and herbs that shield the body against the impacts of stress. They are unique nutrients that work at a cellular level to restore, re-balance and re-energize stressed cells and organs. They are powerful agents that reverse abnormal function to normal. Adaptogens are not drugs and they have no adverse side effects. They are not available in the food we eat, and must be taken as supplements. Among natural supplements available, adaptogens are considered as the most important in their role to improve health and longevity. Ganoderma is considered to be the most powerful adaptogen ever discovered!

Stress; in all of its forms (emotional, financial, metabolic, oxidative, chemical) bombard our lives 24/7 and produce cumulative adverse effects on our health.

The Documented Health Benefits (in vitro & in vivo) of whole Ganoderma lucidum extracts include:
1) Analgesic
2) Anti-allergy
3) Bronchitis preventative
4) Anti-inflammatory*
5) Anti-viral
6) Anti-bacterial
7) Anti-oxidant
8) Anti-tumor activity
9) Supports healthy bone marrow
10) Anti-depression
11) Supports cardiac health, improving coronary-artery blood flow
12) Balances and supports the immune system
13) Improves adrenal function

*All degenerative conditions have a chronic inflammatory component, which are caused by alterations, weaknesses defects of the immune system.

When you consider these important benefits that have been added to Ganoderma extract enhanced “Healthy Coffee”, there are multiple reasons to replace unhealthy coffee with this alternative.

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Glutathione – How Does It Give Me Energy, And How Is It Anti Aging?

Glutathione – how does it give me energy and how is it anti aging? Many today are dealing with fatigue, and so we would like to know how glutathione can give us the energy we need to get us through our day. We all want to stay younger and resist aging too, so how is glutathione anti aging?

There is a new generation of what are now called mitochondrial disorders surrounding us at every turn. Conditions such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and lupus may be grouped into this category. The mitochondria are like the batteries for your cell. If they become damaged due to oxidative stress or other factors, then the power is drained from them and they cannot power your cells, which in turn cannot power you to have energy to get through your day. Very often, low energy means that your mitochondria are damaged in some way at the cellular level. Mitochondria are your cell’s power source, so you want to keep them healthy for great energy!

Glutathione actually repairs and regenerates your mitochondria at the cellular level. If you have high glutathione levels, your cells will have the energy to do what they need to do, and keep you going all day long!

So now we would like to know, how is glutathione anti aging? Human aging is a hot topic. Interest in finding the best anti aging product that really works is at an all-time high today. It has been found that glutathione levels are highest in the healthy elderly. Could there be a connection between glutathione and anti aging? The average human life span is getting longer with advances in health care, but along with that, humans most importantly want not only to live longer, but better, with a higher quality of life as they age.

And they are looking for the best anti aging product to help them to do just that. Is that true of you? Chances are, if you are looking for the best anti aging product, your friends are probably looking too. Regarding the length of our human life span, note what Duke University demographer James Vaupel said: “There is no evidence that human life expectancy is anywhere close to its ultimate limit.” Perhaps we were indeed made to live much longer than we do? Could we have been created to live even forever?

Is the secret to unlocking this scientific secret somehow connected to this precious little glutathione molecule?

What does research tell us about glutathione as the best anti aging product? Note what some other noteworthy professionals are now saying. In the bestseller “Stop Aging Now!”, Jean Carper is quoted as saying, “You must get your levels of GSH (glutathione) up if you want to keep your youth and live longer. High blood levels of GSH predict good health as you age and a long life. Low levels predict early disease and death.” Think of that!

High Glutathione = Youth + Health + Longer Life!

Low Glutathione = Early Disease + Death!

Which of those sounds better to you? These experts are joining a growing list of researchers who are publishing their findings about anti aging nutrients, and the results are astounding to say the least. How many people do you know that would like to keep their youth, live longer and have optimal health? Probably every single person you know.

If you knew you had just found the best anti aging product, would you let them know? Absolutely, you would. I would too, and that is why I am letting you know about it here. And therein lies the tremendous value of this information. You have just struck gold. Human aging touches each and every one of us and those that we love. And now you know about the best anti aging product, and you and all you know can benefit from using it. Since human aging affects all of us, glutathione is for two groups of people – the sick and the healthy. Have I left anyone out?

It is very interesting to note that decreases in GSH due to age are seen in all tissues of the body, including the liver, kidney, lung, heart, spleen, and the brain. If we raise these levels, this will indeed dramatically affect our aging process. As one of the anti aging foods, it will help us to age better.

So now you know how glutathione works to restore cellular energy and also has an anti aging effect on the body. Stay tuned for the next report in the Glutathione Series – “What does and doesn’t work to raise glutathione?” Here’s a hint – you can’t just eat it!

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The Secret Of Enema Health Benefits

An enema is a procedure in which the colon is washed by water and/or solution squirted into the anus. Enemas have a rich history dating back thousands of years. And although many familiar only with the “modern western medical tradition” may find the concept of colon hydrotherapy foreign or embarrassing, the truth is that enemas were regularly administered to patients (even in the Western world) up until the 1920s. Following the advent of advanced surgical and drug therapies, however, enemas and similar “holistic” therapies fell out of vogue and became seen as “fringe.”

This is unfortunate, since both scientific and anecdotal evidence suggest that enemas provide a number of fascinating health benefits. The main benefit touted by enema advocates is that flushing the colon removes feces, parasites, dead tissue, and other debris. By removing this debris, the enema not only helps restore regular bowel movements, but it also has far-reaching impacts for the body’s physical health. Some claim that enemas clear up the skin, reduce the frequency and severity of common colds, improve sexual vitality, combat irritable bowel syndrome, and even potentially relieve psychological ailments, such as depression or anxiety.

While these far reaching claims may seem somewhat dubious to those schooled in the allopathic tradition, modern medicine has produced evidence to support at least some of these ideas. For instance, it is now known that the “gut” contains a number of key nerve fibers — thus, it is more than reasonable to hypothesize that a therapy that rehabilitates and reinvigorates the gut could have significant psychological and neurological benefits.

Enemas also massage the colon, hitting what are known as “pressure points.” These are areas of the muscle tissue which are interconnected nodally with other key muscles, joints, and myofascial tissue in the body. In essence, enemas act like acupressure inside the body, releasing pent-up myofascial energy and thus improving whole body health. Enemas may also act on a more concrete level, eliminating waste built up as the result of constipation.

Some enema therapists believe that different solutions can have different impacts on the health of the colon and the body. Common treatments include coffee, yoghurt, Epsom salt, lemon juice, and even vinegar. While all enemas yield a laxative effect, these specialized enema treatments can have ancillary benefits and potential dangers. Some people believe that yogurt enemas, for instance, support healthy bacteria in the colon and intestine because yogurt contains live bacteria. Some contend that coffee enemas help cleanse the liver by causing it to produce an abundance of bile. Clinicians often use barium enemas to help with X-ray photography of the gastrointestinal tract. The barium solution can “light up” potentially problematic areas and help with diagnosis.

The health benefits you may gain from enema therapy will likely depend on the frequency of the therapy, the nature of the solution you use, any preconditions you may have, and the manner in which you administer the therapy. Talk to your physician before radically changing your colon hygiene. In some patients — elderly or infirm patients or people suffering from diseases or intestinal disorders, for instance — enemas may be contraindicated. Since enemas can change the pH balance of your intestine as well as the salinity and bacterial levels, you may experience temporary side effects during and after therapy. Cramping is not uncommon. Similarly, you may produce loose stools in the days following the enema.

These precautions notwithstanding, enema therapy has been battle tested, and most practicing gastroenterologists believe that it is safe and probably healthy — when not taken to the extreme. Above all, listen to what your body tells you. If you aggravate your intestines by washing them out too much, cut back on therapy. You can supplement the benefits of enema therapy by taking care of your body. Get eight hours of sleep a night, remove stressful elements from your life, get plenty of low impact exercise, and reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates. An excess of fats, sugars, and starches can stress the liver and pancreas and potentially lead to both toxic buildups in the intestines and obesity, which can cause untold ancillary health problems.

Don’t think of enema therapy as a panacea for discomfort or gastrointestinal distress; rather, think of it as a piece in a larger puzzle. Work with your doctor and nutritionist to develop a comprehensive holistic health plan, one that focuses on prevention and reduces the negative influences in your diet, environment, and behavior.

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Kefir Grains To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy

Have you heard of kefir? Or kefir grains? Kefir grains are composed of a complex structure of bacteria and yeasts with proteins, lipids and sugars. At first glance, kefir grains look a lot like cauliflower. Inside kefir grains are countless beneficial bacteria that are good for the body. This means that inside kefir there are literally trillions and trillions of good beneficial bacteria. Once consumed and are inside the body, these good probiotic bacteria will literally clean you up. It cleans up the most crucial and critical parts of the body like the stomach. The stomach is where diseases from bad bacteria, viruses and other ill effecting organisms often spread. By effectively cleaning and restoring your stomach and digestive system to its healthy and vibrant state, you will quickly notice your entire body feeling much better.

Kefir is a symbiosis of many beneficial bacteria and yeasts, which form grains that look like cauliflower-like structures. During the fermentation process the kefir grains changes normal milk into healthy ‘living’ pro-biotic food. It could take between 5 and 24 hours to produce a finished product, depending on temperature and the amount of milk used. You may use cow, goat, or coconut milk to make fresh kefir everyday. A wonderful pro-biotic drink with many times the amount of fresh beneficial cultures over store bought yogurt, kefir or pro-biotic in capsule form. But what if you could do the whole process in just 90 minutes and still have perfect quality Kefir?
Kefir grains have also been found to reduce serum cholesterol levels in rats but tests are yet to be made on humans. Kefir yogurt is also known to have elements that reduce blood pressure. Kefir and Kampuchea tea drinks are also known to help in breaking down milk in people with lactose intolerance. There is much research to suggest that they improve the good/bad cholesterol ratio in the body and help prevent a number of future illnesses (such as colon cancer, and even respiratory tract infections.

The kefir grains are believed to be a gift from god. Research proved that kefir has more than 20 different bacteria and yeasts. Kefir tastes slightly sour, but also has a tingly quality because its yeasts naturally carbonate it.
Kefir grains are the best kefir acne solution. Have you heard of biotin? It’s a b vitamin, which helps absorb other b vitamins. Let’s say you eat something with vitamin b12,
and then biotin makes it easier for your body to absorb it. By getting enough b vitamins, your body will regulate your kidneys and then reduce your chance of skin ailments and acne

How to make water, rice, milk, and coconut kefir grains. Kefir grains are a form of bacteria composite made by fermenting water sugar solution, cow milk, rice milk or coconut milk. These are collected from sieving the fermented milk ferment on a piece of clean cloth or a sieve. The particles and goblets remaining in the sieves are then washed with clean water and dried. Kefir grains range in size from white to yellow cauliflower-like clusters to as small as rice grains. Kefir grains are commonly used as seed material for making traditional yogurt or fermenting drinks. The most popular type of kefir is the Caucasus kefir and some that are imported from Germany.

The grains are a supercharged probiotic food. The only reason kefir grains exist today is because they have been nurtured and passed down for generations by those who understand the benefit to the digestive system. Kefir grains have only recently become available in the USA. Now that you are somewhat familiar with Kefir, and the many benefits of its use, why are you not consuming this most wonderful product? If you are like the large percentage of people in our world today you could stand to lose a few extra unhealthy pounds. And just as importantly we all could use the benefits of a healthier internal organ system. If you want to learn more about Kefir, and it’s benefits, you can go to the website provided to watch some free videos. Thank You. And Good Health to All.

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