Hivos International

Whither goes the GCF?

Will the Green Climate Fund overlook decentralised renewable energy enterprises, or will it promote a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development?

2016 Annual Report

The Hivos Annual Report shows how we gave shape to our ideals in Latin America, Africa and Asia in 2016.


Knowledge Dossiers

Hivos operates at the cutting edge of developments. To stay ahead of the curve, Hivos invests in knowledge creation. Browse through our dossiers for a wealth of insights.

Portraits in Courage

Stories of brave, determined activists who fight for MENA women’s empowerment and influence. Their dream is a just, democratic and equal society in their countries.

Facts & Figures


People reached 18.7 million

Number of partner organisations 445

Number of countries 33

Total liability € 91.3 million

Offices abroad 4 regional and 6 local

Number of employees 337


On September 22, websites of international NGOs and regional and local organizations all over the world turned their home pages blank. So did Hivos. We were protesting against the oppression of active citizens and organizations who want their voices to be heard, who want to gather or demonstrate...

Hivos East Africa condemns the recent police raids on Action Aid Uganda, Great Lakes Institute for Strategic Studies (GLISS) and Solidarity Uganda. Ahead of the age limit...

From 9 to 13 October 2017, the UN’s Committee on World Food Security will hold its 44th plenary session (CFS44) in Rome. Organised annually, the CFS Plenary is the central body for global decision-making, debate, coordination,...

Blog posts

In the spirit of partnership, as Renew’N’Able Malawi’s (RENAMA) Advocacy and Communications Officer for Green and Inclusive Energy (GIE) project, (which is being implemented with support from HIVOS International), had a joint radio program...

Even with the expansion of national grid systems and tapping into renewable energy, it’s been argued that Africa’s energy systems are not meeting the needs of the poor.

In Ethiopia, the argument is not...

The recent historic ruling by Kenya’s Supreme Court judge: Justice David Maraga on the hotly contested elections spurred the country on a new level of ‘a redeemed democracy’. A definition of democracy that I...