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Sanctions are War! Stop War on Iran!

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sanction report

The impact of sanctions on Iranian people healthcare

Syria & Iran - The Next War? A Panel Discussion June 10, 2013

U.S./Israel Hands Off Syria! - UNAC Statement May 9,2013

Iraq: 10th anniversary of U.S. crime against humanity - by Sara Flounders

SIGN ON to HANDS OFF IRAN statement responding to the 5+1 talks on Iran's nuclear development

'The Solution to the Nuclear "Crisis" with Iran is not Sanctions and War, It is a Middle East Free of All Nuclear Weapons' - Statement of Veterans For Peace

Syria: the Middle East's Tipping Point by Nassar Ibrahim for the Alternative Information Center (AIC) February 9, 2012

IRAN - The Threat is Very Real by Margaret Sarfehjooy February 4, 2012

Build February 4 Emergency Demonstration To Stop U.S. War Against Iran

Resist U.S. war threats on Iran Jan 18, 2012

UNAC Statement on the assassination of Iranian Scientist Jan 16,2012

Stop the campaign of terror against Iran and its scientists!

Solidarity with Iran - SI Statement

U.S. Whips Up War against Iran with Phoney Report

Genocidal Cynicism – Reflections by Comrade Fidel

No War on Iran! Stop Pentagon Lies!

U.S. talks peace, prepares new bombs

Thousands March on 9/11 in NYC Against Racism and Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Coalition adopts action plan to fight U.S. wars

Is U.S. planning a military attack on Iran?

Behind the turmoil in Iran By John Catalinotto

IAC leader says: ‘Don’t echo imperialist hypocrisy’ By Sara Flounders

An Open Letter to the Anti-War Movement: How Should We React to Events in Iran By Phil Wilayto

Interview on Unusual Sources: Dustin Langley, an organizer with the Stop War on Iran Campaign, suggests that some activists are in danger of becoming left-wing cover for an intervention against Iran.

BBC & Mainstream Media LIED: claimed photo of pro-Ahmedinejad Rally was an of an opposition rally

More Media Lies: Picture of bodies in Iran is really a photo from IRAQ.

Who killed Neda Agha-Soltan?

Statement on Iran from MAWO - Mobilization Against War and Occupation

U.S. Hands off Iran: Goading Iran Election -- What fraud? By John Catalinotto

Riding the "Green Wave" at the Campaign for Peace and Democracy and Beyond By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson

Iran's 'Stolen' Election: a Hardline Demagouge's Victory Over a 'Reformer'? Not So Fast
By Phil Wilayto

Anti-war movement debates Iran, the Middle East and U.S. wars By John Catalinotto

U.S. imperialism: Hands off Iran

Judging the Iranian Election by William Blum

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
Protest U.S. Aggression
Ron Jacobs

U.S. Hostility Toward Iran is About Control

Caleb Maupin on RT

Sept 7 Actions: Hands Off Syria!

Join Nationally Coordinated Actions Sat Sept 7 to tell Congress: NO NEW WAR! HANDS OFF SYRIA!

Hands off Syria!

Not another war!

Let’s make our voices heard
BEFORE the U.S. Congressional war vote.

All out! Saturday, September 7

Last week there were demonstrations and rallies against another war in at least 48 U.S. cities.

On Monday, September 9, as Congress goes back into session, join Syrian American Forum and many others in front of the White House, then marching to the U.S. Congress

Iraq: 10th anniversary of U.S. crime against humanity

By Sara Flounders on March 19, 2013

The corporate media in the U.S. play a powerful role in preparation for imperialist war. They play an even more insidious role in rewriting the history of U.S. wars and obstructing the purpose of U.S. wars.

They are totally intertwined with U.S. military, oil and banking corporations. In every war, this enormously powerful institution known as the 'fourth estate' attempts, as the public relations arm of corporate dominance, to justify imperialist plunder and overwhelm all dissent.

The corporate media’s reminiscences and evaluations this week of the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War, which began March 19, 2003, are a stark reminder of their criminal complicity in the war.

Non-Aligned Movement meets in Iran, defies U.S.

By Sara Flounders on September 2, 2012

A meeting in Tehran starting Aug. 26 puts into the sharpest perspective the waning position of U.S. imperialism globally and especially in the Middle East. Both the U.S. and Israel's demands for a boycott of the meeting were ignored. Clearly the U.S. hold is slipping.

Despite every U.S. government effort to economically strangle, militarily blockade and politically isolate Iran, 118 countries, including 35 heads of state and 21 foreign ministers, have accepted the invitation to send a high-level delegation to Iran for the international gathering of the Non-Aligned Movement.

US after large-scale war in Middle East

"[The US] is threatening wider war in the region at the very time that a great deal of both outside weapons are being pumped in, at the very time when US aircraft carriers, destroyers, jet aircraft, helicopters are flooding into both the area just off of Syria and also into the Persian Gulf. It is a military escalation of a very unprecedented and dangerous level." - Sara Flounders co-director of the International Action Center in interview with Press TV.09 July, 2012

Caleb Maupin of the International Action Center explains the importance of opposing the war moves against Iran and speaks about the February 4, 2012 National Day of Action to stop U.S. war against Iran.

Press TV Interview with Sara Flounders May 4, 2010

Sara Flounders, Director of the International Action Center Introducing the Stop War on Iran Forum on August 1, 2009.

More videos from the Aug 1 2009 Forum


Oil and Social Gains - Why the U.S. is Targeting Iran

It is with grave concern that we observe the growing threat of a new U.S. war--this time against the people of Iran.

The media is filled with reports of an alleged nuclear threat posed by Iran and the assumed need for the U.S. to take military action. These reports remind us of the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" reports issued in the months leading up to the war on Iraq. >> view full statement and signers   In Farsi  En Español
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