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Battle Cry
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Missions Fund Report
Issue Date: July/August 2017

Henk Thomassen —Netherlands
“A few weeks ago there was a new family in our church who told me they would become new members. When I asked them how they found us, they told me they found a Chick tract from us in a supermarket shopping cart and that it was exactly what they were looking for. And that is just one example of all the blessings the Lord is bringing with your tracts!”

Mike and Mary Wallace —Mexico City

"It is exciting as you pass out tracts to look back and see people reading them page by page and knowing they are reading the gospel AND interested in it. Mexicans love their soccer and people are so drawn to this tract (The Superstar.)

“I was in the equivalent of the vehicle registration department a couple weeks ago. People think bureaucracy is bad in the U.S, but it is much worse here. Wait times are extremely long. When I first sat down, I introduced myself to the man beside me, Alfonso, and I gave him the Chick tract, Esta Fue Tu Vida (This Was Your Life). He started reading it as we waited, then I was called to see one of the attendants.

“When I sat back down by Alfonso, he shook my hand with tears in his eyes and said thank you. He said he was Catholic but knew inside he was a bad person. He said when he read the tract, he realized it was true and he prayed to accept Christ as his Savior. “We have other stories like this but the blessing is knowing Chick Tracts get read, and because of it, people get saved —some immediately and some later. Thank you for helping us reach this needy mission field with the gospel, and in a manner that is so well received.”

Jerry Alford —Venezuela

“The Chick tracts are a key in our church planting efforts. There have been over 10 churches started by your tracts. Now, the churches you have helped us start are starting other churches. There have been 5 second-generation churches started and we have a plan for four more that I will be directly working with.

“Thank you. The people in Venezuela LOVE THE TRACTS AND WILL ASK FOR MORE. This opens the door for more witnessing.”

Note: Alford reports that the food shortage is so severe in Venezuela that he has lost over 40 pounds. A Marxist government has destroyed the economy and inflation is rampant. His church rent increased 600%, forcing them to move. “Yet we are marching forward,” he says.

Joetta Smith —Kenya

“It has been a few days since I went in to replenish the tracts and I was shocked to see how they have gone! Pastor Sablon has come with many pastors and we have had people coming from long distances who have somehow gotten a tract and have called for directions to come here for is just amazing and thrilling to see how these tracts have ‘taken hold’ here and are in such demand.

“People absolutely love them and talk about how much their faith has grown since having them to read and they are eager to give them out. People will just ‘come out of the woodwork’ to ask for them.

“The pastors who come leave with hundreds of tracts and tell us they always run out. Our church members and the children have taken a renewed interest in evangelism as well.

“Sometimes I just want to weep when I see the pastors coming to tell us how they see they have been preaching a wrong gospel and how the tracts, along with our meetings have really helped them to see the truth. “They are passionate to show people how the Word of God has been so corrupted and they are also passionate to reach the Catholics as there is a VERY large Catholic population here and they are pushing hard to get everyone to go back to the ‘mother’ church.

“The tracts are proving to be such good ‘weapons’ in the hands of these precious pastors. They carry their little boxes of tracts with them when they leave the center as if they are carrying a precious treasure.

“SO, I was so happy to see the big ‘dent’ in our supply here. Word is out that THIS is the place to get the tracts and also as a result we find many are even wanting to have a Bible study before they leave. We have really been blessed to spread the word.

“Be encouraged that I pray for God to bless you there for deciding to have us be an outlet for Chick Tracts here in Kenya. It is a miracle and may God receive all the glory. God bless you all there.”

Many Christians want to provide Chick tracts to missionaries

We can help!
We maintain an account called: The Chick Missions Fund

Although we are not legally structured to give tax-deductible receipts, we definitely know how to get literature into missionaries’ hands. If you would like to help extend the hands of a missionary with Chick tracts, please send your donation to:

Chick Missions Fund
Chick Publications
PO Box 3500
Ontario, CA 91761

100% of the funds you send to the Chick Mission Fund are used to ship literature to missionaries.

We receive requests frequently from missionaries who need your help. Just during recent months, shipments have been provided for:

Ethiopia       Ethiopia      Kenya      Guyana      Argentina

India      Thailand      Malawi       Philippines

Guatemala     Zimbabwe      China       Mexico      Zambia

Romania       Netherlands

Will you help?