Josiah Warren, a Most Unlikely Internationalist

Josiah WarrenJosiah Warren was, famously, not a joiner. He habitually quarreled with anyone who suggested that he had followers or had founded a school. By his own account, after his early adventures with Owenite socialism, he only ever joined one organization—but what an organization!


Please send in your abstracts now...


Call to Artists: New Orleans Anarchist Bookfair Art Exhibit

Call to Artists: New Orleans Anarchist Bookfair Art Exhibit

Are you an amazing anti-authoritarian artist? Do you make text based or book art?  If so, we wanna show your work at the New Orleans Anarchist Bookfair. Text based and book art are encouraged but submissions are not limited to those categories. Please submit work you feel should be in our exhibit.

New Title from AK Press: Anarchism and Workers' Self-Management in Revolutionary Spain


Anarchism and Workers' Self-Management in Revolutionary Spain

by Frank Mintz
preface by Chris Ealham

translated by Paul Sharkey

New(ish) Title from Freedom Press. Beating The Fascists: The Untold Story of Anti-Fascist Action


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