TOTW: Natural Disasters

  • Posted on: 11 September 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Call me old fashion but I think that anarchism and DIY culture go hand-in-hand. I think that Common Ground, whatever it's faults (and of course there are many and they have been well documented), was the correct response to the reality that Katrina exposed. We are now being exposed to this same dramatic reality week after week. 8.2 earthquakes, multiple hurricanes this year, it doesn't seem to be slowing down.

The Hotwire #4: September 13, 2017

  • Posted on: 14 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

This week we speak with Dezeray, an anarchist involved in Mutual Aid Disaster Relief organizing in the wake of Hurricane Irma. Next, we interview Sam, an anarchist DACA recipient, about undocumented youth resistance. A number of political prisoners are in urgent need of support. Victorious striking workers show that direct action gets the goods. We remember Attica, the September 11 military coup in Chile, and Charlottesville. At the end we announce some anarchist book fairs and the Juggalo March on Washington.

Thessaloniki: Arson of electrical transformer of OTE (Greece)

  • Posted on: 14 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

We are confronting technology to the extent that it is a tool in the hand of the bosses and capitalism, taking away our capabilities practical or not. Their target is to establish any kind of technology as crucial for each one of us, to enslave each mind and body to one or the other technological means that at first sight makes our lives easier and more pleasant.

The real consequence on the other hand, is the destruction of social and human relations and of the earth and nature. All of this for the development of robust social control and making profits.

Athens – Letter by imprisoned anarchist comrade Panagiotis Z. (Greece)

  • Posted on: 14 September 2017
  • By: thecollective


“I read somewhere that in the whole world, in all those millions, there are no two boys or two girls that are same as two drops of water.The same thing happens with revolutionaries. Each one carries in their participation their own dreams, their own loves. Their own self, their own “I can”. Alas, if it was otherwise. We would be either machines or amoebae.

Round-up – International Week for Anarchist Prisoners

  • Posted on: 14 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

Here’s a list of reported events so far that happened for the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners, reports from various counter-info sites via Freedom to all the imprisoned comrades, and good luck to all those with warrants and investigations!

Into the Trenches: Pipeline Sabotage in Hamilton, ON

  • Posted on: 12 September 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Pipelines are war; one built from the insatiable greed of corporations which have normalized violence against the land and its living. Our resolve within this struggle intensifies with each audacious assault Enbridge launches; each time they dismiss the concerns and requests of Indigenous Nations. Every court proceeding. Every act of intimidation. Every lie or false claim of safety or necessity. We’ve had enough.

So back when Enbridge started shipping in pipeline segments for their line 10 expansion, we started sabotaging them.

Anarchy Radio 09-12-2017

  • Posted on: 12 September 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Extreme weather/mutual aid. End times in the air, mass shootings. Plants
vs. pollutantss. Android entered in portrait competition, online trust? Ugly art.
"The Case Against Civilization," by John Lanchester, "Tech People," by Nagib
Aminy @ Action news, two calls.

The Brilliant: Episode 53 – A Round Table

  • Posted on: 12 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

From The Brilliant

As most listeners know The Brilliant is related to a few other public projects, namely Little Black Cart (LBC) a publisher and distributor of anarchist books and material. Recently LBC has been called out and generally indicted by a host of individuals and projects for publishing texts by and about with the Mexican group ITS (individual tending to the wild), in particular the eco-extremist journal Atassa. This indictment reached a fever pitch when a few motivated individuals approached the LBC table at the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair to castigate them for the publishing and punctuated this by tearing a book apart. Around the same time an article was released saying that this publishing meant that LBC was not an anarchist project. Here is the LBC response.

Anews podcast - episode 28

  • Posted on: 11 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 28 for September 8. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.
Editorial: Definitions of Fascism
TOTW - Scarcity of Labor
A101 question: What role do games play in anarchy?
this podcast

The Student Movement in Chile

  • Posted on: 11 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

Forty-four years ago today, on September 11, 1973, a military dictatorship seized power in Chile via a CIA-sponsored coup. They murdered thousands of people without trial, tortured tens of thousands, and forced hundreds of thousands into exile in a series of atrocities that some Trump supporters openly fantasize about carrying out in the US. Today, the legacy of the dictatorship persists in the laws it passed and the cutthroat neoliberal policies it introduced, but also in the repressive policing apparatus that serves democracy the same way it served a dictator. And something else persists: a powerful resistance movement. In the latest installment of our series on student organizing, we interviewed an anarchist participant in the Chilean student movement, in hopes of offering a little perspective on what student struggles look like outside the US.
