
The Black Panthers in London, 1967-1972 - Anne-Marie Angelo

An in-depth look at the activities and ideology of the British Black Panther Movement in London, and the influence which the experiences of the American Black Panther Party had on them.

Back issues of Organise (Anarchist Federation UK)

An incomplete archive of back issues of Organise- the theoretical and historical publication of the Anarchist Federation of the UK.

Past opinions may not reflect current thinking within the Anarchist Federation.

Huddersfield as a microcosm of the anarchist movement during World War One

Anti-conscription meeting, W.Yorkshire

A short account of controversy over World War One in Huddersfield

“Radical Gotham” – New York City, Just Like You Pictured It

The Dublin McDonald's strike, 1979

Dublin McDonald's strikers

A post-mortem of the 6 month strike by ITGWU members at Ireland's first two branches of McDonald's in Dublin by the Anarchist Workers Association.

An “entirely different” kind of union: the Service, Office, and Retail Workers’ Union of Canada (SORWUC), 1972–1986 – Julia Smith


An in depth article which examines the Service, Office, and Retail Workers’ Union of Canada (SORWUC), an independent, grassroots, socialist-feminist union that existed from 1972 to 1986. They organised workers in marginalised, low-paying, largely female-dominated sectors that weren’t high priorities for the much larger business unions.

This article was published in the Canadian academic journal Labour/Le Travail, vol. 73, in 2014.

Dormant Seeds of 1848- John Hewetson

John Hewetson's analysis of the important lessons of the uprisings that threatened the rulers of Europe in 1848.

From A Hundred Years of Revolution: 1848 And After, edited by George Woodcock (Porcupine Press, London, 1948)

Defence of the Polish post office in Danzig

Memorial to the workers outside the post office

A short account of the employees of the Danzig post office who fought the Nazis for 15 hours during the invasion of Poland before they were captured, written by Nikola Budanovic. This article was first published on warhistoryonline.com.

Sex work organisation in the global south

Sex workers protest in India

An overview by Gregor Gall of sex workers' organising and unionisation efforts in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

London women tram workers: equal pay strike 1918

Photos of the strike

Interesting additional information about the 1918 strike of women workers on London transport.