Friday 02 June 2017


Ten documentaries that shook the world

Michael Moore
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Filmmaker Michael Moore
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Michael Moore has targeted scare-mongering on television 

Michael Moore is only the latest in a long line of filmmakers to make an impact. Philip Horne previews the BFI's forthcoming season of films

The poet Auden once said, rather sweepingly, "Poetry makes nothing happen."

You certainly couldn't say the same for the cinema - least of all for the 10 remarkable films and TV programmes, some famous, some little-known, that the adventurous critic Mark Cousins has chosen for the Documentary Impact season at BFI Southbank.

These interventions didn't just shake the world, they stirred it to action, bringing about, according to Cousins, "actual, measurable, change in the law or government policy or behaviour".

Minamata: The Victims and Their World (Minamata: Kanja-san to sono sekai) (no cert)
Japan, 1972, dir Noriaki Tsuchimoto, 105min

From 1932, the Chisso chemical company's plant in Minamata, Japan, pumped highly toxic methyl mercury into Minamata Bay, which then accumulated in fish and shellfish eaten by locals.

Hideous neurological damage ensued. First manifested in children in 1956, the epidemic of so-called "cat dancing disease" led to a long campaign by victims, facing corporate denials and intimidation, partly from fellow citizens in what was a company town.

Tsuchimoto's documentary, filmed over a decade and more, follows the families who sued the company in a hugely controversial four-year trial - and succeeded.

  • Aug 27, 4pm; Aug 31, 6.20pm

Bowling for Columbine (15)
USA, 2002, dir Michael Moore, 120min

The bearish Moore won an Oscar for his sledgehammer agitprop investigation of America's 11,000-plus annual gun deaths; he himself, oddly, is a paid-up NRA member.

This entertaining, unscrupulous, outrageous tabloid essay focuses on the events in the Columbine High cafeteria on the morning of April 20, 1999, but sneaks in Marilyn Manson, Osama bin Laden and Charlton Heston along the way.

It supposedly made Wal-Mart stop selling bullets. Actually, Moore's real target here is less gun ownership than TV's racist scare-mongering and the "culture of fear" it creates.

  • Aug 11, 8.40pm; 27 Aug 27, 6.10pm

The Thin Blue Line (15)
USA, 1988, dir Errol Morris, 101min

Aided by a gloriously menacing Philip Glass score, ex-philosopher Morris brings lucidity and persistence to this beautifully constructed, influential masterpiece, revealing a seemingly symptomatic miscarriage of justice in the Texas penal system.

Under the gentle pressure of interviewer Morris, cops say breathtaking things - such as, "He almost overacted his innocence," of the innocent, stoical, baffled Randall Adams, a drifter in the wrong place at the wrong time, accused of killing a policeman.

The film got Adams off Death Row and meditates suggestively on the paradoxical twists taken by time and fate.

  • Aug 21, 8.45pm; Aug 26, 8.50pm

McLibel (PG)
UK, 2005, dir Franny Armstrong, 84min

Underdog activists Helen Steel (a gardener) and Dave Morris (a postman) had distributed leaflets against the policies and practices of McDonald's only to be crushed by the corporation in the courts under UK libel legislation.

But then the first version of Armstrong's no-budget film appeared.

Without legal aid, they'd represented themselves in court, which gave them a basis for a successful appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

With extra help from Ken Loach (who directed courtroom reconstructions) and interviews with Eric (Fast Food Nation ) Schlosser, a new version of the documentary won a US cinema release - and McDonald's stopped advertising to schools.

  • Aug 21, 6.20pm; Aug 24, 8.45pm

Death of a Nation - The Timor Conspiracy (no cert)
Network First BBC, 1994, dir David Munro and John Pilger, 74min

Crusading Australian journalist Pilger doesn't do balance or objectivity, but he shows ferocious persistence as he investigates the way things work in the globalised world.

He indicts Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford - and Britain and Australia - for complicity in Indonesia's brutal invasion of East Timor, which Suharto turned into a genocidal "hell".

"I don't really fill my mind with what one set of foreigners is doing to another," says Alan Clark, ever the shocker.

Well, Pilger's exposé fills our minds with it, and with the haunting sense of what else Western governments may be doing in our name.

  • Aug 22, 8.30pm; Aug 25, 6.15pm

Michael Buerk's BBC report on Ethiopia (no cert)
UK, 1984, 9mins

Without the overt Pilgerian politicisation, Buerk's report none the less seethes with impotent anger at having to bear witness to "a tragedy bigger than anybody seems to realise, getting bigger by the day".

There's admirable restraint (no music, careful choice of words) in the representation of the famine in which an estimated one million people died, despite the Western aid this report helped to raise.

Manipulative? Yes, if it's manipulative to choose beautiful children to look into the camera, their faces alive with grief and confusion. These deeply felt images found their way to make a vital human connection.

  • Shown with Death of a Nation, above

For Freedom (Baray-e Azadi) (no cert)
Iran, 1980, dir Hussein Torabi, 110min

The theocratic Iranian Revolution in 1979 drove the Shah away on "extended vacation" and brought back the 80-year-old Shia cleric, Ayatollah Khomeini, from exile in Paris to assume power.

This positive record of the tumultuous events that led to the US hostage crisis, and the Iran-Iraq War, was apparently made in 35mm and with crane shots, catching the mass excitement of the crowds in the street.

It's probably never been seen in the UK, but is shown every year on Iranian TV on the anniversary of Khomeini's victory.

  • Aug 20, 5.50pm, Aug 25, 4pm

The Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens: Das Dokument vom Reichsparteitag) (no cert)
Germany, 1936, dir Leni Riefenstahl, 110min

What a cast: Hitler at his smiliest, Goering, Himmler, Bormann, Hess, Heydrich and serried thousands of Nazis at the 1934 Nuremburg rally.

Riefenstahl's kitsch vision glorifies the ranks of Aryan youth happily being bombarded with Wagnerian music, and bonding with the Fuehrer while he belts out hate-filled speeches.

It played its part in bringing Europe to a crisis in which tens of millions died. Less likeable than Chaplin's Hitler in The Great Dictator, but who can deny Triumph's hypnotic power?

  • Aug 19, 8.40pm; Aug 23, 8.40pm

The Sorrow and the Pity (Le Chagrin et la pitié) (12A)
Fr-Switz-W Ger, 1970, dir Marcel Ophuls, 248min

Until this great film, the French stuck to the official Second World War myth in which plucky resistance to the Nazis and Vichy was the rule and collaboration the exception.

Through a patient accumulation of interviews, Ophuls's devastatingly intense four-hour story of the four years of occupation establishes that France was the only invaded country in Europe whose government enthusiastically collaborated, while much of the defeated French people, particularly the bourgeoisie, accepted Vichy and Pétain's horrible "social revolution".

Ophuls especially targets the songbird Maurice Chevalier, who warbled, "Ah, France smells so good!" amid the stench of 1942.

  • Aug 26, 4pm; Aug 30, 6pm

Heshang - The River Elegy (no cert)
China, 1988, dir Xia Jun

This controversial six-part TV documentary, said to have created the conditions that led to the bloodily suppressed protests in Tiananmen Square, and heatedly discussed to this day by Chinese intellectuals, was shown in June 1988 and banned in 1989, but only after being watched by 200 million people.

Combining scholarship, chronicle, allegory and cultural discussion, the film apparently argues that China's history consists of a sequence of failures and missed opportunities, and calls for thorough Westernisation.

It has never been shown outside China; BFI Southbank will show extracts from an unofficial copy, with an introduction.

  • 22 Aug 22, 6.10pm
  • The Daily Telegraph is the media partner of the BFI's documentary season

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