a different side of Israel

All About OJ is an Israeli news and views blog magazine. It is the personal account and opinion publication platform for a collection of Israeli and Middle Eastern based contributors. in an independent online publication launched in July 2005. It is unaffiliated with the political right, left, secular or religious. Jewish, Christian or Muslim. There are opinions here that are brought to use by various writers and we welcome GUEST WRITERS – AS LONG AS THE CONTENT IS ORIGINAL and worth reading (we decide that part)!

The information presented here is up-close personal and very local. The opinions and voices at are uncensored, sometimes very opinionated and always represent the lone contributor…

Well, it wasn’t planned. Fact is that Jerusalem is an internationally known term. One that over the years has caused pain and joy to so many opposing sides.

We hope that will become, at least in the virtual space, a place for people to exchange opinions and get a realistic, down to earth view of life in Israel from a local perspective and without the headlines.

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Let us know if you have anything to say. Send us any images, video, written commentary, whatever you feel you want to share with our readers. We might post it and if we do, we will give you due credit (unless you prefer not to be mentioned). We ask that you gurantee that the content you submit is original and not available elsewhere.

Advertising on OJ
OJ is read internationally and is considered one of the leading blogs in the Middle East since 2005. We offer monthly advertising packages that include, text ads, buttons and banners. Please contact editor (AT) for more information.

Thank you for visiting…


  1. You’re doing a great work here. I enjoyed visiting here very much. Thanks!

  2. It’s the first time i ran through your site and I found it very informative and interesting. Nicely done!

  3. Very nice. I hope you’ll update very soon.

  4. Nice job. I’m planning to come back here in the future.

  5. This site is very informative and more for the people who do not have any idea about Israel. Great job!!!.

  6. Thanks for this site. It is a great look at Israel, her people & culture and everyone & thing doing business with Israel.
    Question: Your headline graphic of the 13 Israeli soldiers, was that inspired by Da Vinci’s painting of Jesus and the 12 Apostles at the Last Supper?
    (I am not insulted, if it is!)

  7. I should have looked at the One Jerusalem Headers before I asked that question in my previous post! Should have looked before I leaped! Your current headline is really funny. Keep up the good work! Shalom!

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