
Brutal police tactics lead to several injured at protests against nuclear waste landfill in Bure

On August 15th, several people protesting the project of nuclear waste landfill were seriously injured by police. Activists denounce a new level in police repression and detailed previous acts of violence.

16th August 1848 - the last attempted armed rising on English soil?

Seven Dials in 1836

A short history of the attempted armed uprising of Chartists at Seven Dials in London, which was foiled by police.

The French Miners Strike of 1948: Some Scraps of history

What little information I've managed to dig up on what seems to have been an important struggle in post war France.

The Hilo massacre, 1938

One of the victims of the massacre

Detailed history of the Hilo massacre, Hawaii's Bloody Monday, when police opened fire at a crowd of unarmed striking longshoremen, injuring 50, written by William J. Puette in 1988.

Tracing Louise Michel in the Pacific

Numbo, 1877

An extremely well-researched text by Paul Mason exploring exiled Paris Communard Louise Michel's time imprisoned on the French colony of New Caledonia in the late 19th century.

The Home Saving Bank robbery, 1915

William Juber

A short history of the robbery of a branch of the Home Saving Bank in Los Angeles in 1915 and its aftermath, by the Black Rose Anarchist Federation.

Bloody legislation against the expropriated

Vagrant being punished in Tudor England

Karl Marx's short history of the violent legislation introduced by governments in Europe to force peasants removed from their land into wage labour from the 16th century.

On leaving Russia

Russian Jewish anarchist Mollie Steimer, who was deported to Russia, on her being deported from Russia by the Bolsheviks for condemning their persecution of revolutionary workers.

Why misogynists make great Informants: How gender violence on the left enables state violence in radical movements

Brandon Darby

Courtney Desiree Morris on the disruptive role of misogynists in radical organisations, and how it opens the door to state violence both indirectly and in some cases via police informants.

Poland 1956 Photo Gallery

A small collection of photographs documenting the wave of anti government protests in Poland in 1956, that were overshadowed by the events in Hungary of that same year.