Student begs professor to let her bring dog to class before hurricane. What happens next is in fact awesome

Who's a good girl? This dog.

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Trump's Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin asked for $25K/hr Air Force jet for his European honeymoon

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his wife, Louise Linton, requested a $25,000-an-hour Air Force jet to take them on their honeymoon in Scotland, France and Italy earlier this summer.

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Bipartisan Congress blocks Jeff Sessions' plan to revive civil asset forfeiture

Civil asset forfeiture allows police departments to confiscate and keep property they claim results from criminal activity, without having to prove that any criminal activity took place -- this turned into a national scourge, until cops were stealing more from Americans than burglars, until the Obama administration shut down the DoJ's enabling program in 2015. Read the rest

NASA Cassini Spacecraft Makes Final Approach to Saturn, 'Grand Finale' set for Fri. Sep. 15

The Cassini spacecraft is on final approach to Saturn, following confirmation by mission navigators that it is on course to dive into the planet’s atmosphere on Friday, Sept. 15.

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Did Equifax execs sell stock before data breach news broke because they knew? U.S. Senators want to know

Two influential members of the U.S. Senate today demanded answers from Equifax on the recent massive data breach that affected 143 million Americans.

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Hurricane Irma turned these green Caribbean islands brown

These NASA images of Hurricane Irma churning across the Atlantic Ocean show “widespread browning of the landscape,” as winds devastated several Caribbean islands before moving on to the Florida Keys and the U.S. mainland. Read the rest

Russian politician mocks U.S., says intel 'missed it' when Russia 'stole the president of the United States'

Russian politician Vyacheslav Nikonov says U.S. “intelligence missed it when Russian intelligence stole the president of the United States.”

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Photos show Richard Branson's private Necker island destroyed by Irma

Billionaire Richard Branson has posted images on Twitter that show post-Irma damage to his island, Necker, as well as other surrounding islands. He's working on getting aid to the British Virgin Islands, which were wiped out by Irma.

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Miss Texas had some choice words about Trump at Miss America pageant

Last night during the Miss America pageant, Miss Texas' Margana Wood was asked whether she agreed with Trump that there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to last month's demonstration of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and the KKK, along with counter-protestors, in Charlottesville, Virginia. Her answer surprised many, as she spoke her mind against Trump.

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Newly gerrymandered district conveniently includes senator's new house

Let's say you're a state senator, but the house you'd like to own isn't in your district. No problem! Just propose a boundary change to include the new house! Read the rest

'I will get Putin on this… we will get Donald elected,' emailed Trump's Mafia-linked ally Felix Sater in 2015

Felix Sater, a longtime business associate of Donald Trump with organized crime ties, promised in a 2015 email to “engineer a real estate deal with the aid of the president of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, that he said would help Mr. Trump win the presidency,” reports the New York Times today.

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Whole Foods lowers some prices as much as 43% and starts selling Echo on first day under Amazon

“Whole Paycheck” no more. Today is Whole Foods' first day as an official part of, which bought the grocery chain for $13.7 billion. Around the country this week, prices at Whole Foods Markets are down a third or more on some of the more popular produce items like avocados and apples, no doubt part of Amazon's plan to rid the chain of its bad rep for high prices.

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Harvey hits hard, TX governor issues mandatory evacuations as 'catastrophic flood' risks loom

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas just gave an update on the impact of Harvey, formerly a category 4 hurricane, and now a tropical storm that made landfall near Corpus Christi late Friday night. There are no confirmed storm fatalities yet. At this time, 338,000 power outages are reported across the state. The governor is issuing a mandatory evacuation order for central parts of Texas.

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Trump pardons Joe Arpaio

President Donald J. Trump today pardoned the lawless racist and former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio. He was found guilty of criminal contempt in a case about racial profiling. Of course he was Trump's first pardon.

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Mueller investigating Flynn's role in seeking Clinton's stolen emails to help Trump campaign

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team of investigators are looking into whether former Trump cabinet member Mike Flynn may have been part of an effort to get a hold of Hillary Clinton’s emails, hacked by Russia.

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Boomers are news-illiterate couch vegetables stuck in front of their yelling, ad-saturated TVs

A Pew Research study found that "younger adults are more likely than their elders to read the news," but there are other ways of seeing the data.

Overall, more Americans prefer to watch their news (46%) than to read it (35%) or listen to it (17%), a Pew Research Center survey found earlier this year. But that varies dramatically by age. Those ages 50 and older are far more likely to prefer watching news over any other method: About half (52%) of 50- to 64-year-olds and 58% of those 65 and older would rather watch the news, while roughly three-in-ten (29% and 27%, respectively) prefer to read it. ... our research also reveals that, in the digital realm, [younger adults] often get news at equal or higher rates than older Americans, whether intentionally or not.

The most literate and literary people in human history. Read the rest

Ex-CIA Dir. Brennan: I briefed Congress on Russian election interference, they didn't get 'importance and gravity'

Former CIA Director John Brennan sent an internal memo to CIA employees last December in which he said some of the members of Congress he'd briefed on the CIA's conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections did not “understand and appreciate the importance and gravity of the issue.”

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