Summary for HelpHub Bug Scrub 14 September 2017

Slack transcript available here.

There were no closed issues since our last meeting.

All closed issues

All closed PRs


We all agreed that reading time is not helpful and even misleading for HelpHub, so that should be removed before merging.

It has been reported that some issues are old and not providing clear tasks. It’s been quiet last few weeks so we might address these issues on next scrubs (today). It would be good to mark them and either clarify or close them. This meeting will happen today, Thursday, September 21, 2017, 17:00 UTC in #docs channel. You all are invited.

#bug-scrub, #summary

Summary for HelpHub Bug Scrub 7 September 2017

Slack transcript available here.

There were no closed issues since our last bug scrubs but two pull requests are closed – #140 and #147.

We got some attention which will, hopefully, bring more contributors to HelpHub. There are a couple of new people preparing their local installs (yeey).

All closed issues

All closed PRs

Home page template and powerful search are still hot topics.

Home Page Template

Home page template discussion is happening here. Please feel free to join, everyone’s opinion is welcomed.

Search Epic

Issues/PRs under Search epic: #8, #9, #47 and #37.

Huge thank you to all who contribute, you’re mega champions.

Next bug scrub will happen today, Thursday, September 14, 2017, 17:00 UTC in #docs channel and you all are invited. We can discuss any issue.

#bug-scrub, #summary

Summary for HelpHub Bug Scrub 31 August 2017

There were no closed issues or pull requests since our last bug scrubs. However, we had a good discussion about home page template and search functionality. These are going to be the main focus in following period. We are hoping to have intuitive search and helpful home page in order to prevent asking the same questions in forums.

Home Page Template

Home page template discussion is happening here. Please feel free to join, everyone’s opinion is welcomed.

Search Epic

Initial plans included Elastic Search for search functionality. This is something we want to apply with addition to possible usage of WP REST API for refining search results via filters. Again, feel free to join discussion, share experiences and ideas, or even code. Any help is welcomed.

Issues/PRs under Search epic: #8, #9, #47 and #37.

Slack transcript available here.

Huge thank you to all who contributed, you’re super heroes.

All closed issues

All closed PRs

Next bug scrub will happen today, Thursday, September 07, 2017, 17:00 UTC in #docs channel and you all are invited. We can discuss all the issues but keep in mind the focus on home page template and Search.

#bug-scrub, #summary

Summary for Helphub Bug Scrub 24 August 2017

Last week we didn’t have bug scrubs due to regular Fortnight Docs meeting. You can check last summary here.

Closed issues

All closed issues

Closed PRs

All closed PRs

Huge thank you to all who contributed, you’re mega heroes.


Now that development tools are synced with the rest of make teams (thanks to @netweb), we can move on with design and functionality. It is noted that we should have clear(er) direction and goals, and bug scrubs should guide towards these goals.

That being said, next main focus should be search functionality and home page template.

Home Page Template

We already have some great ideas for home page and design proposal by @mapk.

Search Epic

We want HelpHub to have powerful search functionality and template. This is one of first places end user will come for information and all information should be easy accessed and found. Issues/PRs under Search epic: #8, #9, #47 and #37.

Next bug scrub will happen today, Thursday, August 31, 2017, 17:00 UTC in #docs channel and you all are invited. We can discuss all the issues but keep in mind the focus on home page template and Search.

#bug-scrub, #summary

Agenda for Helphub Meeting August 29


Do read the summary and let us know your task updates!

Time/date: Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 15:00 UTC in #docs

  1. Attendance
  2. Migration Updates
  3. Design Updates
  4. Development Updates
  5. AOB

Pinging @atachibana @jon_bossenger @karys @nlarnold1 @greensteph @sarassassin @bethannon1 @juhise @hlashbrooke @sergeybiryukov @bravokeyl @quitevisible @ankitguptaindia @anevins @justingreerbbi @carl-alberto @geoffreyshilling @normalize @hardeepasrani @danhgilmore @wizzard_ @cristiano.zanca @tacoverdo @lumberhack @krogsgard @clorith @versatility @mapk

If I have missed any usernames, it’s not on purpose and do consider yourself invited to the meeting.


Summary for HelpHub Bug Scrub 17 August 2017

Slack transcript available here.

Last week’s focus was on writing guides to help with onboarding new contributors and tracking contributors plugin.

For next 7 days it is planned to convert all Grunt tasks to Gulp and keep consistency throughout the project. This will allow finishing document on contributing to HelpHub with code. It is also planned for Tracking contributors plugin to be finished and ready for testing; going through Handbook plugin and extract what’s needed for HelpHub theme (mainly focused on sidebar menu); as well as design fixes, reported in various issues.

Closed issues

  • Markup issues causing breaking layout – #124

All closed issues

Closed PRs

  • Contributing guide – #120, #129
  • Update normalize to latest version – #123
  • Markup issues causing breaking layout – #125

All closed PRs

Huge thank you to all who contributed, you’re superstars.

We will skip today’s bug scrub as documentation team has forthnight meeting in #docs channel and you all are invited.

Next bug scrub will happen next week, Thursday, August 31, 2017, 17:00 UTC in #docs channel and you all are invited. Here are issues we will discuss. If you have any comments/questions/concerns, do post comment to this post (pinging @kenshino, @netweb, @clorith, @mapk, @joyously).

#bug-scrub, #summary

Summary for Helphub Meeting August 22nd


The introduction pages for contributing to HelpHub, in the docs handbook, have been updated to help with onboarding new contributors, and a contributor document has been added to the project on GitHub.

General migration of documentation is moving along at a decent pace.


Input is being provided on the various visual elements of the project, and tickets are being created for tasks that need addressing in relation to this.


Documentation on code contributions is in the works.

We’re also looking into possibly having everything under a team as it can become messy to mix plugins and themes in one large repository, splitting plugins into separate repositories for management purposes would help with that and needs a team to keep track of the mall in one location (as a continuation on the sub-modules discussion form last week).


@kenshino, @milana_cap, @sergeybiryukov, @atachibana, @davidmlentz, @picturecities, @mapk, @clorith, @kafleg, @hugo-finley and @joyously attended.

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives. (A Slack account is required)


Agenda for Documentation Team Meeting August 24

Here’s the agenda for the Docs team bi-weekly chat, which are held Thursdays at Thursday, August 24 2017 17:00 UTC in the #docs channel on Slack.

If we do not get any attendance, open floor will be held instead

Current Projects Updates:

  1. Codex Migration (DevHub) – @drewapicture
  2. DevHub – @drewapicture
  3. HelpHub – @kenshino
  4. Inline Docs – @drewapicture

Other Stuff:

  1. Documentation Team & Contributor Pages
  2. Open Floor

Feel free to comment if you have items to add to the agenda.


Agenda for Helphub Meeting August 22


Do read the summary and let us know your task updates!

Time/date: Tuesday, August 22, 2017, 15:00 UTC in #docs

  1. Attendance
  2. Migration Updates
  3. Design Updates
  4. Development Updates
  5. AOB

Pinging @atachibana @jon_bossenger @karys @nlarnold1 @greensteph @sarassassin @bethannon1 @juhise @hlashbrooke @sergeybiryukov @bravokeyl @quitevisible @ankitguptaindia @anevins @justingreerbbi @carl-alberto @geoffreyshilling @normalize @hardeepasrani @danhgilmore @wizzard_ @cristiano.zanca @tacoverdo @lumberhack @krogsgard @clorith @versatility @mapk

If I have missed any usernames, it’s not on purpose and do consider yourself invited to the meeting.


Summary for Helphub Meeting 15 August 2017


@kenshino @sergey @picturecities @davidmlentz @bravokeyl @aion11 @atachibana @mapk @andrealeebishop @joyously @clorith @milana_cap

Migration / Editing

Content is shaping up to a final state at steadily pace and can be released as is. Editing work on Helphub should be viewed as an iterative process. It is reported (by @atachibana) that HelpHub team has more than 3 active editors. @joyously pointed out that the migration workflow is hard to understand in Documentation Handbook – @atachibana @bishop will help to work on it.


Design is currently focused on UX, @mapk is doing marvelous job on reporting issues and proposing solutions. Aim is to get back to UX design once the UI gets to a level where developers and editors can actually use the site in a proper manner.. Testing UX with real users could give valuable feedback and @mapk volunteered to help with this.


Huge leap has been done since last meeting. Travis issues have been fixed and theme styles converted to sass partials for easier collaboration. All thanks to @clorith. UX issues are also started to be taken care of. It is noted that introducing sass and gulp can result in narrowing possible contribution to code due to lack of guidelines on how to use them.


GIT Submodules

It is suggested by @kenshino to use GIT Submodules as the method to pull in plugins that that are already pre-approved by or the Helphub Team (such as Jetpack, SyntaxHighlighter etc). This way these pre-approved plugins can skip Travis and reduce the complexity on the code base. Custom built plugins by our collaborators should still be submitted via the normal commit and subsequent code review process.


As proposed on last meeting, in attempt to move things forward Development team had first bugscrubs last week. Attempt seem to be successful which will be reported in separate post.

Conclusions / Tasks

It is quite unclear how to contribute to HelpHub team, or Documentation team in general. We want more people to be able to help…. Helphub so we’re working on the following tasks:

  • Better explanation of how to contribute to HelpHub with content – allocated to @atachibana and @andrealeebishop
  • UX testing with real users – allocated to @mapk
  • Detailed guide for contributing to HelpHub with code (including setting up development environment and using grunt, gulp and sass) – allocated to @clorith and @milana_cap
  • GIT workflow explained and documented – allocated to @kenshino

Read the meeting transcript in the Slack archives.

The bug scrub transcript is available here.

(A Slack account is required)
