Savage FAM – Renewal

First issue of Savage Family‘s Friday Freedom Files

Trouble #5: You Are Being Watched

First-hand accounts of people dealing with snitches and undercover cops and how to navigate the brave new world of digital surveillance.

Ipperwash Crisis in 5 Minutes

22 years ago today the Ontario Provincial Police violently attacked the occupation of the Ipperwash Porvincial Park


Featured Videos

34 MINS, 2017

Trouble # 5: You Are Being Watched

Trouble # 5: You Are Being Watched

In Trouble #5 we bring you first-hand accounts of people dealing with snitches and undercover cops and how to navigate the brave new world of digital surveillance.

34 MINS, 2017

31.5 MINS, 2017

Trouble # 4: No Justice… Just Us

Trouble # 4: No Justice… Just Us

In this episode of Trouble, we interview a number of individuals engaged in legal defence and prisoner solidarity, and look at some of the ways we can begin to build movements that are more resilient in the face of state repression.

31.5 MINS, 2017

34 MINS, 2017

Trouble #3: Refugees Welcome

Trouble #3: Refugees Welcome

In this month's episode of Trouble, anarchist media collective we interview a number of individuals from around the world who are helping to chart a course for the future based on living practices of solidarity and mutual aid, and who are invested in tearing down the physical and imaginary borders that seek to keep us divided.

34 MINS, 2017

30 MINS, 2017

Trouble #2: Bash The Fash

Trouble #2: Bash The Fash

Reactionary right-wing politics are on the rise in the west, and events are moving at a dangerous pace. In the wake of Trump's ascendency to the US presidency, a toxic mix of white nationalism, Islamophobia, transphobia, violent misogyny, and anti-migrant hysteria is rapidly coalescing into a growing movement that has in turn sparked a surge of interest

30 MINS, 2017

1 MIN, 2017

Become A Trouble Maker

Become A Trouble Maker

subMedia has launched Trouble, a monthly documentary series intended to be screened in groups.

1 MIN, 2017

2 MIN, 2017

Here comes Trouble

Here comes Trouble

Trouble, a brand-new monthly show offering an in-depth anarchist analysis of current struggles, tactics and movement dynamics.

2 MIN, 2017

29 MINS, 2017

Trouble #1: Killing the Black Snake

Trouble #1: Killing the Black Snake

The first episode of Trouble, looks beyond the mainstream narratives surrounding the Standing Rock encampment to get a better understanding of some of the camp’s overlooked dynamics, including serious disagreements over which tactics to use to best stop the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

29 MINS, 2017


3 MINS, 2017

Athens: Anarchists thoroughly smash luxury

Athens: Anarchists thoroughly smash luxury shopping district

Anarchists in Greece smash one of Europe's most expensive shopping district in retaliation to the harsh and unjust prison sentence imposed on a comrade.

3 MINS, 2017

2 MINS, 2017

We are #1

We are #1

We are number 1 featuris scenes from all around the world, including South Korean protesters using a flamethrower against riot police, hand to hand combat, Molotov attacks, and even farmers in Brussels plowing police lines with a tractor, this edition has it all.

2 MINS, 2017

6 MINS, 2017

Anarchists storm the greek parliament

Anarchists storm the greek parliament

Anarchists broke off from larger demonstrations to hurl molotov cocktails outside Greece's parliament, as lawmakers passed new austerity measures required for the country's economic bailout.

6 MINS, 2017

4 MINS, 2017

Anarchists attack cops outside the greek p

Anarchists attack cops outside the greek parliament

On Wednesday 17 May 2017 thousands of people joined the general strike protests all over Greece, against the new harsh financial measures of 4.9 billion euros incorporated in the 4th Memorandum signed by the greek government, aimed once again against the lower income classes rather, than the banks and the wealthy.

4 MINS, 2017

2 MINS, 2017

A violent May Day in Paris

A violent May Day in Paris

After Le Pen wins the first round of the presidential elections in France - heavy clashes erupt at May Day demonstrations in Paris.

2 MINS, 2017

12 MINS, 2017

Paris: Riots against the far right

Paris: Riots against the far right

Hundreds of protesters in France marched against far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, over concerns basic freedoms would disappear if she were elected.

12 MINS, 2017

33 SECS, 2017

Black Bloc Smashes Inauguration

Black Bloc Smashes Inauguration

A 500+ crew of anti-capitalists, rampaged through the US capital in defiance of the
security state on the day of Trump's inauguration.

33 SECS, 2017

3 MINS, 2013

When Protesters Strike Back: 2013 edition

When Protesters Strike Back: 2013 edition

2013 was an action packed year, with Ukrainian protesters using a bulldozer against police, Belgian firefighters battling the police, and Greek students rioting though Athens.

3 MINS, 2013

4 MINS, 2016

Le French Riots of 2016

Le French Riots of 2016

In 2016, riots rocked France in response to a new labor code would make it easier for companies to lay off workers, would reduce overtime payments for hours worked beyond France's statutory 35-hour workweek.

4 MINS, 2016

3 MINS, 2014

When Protesters Strike Back: 2014 edition

When Protesters Strike Back: 2014 edition

From protesting in solidarity with the 43 students massacred in Mexico, to protesting in honor of fallen comrade Rémi Fraisse in France, the world in 2014 has a lot of reasons to revolt.

3 MINS, 2014

3 MINS, 2016

When Protesters Strike Back: 2016 edition

When Protesters Strike Back: 2016 edition

From the "Fishball Revolution" in Hong Kong to the massive labour reform protests in France, 2016 was a riotous year.

3 MINS, 2016

12 MINS, 2016

Lessons from Nuit Debout

Lessons from Nuit Debout

Radical media crew Doc du réel bring us this short film on the lessons on street confrontation from the wave of revolt that spread across France in Spring 2016.

12 MINS, 2016

25 MINS, 2016

¡Hasta la pasta compañerxs!

¡Hasta la pasta compañerxs!

Some idiot somewhere once said that all good things have to come to an end. But why? Who the fuck knows? Anyway... enjoy the last fuckin show!

25 MINS, 2016

7 MINS, 2016

Riots for Alexis

Riots for Alexis

New video from the fierce riot that "exploded" in Athens on December 6, 2016, commemorating the 8th year since 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos murdered in cold blood by a policeman in the Exarcheia neighborhood of Athens, on December 6, 2008.

7 MINS, 2016

13 MINS, 2016

Anarchists in Athens “welcome”

Anarchists in Athens “welcome” Barack Obama

When Barack Obama came to visit Athens, Greece on the 15th and 16th of November 2016, Greek anarchists gave him a “warm welcome".

13 MINS, 2016

4.5 MINS, 2016

Le French Riots 2016

Le French Riots 2016

Our friends from "When Protesters Strike Back" bring us this kick ass riot porn mash-up, straight from the red hot streets of France, where, after weeks of relentless protests, the cops asked for a truce.

4.5 MINS, 2016

5.5 MINS, 2016

Athens riots in response to police attack

Athens riots in response to police attack

Greeks riot against riots cops who attacked protestors denouncing the freshest wave of SYRIZA-imposed austerity measures.

5.5 MINS, 2016

2 MINS, 2015

When Protesters Strike Back: 2015 edition

When Protesters Strike Back: 2015 edition

One of our favorite mashup artists "A Concerned Human" returns with their yearly mashup of riot porn.

2 MINS, 2015

3 MINS, 2013

This is going to escalate… A lot.

This is going to escalate… A lot.

The 7th November was the night the Greek government passed the next round of deeply unpopular austerity measures. Thousands took to the streets to vent their anger.

3 MINS, 2013

10 MINS, 2012

Riot Helmet Cam Athens

Riot Helmet Cam Athens

Helmet cam during the September 26, 2012 general strike/riots in Athens

10 MINS, 2012


7, 2017



Omar Ben Ali, a stateless Palestinian refugee, has been living and working in Canada for almost a decade. He is launching a public campaign and appealing directly to Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, for status, justice and dignity.

7, 2017

3 MINS, 2017

Salute to Martyrs on Anniversary of the Ro

Salute to Martyrs on Anniversary of the Rojava Revolution

July 19th marks the fifth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. In commemoration, we, from the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement and Rojava Solidarity NYC, would like to extend our insurgent greetings.

3 MINS, 2017

4 MINS, 2017

Calgary Antifa clash with homophobic chris

Calgary Antifa clash with homophobic christian rally

A rally in front of city hall erupted in violence on Sunday as anti-fascist protesters clashed with members of the homophobic Calgary's Street Church.

4 MINS, 2017

9 MINS, 2017

You are a threat: Police bodycam footage f

You are a threat: Police bodycam footage from DisruptJ20

In police body-camera footage obtained by Democracy in Crisis, the scene in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 20, 2017 shows the war zone the US really is right now.

9 MINS, 2017

3 MINS, 2017

Athens: Anarchists thoroughly smash luxury

Athens: Anarchists thoroughly smash luxury shopping district

Anarchists in Greece smash one of Europe's most expensive shopping district in retaliation to the harsh and unjust prison sentence imposed on a comrade.

3 MINS, 2017

3 MINS, 2017

How to: fill fire extinguishers with paint

How to: fill fire extinguishers with paint

Fire extinguishers filled with paint have been useful to anarchists in Montreal fighting gentrification, surveillance, and most recently, colonial advertising.

3 MINS, 2017

2 MINS, 2017

G20 Hamburg – Demo Rave & Snatch Squa

G20 Hamburg – Demo Rave & Snatch Squads

Hamburg, Germany – Unicorn Riot spent their second day covering the events around the G20 Summit documenting a demonstration that was a moving dance party. After the crowd thinned, squads of police snatched and arrested protesters.

2 MINS, 2017

3 MINS, 2017

You can’t evict a movement

You can’t evict a movement

Anarchists in Athens march in protest to refugee squat evictions

3 MINS, 2017

31.5 MINS, 2017

Trouble # 4: No Justice… Just Us

Trouble # 4: No Justice… Just Us

In this episode of Trouble, we interview a number of individuals engaged in legal defence and prisoner solidarity, and look at some of the ways we can begin to build movements that are more resilient in the face of state repression.

31.5 MINS, 2017

3 MINS, 2017

Anger and solidarity at Grenfell tower

Anger and solidarity at Grenfell tower

Another tragedy strikes London. This time through negligence and greed. A horrific fire has blitzed the whole of Grenfell estate in one of London's richest borough and over a hundred are feared dead. The people demand answers and talk politics on the streets.

3 MINS, 2017

44 MINS, 2017

Fighting State Repression: An Overview of

Fighting State Repression: An Overview of the J20 Prosecution

Sam Menefee-Libey of the DC Legal Posse, offers an overview of the J20 case to date and answers questions about the political significance of the case and its place in the broader fight against state repression.

44 MINS, 2017

14 MINS, 2017

The Stop at Madii Lii

The Stop at Madii Lii

Families stop for a coffee or a soup during the berry season; hunters pass through and leave something for the community: at Madii Lii camp everyone is welcome to take part in the activities organized for children and young people, because this spot on the Suskwa River is becoming a kind of school in the traditional territory of the Gitxsan.

14 MINS, 2017

9 MINS, 2017

Seattle ‘March Against Sharia’

Seattle ‘March Against Sharia’ Draws Massive Counterprotest

Close to a thousand people turned out in Seattle on June 10th, to counter protest and "Anti-Sharia" rally called by ‘Act for America,’ the largest anti-Muslim organization in the US, dwarfing their small numbers.

9 MINS, 2017

8 MINS, 2017

Portland: Antifa Oppose Alt-Right Rally

Portland: Antifa Oppose Alt-Right Rally

On June 4th anti-fascists in Portland stood against hate and opposed a rally by far right group 'Patriot Prayer'.

8 MINS, 2017

2 MINS, 2017

June 11 – Communication is a weapon

June 11 – Communication is a weapon

For 13 years, anarchists and environmentalists have observed June 11 as a day of action to mobilize around our imprisoned comrades.

2 MINS, 2017

8 MINS, 2017

Blueberry First Nation suing the Crown

Blueberry First Nation suing the Crown

Treaties signed with the Crown are not respected, that's why Blueberry First Nation is suing the Province and the Federal Government for “accumulative impact” of resource extraction. This is the first time ever that such a case arrives to be discussed in court.

8 MINS, 2017

7 MINS, 2017

With the Chief among Gas Wells

With the Chief among Gas Wells

Northeastern British Columbia has experienced a boom in gas extraction in the last few years and the territory is fragmented by wells, waste water ponds and pipelines. “I came up here with my son in search of berries but now I cry every time I see all this”, says Chief Roland Willson.

7 MINS, 2017

3 MINS, 2017

Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement

Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement

We are announcing the formation of the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement and putting out a call to all those seeking freedom, who are committed to abolishing slavery, and who desire liberation for all.

3 MINS, 2017

6 MINS, 2017

Clément Méric – Remembering means fi

Clément Méric – Remembering means fighting!

On 5 June 2013 the 18 year old antifascist Clément Méric was murdered by fascists in Paris. Four years later antifascist activists from Berlin painted a graffiti in the city and hung a banner above the main entrance of the Technische Universität Berlin in order to commemorate Clément Méric

6 MINS, 2017

6 MINS, 2017

The Segregation of West Moberly First Nati

The Segregation of West Moberly First Nation

With already two dams and thousands of gas wells, the territory around the West Moberly Lake is no longer available for traditional activities: First Nations can no longer practice their culture and are living in a new form of segregation.

6 MINS, 2017


32 MINS, 2017

Burning Cop Car #8

Burning Cop Car #8

This sedition of Burning Cop Car goes out to the folks occupying fish farms in so called BC, the women building houses in the path of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline, the folks shutting down Enbridge's Line 3 Pipeline and all the youth invading the streets of Amerikkka in response to Trump's decision to destroy DACA.

32 MINS, 2017

5 MINS, 2017

Ipperwash Crisis in Five Minutes

Ipperwash Crisis in Five Minutes

On September 6, 1995, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) violently attacked the occupation of the Ipperwash Porvincial Park, by members of the Stoney Point Ojibway band, shooting and killing indigenous land defender Dudley George

5 MINS, 2017

1 MIN, 2017

Resistance against line 3 pipeline ramps u

Resistance against line 3 pipeline ramps up

People on the Wisconsin / Minnesota Border shutdown Enbridge's Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline

1 MIN, 2017

30 MINS, 2017

Burning Cop Car #7

Burning Cop Car #7

Wanna this Burning Cop Car to all the peeps who who bravely fought nazis and racists in Charlottesville, Quebec City and Phoenix

30 MINS, 2017

7 MINS, 2017

Hey Nazis! Got Milk?

Hey Nazis! Got Milk?

In the wake of the Charlottesville clusterfuck, we felt we had to put our two cents in.

7 MINS, 2017

1 MIN, 2007



Native and settler land defenders blocked access to Junex's fracking drill pads

1 MIN, 2007

30 MINS, 2017

Burning Cop Car #6

Burning Cop Car #6

This is the last Burning Cop Car till the end of August, so enjoy suckas!

30 MINS, 2017

4 MINS, 2017

Fuck Patreon!

Fuck Patreon!

We have decided to cancel our Patreon account. Our spokesthing the stimulator breaks it down.

4 MINS, 2017

34 MINS, 2017

Trouble # 5: You Are Being Watched

Trouble # 5: You Are Being Watched

In Trouble #5 we bring you first-hand accounts of people dealing with snitches and undercover cops and how to navigate the brave new world of digital surveillance.

34 MINS, 2017

31 MINS, 2017

Burning Cop Car #5

Burning Cop Car #5

Can you do math suckas!? 2 + 3 Burning Cop Cars is... Don't answer that. But listen to this!

31 MINS, 2017

30 MINS, 2017

Burning Cop Car #4

Burning Cop Car #4

In this sedition of Burning Cop Car I bring you a mad mix of rock and hip hop plus brand new music by ALAS.

30 MINS, 2017

75 MINS, 2017

Rebel Beat Radio – Brother Ali

Rebel Beat Radio – Brother Ali

Our special guest on the show this month is the veteran Minneapolis underground rapper Brother Ali! Brother Ali is a mainstay of the venerated RhymeSayers label, and a true legend in the game.

75 MINS, 2017

32 MINS, 2017

Burning Cop Car #3

Burning Cop Car #3

This one goes out to all the peeps who held it down in Hamburg during the G20 rebellions. Make plans to come to Klanada next year for the G7! Stay tuned for deets!

32 MINS, 2017

33 MINS, 2017

Burning Cop Car #2

Burning Cop Car #2

Well summer it’s finally here and it’s time to burn some cars! I mean, it’s time to get your ass in shape, cause there’s nazis to punch and a capitalist system to overthrow.

33 MINS, 2017

60 MINS, 2017

Final Straw: August 19th Solidarity with P

Final Straw: August 19th Solidarity with Prisoners

This week, Bursts spoke with Ben Turk about the August 19th call out for solidarity with prisoners

60 MINS, 2017

31.5 MINS, 2017

Trouble # 4: No Justice… Just Us

Trouble # 4: No Justice… Just Us

In this episode of Trouble, we interview a number of individuals engaged in legal defence and prisoner solidarity, and look at some of the ways we can begin to build movements that are more resilient in the face of state repression.

31.5 MINS, 2017

72 MINS, 2017

The Rebel Beat: Kiwi Illafonte

The Rebel Beat: Kiwi Illafonte

On this latest edition of The Rebel Beat for June, 2017, we meet Kiwi Illafonte. Kiwi is a California-born, Montreal-based radical Filipino hip-hop MC, graphic designer, and community organizer. He’s a former member of the seminal Bay-area Filipino-American groups Native Guns and Mass Bass.

72 MINS, 2017

60 MINS, 2017

Final Straw: Defend J20 Resistance

Final Straw: Defend J20 Resistance

In this week’s episode we feature two interviews. In the first, we spoke with Em, a supporter of the mass arrestees from the January 20th inauguration of Donald Trump in Washington DC earlier this year.

60 MINS, 2017

40 MINS, 2017

Anti/Fascism in the USA

Anti/Fascism in the USA

In this 40 minute talk, US anti-fascist researcher Spencer Sunshine, breaks down the tapestry of white supremacist groups in the USA, and their meteoric rise since Trump got elected.

40 MINS, 2017

2 MINS, 2017

Refugees Welcome – Trailer

Refugees Welcome – Trailer

What if you had to risk everything to escape war? Would there be strangers on the other side, willing to help you and you family to safety?

2 MINS, 2017
