#LoiTravailXXL: A #Paris Autumn

The 12th of September marks the beginning of protests against the new (yes, again!) french government’s proposed labour law reforms.


Originally published by Autonomies.

Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of  these events, we are publishing this text for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only.

LoiTravailXXL: A Paris Autumn

The 12th of September marks the beginning of protests against the new (yes, again!) french government’s proposed labour law reforms.  Exit the socialists François Hollande and Manuel Valls, enter the golden boy, “I belong to no political party!”, politician as pure spectacle, Emmanuel Macron and the “I join whatever political party brings me to power!”, Edouard Philippe, and the political script … remains unchanged: weaken collective bargaining and collective labour contracts, weaken labour unions, weaken protection against firings, expand temporary contracts, in sum, intensify and expand labour exploitation in the name of competition and national well-being. (the guardian 31/08/2017)

With no illusions regarding the radicalness or militancy of labour unions (even the french “communist” CGT), the call for a day of strikes and protests led to over four thousand work stoppages and brought forth some four hundred thousand people into the streets across the country. (le monde 13/09/2017)

To strike and protest for a day is little, against the oppressive political and economic order of our time.  But in every protest there is the unpredictable, the unmanageable … the eruption of the ungovernable that for however brief a time allows one to breath freely and opens a door on another imaginary.  Those who Macron had earlier called the lazy, the cynical, belonging to the extremes, that is, all of those who refuse the sovereign’s light, on this day, reveled amid dark autumn leaves.  The response of the State: the only one that increasingly it seems to know: physical violence.

Paris, September 12 (from Taranis news) …

crowdfunding10sMutual aid: On September 14 Cars of Hope Wuppertal will arrive in Greece to support refugees who are trapped in the EU member state, some for more than a year now. Cars of Hope will be active in Athens and on Lesvos. A few members of the Enough is Enough collective will join them. They will work together with refugees and distribute food, sanitary products and other basis needs. Our work with refugees is only possible because of the many donations we receive. Read more about the support work with refugees in Greece by Cars of Hope; here and in this interview.

Please support the new Cars of Hope Wuppertal Crowdfunding Campaign for refugees in Greece: https://www.youcaring.com/cohsupportrefugees

You can also support the work of Cars of Hope with donations on Paypal account:

Paypal account: carsofhopewtal@gmx.de

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Strike and Protests Against #Macron’s Employment Law

Four unions called for a general strike yesterday against French President Macron’s new employment law, this is often referred to as Macron 2 or Macron XXL, because he was behind the last revision referred to as the ‘Loi El-Khomri’ and this new law is even worse.


Image: Police violence during yesterdays general strike in Lyon, France.

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After #DACA: An Offensive Struggle To Win Liberation for all Migrants

We are together in the fight to legalize all migration, to empty the deportation centers, to demilitarize and decolonize the borders, and to disband ICE. This is the same fight that existed before Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was enacted in 2012. This is the same fight that we were in during DACA, and that we’ll be in after DACA. DACA has benefited hundreds of thousands of young people, but DACA has always been only a band-aid on a lifetime of wounds. In certain ways, DACA helps, but it does not heal. Though we would never turn down a band-aid when when it will improve the lives of some, and though we will continue to resist like hell against anyone cruel enough to try to strip away a hard-earned social gain such as DACA, we know that DACA is not enough. These temporary reforms are not what we fight for, then or now. We’re fighting for freedom, nothing less.


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No Hate in The Bay September 23: March Against White Supremacy in #Berkeley

On Saturday September 23 people will march against white supremacy in Berkeley.


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#RefugeesGR: Cops Raided #Souda Camp on #Chios – Protests on #Samos

Greece: After 350 cops raided the Moria refugee prison camp on Lesvos on Saturday, today they raided the Souda refugee camp on Chios. Cops kicked the doors open at 08:00am and there are reports of police violence during the raid. On Samos refugees protested against the inhuman conditions on the Greek island.


Image: Children sleeping on the floor on the infamous grey blankets in a refugee camp on Samos. Image: Are You Serious.

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#Vancouver, #WA: Fascist Arrested After He Attempted Twice to Run Over #Antifa Protesters With His Truck

A fascist who attended at the fascist Patriot Prayer rally in Vancouver, Washington attempted twice to run over antifa counter protesters with his truck yesterday. The driver, Billy Wilson, was briefly detained, but later released without charges. Earlier there were skirmishes during a fascist rally in Portland, Oregon.


Image: Billy Wilson attempted twice to run over antifa counter protesters with his truck in Vancouver, WA on September 10.

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#WelcomeUnited Mass Deportation Alert in #Germany: Protests Announced

German authorities have at least  3 deportation flights scheduled for the coming week. The planes will depart from Düsseldorf, Germany. Activists announced protests against the deportations. Meanwhile the Welcome United campaign started in its second week. Yesterday there was a demonstration in Bochum, while today the cops had nothing better to do as to observe the monthly Welcome To Wuppertal breakfast in a church (!!!) with several police vans and additional cops in civil clothes.


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#France: Anarchists Join General Strike

Cuts to employer contributions, dismantling of the Code du travail (laws governing employment conditions), pensions reform: Macron’s government is there to complete the destruction of everything that workers have won. So militants in France are calling on workers to draw on the lessons of past struggles and launch a prolonged general strike to paralyse the economy.


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#Amsterdam, September 15, Info Evening: Anarchists from #Argentina; Struggles and Repression

Anarchist comrades talk about the situation, struggles and repression in Argentina over the last few years. The info event will take place on September 15, 2017, 07:30pm (19:30) in Bollox, Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


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Report #Freiburg: 800 People Took the Streets in Solidarity With #Linksunten

In Freiburg, Germany about 800 people took part in an unregistered demonstration in solidarity with Linksunten Indymedia on Saturday. Linksunten Indymedia was banned on August 25 in Germany. A report.


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