Posts Tagged ‘Giorgos Polydoros’

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – “For Alfredo and Anna – Until we meet” (Greece, Italy)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

In Italy, comrade Alfredo Cospito since October 3rd and comrade Anna Beniamino since October 10th, are on a hunger strike against the isolation imposed on them and on the anarchists imprisoned for the attacks of FAI (Operation “Scripta Manent”).

We know that the struggle against authority is unequal… Nevertheless we choose the war for freedom instead of the peace of fear.

Because we know that there are “free” people, who are more enslaved than prisoners, and living people that are more dead than most of our dead comrades who fell in the battle for freedom.

Because for every battle that we lose, a new one begins.

“Because if I don’t get burnt, if you don’t get burnt, how will the darkness turn to shining…”

For us solidarity is not simply a “touching” word, but a way of life, of becoming people with the dream as our measure.

We stand by our comrades Alfredo and Anna with all our hearts and minds, until our dreams meet…




CCF / FAI – Urban Guerrilla Cell

George Polydoros

Olga Economidou

Gerasimos Tsakalos

Christos Tsakalos

Korydallos prison

CCF Per Alfredo ed Anna fino al incontro

In Italia dal 3 ottobre il compagno Alfredo Cospito e dal 10 ottobre la compagna Anna Beniamino sono in sciopero di fame contro il regime d’isolamento imposto a loro ed agli anarchici incarcerati per attachi di FAI (operazione scripta manent).

Conosciamo che la battaglia contro il potere è ineguale….però scegliamo la guerra per la libertà che la pace di paura. Perché sappiamo che ci siano “liberi” più schiavi che i carcerati e vivi più morti che i nostri compagni caduti in battaglia per la libertà. Perché per ogni battaglia che perdiamo, una nuova comincia. “Perché se non mi brucio io, se non ti bruci tu, come il buio diventerà splendore…”

Per noi la solidarietà non è una parola “emozionante” ma una maniera di vivere ad essere umani dove la nostra misura sarà il sogno.

Stiamo a lato dei compagni Alfredo ed Anna con tutta la nostra cuore e nostro mente fino al incontro del sogno…


Polidoros Giorgio Iconomidu Olga Tsacalos Gerasimos Tsacalos Christos Dalle prigioni di Coridalos

Italy Anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino ended their hunger strike on 22nd October
On 22nd October, following the revocation of solitary confinement, Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, which they had begun on 3rd October and 10th October respectively.

via: Croceneranarchica, actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Our trials will turn into a conviction of the State (Greece)

Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

(For the April 20th court of appeal).

“The distance that separates freedom from slavery… is boldness…”

On April 20th, at Korydallos prison, the Court of Appeal for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire begins.

We’re on trial for the explosive device found at the house in Halandri (“Halandri” case), for the bombings of the former Interior Minister P. Hinofotis’s house (he worked in the army during the years of the Junta), of the home of the ex-deputy and current president of the Bank of Greece L.Katseli and the bombing of the Macedonia-Thrace Ministry, on the eve of the Thessaloniki International Fair.

We are also accused of sending parcel bombs to embassies, international police-judicial institutions (Eurojust-Europol), as well as to Chancellor [Angela] Merkel, to the Prime Minister of Italy (at that time) media mogul Berlusconi and to racist ex-French President Sarkozy.

Finally, we’re on trial for aggravated gun possession and for the scuffle with cops in Pefki.

All these are some snapshots of the action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We’ve openly claimed responsibility and defend all of our actions, as we are convinced that one cannot gain the world neither with prayers nor with curses.

It’s not only the members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and other anarchists for other cases that go on trial on April 20th, BUT the option of the urban guerrilla in total.

In fact, what’s on trial is the option of armed struggle against the murderous machine of power.

Today, anyone who does not understand the necessity of armed anarchist action against the tyrants of our life, is either extremely naive or a cop.

All those who roll the dice with our lives in the stock markets, the central banks, the international meetings of power, are not going to give up their offices and their wealth because we politely ask them to do so… The only language they understand is fear.

Our voices and ideas are more powerful when they come from the barrel of a gun…

Enough with tolerating the scarecrows of the power mocking us as they speak of “democracy”, “freedom” and “rights.”

If you want to understand what all of them think do not listen to their words… just look at their pockets…

They are the same ones who have imposed a murderous financial dictatorship strangling our life every day, pushing some people to resignment and others to suicide.

They are the same ones who send armies and turn whole countries into mass graves favoring the interests of oil and multinational corporations.

They are the same ones who run the propaganda and the spectacle which is turning lies into the truth, life as digital fakeness and happiness in mobile phone accessories.

No peaceful protest, no left wing illusion is going to overturn power from its throne.

The question that often sounds like a dirge “and how is the world going to change?” is crappy, defeatist and cowardly… Anyone who wants to change her life and the world, gets armed and becomes the answer.

On April 20th the judicial Inquisition wants to elicit from us, a sign of remorse, a sign of truce…

We were locked in cells, they moved us into the isolation section, they arrested and imprisoned our relatives, we are being on trial inside the prisons BUT we’re not going to be at peace with death and subjugation…

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire will be reconstructed and will be back on the attack…

“The ugliness of power has been analyzed and interpreted by every generation and every aspect… What is happening today does not need further analysis, it needs actions…”


The members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

Olga Economidou

Giorgos Polydoros

Christos Tsakalos

Gerasimos Tsakalos

*Translated by A-politiko as a minimal form of solidarity to our comrades, for the solidarity day on April 23rd.

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Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged (Greece)

Friday, March 18th, 2016

Prison is a milestone in the revolutionaries’ path towards freedom. It’s an intermediary stop, but not the end.

The authority often chooses the subtraction from mathematics. Like when they subtract lives with bombings in the warzones of their energy-generating and geopolitical interests, like when they subtract refugees from the cityscapes, entombing them in isolated concentration camps, like they subtract the smallest crumbs of the underpaid wage slavery, beating more brutally with whips, bodies that have gotten used to rickets, like when they want to subtract everyone who defies them, by locking them up inside prisons…

In this way, every revolutionary anarchist is facing the biggest contradiction. They are fighting for freedom and yet they’re flirting with the captivity of the prison, they love life so much and yet death from the guards of authority wants to ambush them.

In these years that we are in prison, our steps have gotten used to be calculated inside the barbed wires, our eyes have learnt by heart every centimetre of these few cubic meters of the forecourt, but our minds have never been captured by the iron fences.

How can you let yourself capitulate, when you are facing on one side the provocative wealth of those in power and on the other side tearful eyes of a child at a concentration camp, on one side the mafia of the politicians, judges and journalists who are counting people like louses of the earth and on the other side men and women who are committing suicide because of the standoffs of the economic crisis, looking in garbage to find food, sleeping in the streets, on one side armies of happy slaves being dazzled from the storefronts and the screens of a fake life and on the other side the bad bevy of loneliness and silence being your only companion.

We don’t intend to capitulate with the tyranny of authority, neither get used to living like slaves.

We know that freedom isn’t something that can be given away… neither can it be bestowed… Our freedom blossoms from the blood and the sacrifices of our struggle. Even if once again, our desirable rendezvous with freedom has been postponed because of the dastardliness of one pilot- former policeman- and the helicopter that never reached its destination, that doesn’t mean that we will give up…

We are fully aware that the recovery of our freedom will be only achieved through revolutionary violence, which will attack against the monopoly of the sadistic violence of the power.

A freedom that in our opinion is the SAME with the continuation of urban guerilla, in order to escalate the anarchist struggle. A freedom that will walk on top of the debris of this aged world and its monuments… prisons, courts, parliaments, police departments, concentration camps, labs of the technological totalitarianism…

With certitude and determination of those who will risk everything for liberation, putting again the conundrum at the table… “Freedom or Death…”

A decision… we are fighting till the end

Never repentant

Never defeated

The struggle continues…

Comradely greetings to the anarchist member of Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa

The members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF

Giorgos Polydoros

Olga Economidou

Gerasimos Tsakalos

Christos Tsakalos

Radiofragmata Translation Project

* The Free Besieged is an unfinished collection of poems composed by Dionysios Solomos that was inspired by the third siege of Missolonghi (1825–1826), where the Greek rebels held out for almost a year before they attempted a mass breakout, which however resulted in a disaster, with the larger part of the Greeks slain.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text written by the comrades – hunger strikers Giorgos Polydoros and Gerasimos Tsakalos from Tzanio hospital (Greece)

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:


We continue the hunger strike for the 27th day and are now hospitalized in Tzanio hospital. Our health may be at a “worrying point” as doctors say, but this does not affect us at all. Let us make ourselves clear once again. There is no return from our choice to die if necessary in order to stop the vindictive detention of the mother of Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the partner of the latter. We are people that keep their word and we will remain consistent as anarchists in it. We will not step back. It may sound strange to some, the fact that we are on hunger strike without asking anything for ourselves, but we could not leave this vindictive witch hunt pass. Punishing our relatives for our choices, is a fascist practice. From this position, we can only attempt to put a stop to these practices – by hunger strike. We sincerely thank the comrades who help in all ways the struggle that we give in here to be heard by making solidarity action outside. We will not take even one step back. We do not stop. We are determined to rather die than to accept the idea of ​​our relatives in prison. Until the end and let everyone take his/hers responsibilities.



Solidarity and strength to all hunger strikers

Gerasimos Tsakalos
Giorgos Polydoros

Members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF

PS1. Our thoughts are with all the comrades on hunger strike in hospitals in Greece and especially with Mihalis and Damiano who suffer in the hospital of Evangelismos, known for its history of torturing urban guerrillas during their hospitalization there. Stay strong brothers until victory.

PS2. After the well-aimed intervention in Tzanio hospital by some comrades in the past days, in response to the behavior of the hospital towards anarchist hunger striker Fivos Harisis, the behavior of the medical staff towards us is the one that suits to hunger strikers.

Update on comrades – hunger strikers Giorgos Polydoros and Gerasimos Tsakalos

Inter Arma received and translated:

Gerasimos Tsakalos suffers from very strong headaches almost permanently on a daily basis as a result of the multi-day hunger strike. Giorgos Polydoros has α very low pulse (36-40 beats per minute) in combination with low pressure (8/4) which means an immediate risk for a heart attack. Both have already problems with their liver and bile.

The update was sent to us by comrades in solidarity with the hunger strikers

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Hunger Strike: Four comrades of the CCF are transferred out of Korydallos to hospitals under intense police guard (Greece)

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

Comrades on hunger strike (since March 2nd), Haris Hatzimihelakis, Giorgos Polydoros, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Olga Ekonomidou are now transferred to hospitals out of prison, with an intense presence of cops. Τhere will soon be more information about the hospitals they are transferred to.

According to the mass media, it’s expected that there will be a Council decision announced on the release of the comrades’ relatives.

Immediate satisfaction of the demands of the fighters

+ Also read: Athens – A total of six CCF prisoners, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised

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Hunger Strike: Updates on the comrades Theofilos Mavropoulos and Giorgos Polydoros of CCF (Greece)

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Comrade–hunger striker Theofilos Mavropoulos (striker since 2/3 – member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire) was transferred today [March 19] to the hospital of Korydallos prison because of intense dizziness and pains in the belly and kidneys.

He is currently located in the the State General Hospital of Nikea.

Victory to the hunger strikers, immediate satisfaction of their demands.

Not a step back

Comrade–hunger striker George Polydoros was transferred to a hospital outside prison. The comrade had undergone blood tests and doctors felt that the test should be repeated, because of some of the measurements which were not clear if there was something disturbing or not. So, while at first the comrade was moved to “Saint Paul” prison hospital, the fact that there is no equipment for conducting blood tests there, resulted in him being transferred to a hospital outside prison.

Victory to the hunger strike of our comrades, immediate satisfaction of their demands.

If something happens a hunger striker, nothing will be left unanswered.

People in solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire


Translated by Inter Arma

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CCF Escape case: Report about the inquisition – 6 March 2015 – Updated (Greece)

Friday, March 6th, 2015


As is known, the CCF imprisoned members are on hunger strike until death. Christos’ and Gerasimos’ mother and Gerasimos’ wife testified to the investigating judge on Tuesday, where they both denied the charge of being members of a “terrorist organization” (which is what they are charged with). The comrades’ mother only accepted the charge of “harboring a criminal”, and she was remanded by the counter-terror state. Gerasimos’ wife was also remanded the same day.

On March 4th, Christos Tsakalos wrote a political claim of his own, concerning the escape attempt, and Giorgos Polydoros published a text as well, as a personal friend of his brother was arrested (he was released along with the woman who was arrested on Saturday).

On March 5th, Aggeliki S. and the 39-year-old comrade Christos R. who was arrested in the neighbourhood of Galatsi on February 28th were demanded to testify. Aggeliki gave a statement saying she did not recognise the court and declared herself as anarchist. Aggeliki was then detained in Korydallos, and she had already began a hunger strike from the point of her arrest with the common aims of CCF. Christos R. also gave a statement, and was immediately remanded to Domokos Type C prison.

On March 6th, Christos Polydoros, brother of Giorgos, voluntarily went to the public prosecutor to speak against the repression of the family and friends of CCF, so the prosecutor vermin ordered his arrest. Currently, Christos Polydoros is being held by the anti-terrorist force in the Athens police headquarters [he is now released, 10 March].

Death to the police – Death to the state

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Posted in Prison Struggle

CCF Escape case: Statement of Giorgos Polydoros (Greece)

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

The text was sent to mass media:

From the first moment, we have claimed responsibility for the escape plan from Korydallos prison, when it was uncloaked, we the 10 members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

The last five days, we see our relatives and their friends being dragged and being assailed, who have nothing to do with the case and, indeed, detaining the mother of Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the second one’s wife.

The accusation of involvement in [terrorist] organization, they are charged with by the counter-terrorism unit, is ridiculous and unsustainable. They’re calling a 60-year-old mother and the wife members [of CCF] and detain them, under the pretext that they’re suspected of fleeing. We are talking about people with permanent residences and who were visiting us in the visiting hours in prison. Who are the trashes of counter-terrorism unit fooling with? We are experiencing a moment where the counter-terrorism unit is doing whatever it wants and has gone beyond any limit of amorality, without giving an account to anyone. Its political enemies are us and not our relatives. If it wants to strike someone, let it strike us and leave the clowning aside.

We also know that today are the evaluations of police, so everyone understands what a dirty game is being played in the background and the show they have set, in order to get promotions.

From Monday 2/3, we all ten members of the Cells have begun a hunger strike until death, in order for the four relatives and their friends to be set free. They have nothing to do with our actions. They will either set them free, or let them prepare themselves to count the first dead political prisoners.

At the same time, we support the hunger strike taking place in prisons, for the abolition of the counter-terrorism law, the hood-law and the C’ Type prisons. The situation the counter-terrorism unit created for our families is the over-the-top consequence of the terror law and opens new doors.

Giorgos Polydoros

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CCF Escape case: “DE PROFUNDIS” – a communiqué from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell (Greece)

Monday, February 9th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:


We had no intention of contributing to the continuing of the public downfall and inner cannibalism that broadened with skillful architecturing by the police, journalists and the miserable interview given by Xiros[1]. But misery reigns…

i) Once a snitch… always a traitor

What is more infuriating than the snitch of 17th November[2] talking about morality… He who, in his preliminary statements in 2002 (they are published on internet) was whining and begging the cops to go easy on him, as a return for his cooperation with persecution authorities.

What is more challenging than the snitch being presented as the critic of the “movement”. He who, until this day, hasn’t even apologized to his former comrades for the life-long sentences he “offered” them with his unbiased confessions to the counter-terrorism agency (without them even so much as slapping him).

What is more contradictory than the ridiculous aspiring petty leader asking for the collective procedures and diversity to be respected. In his raving where he was impersonating the reincarnation of Karaiskakis[3], he was exhibiting an authority complex that was testing the nerves of the comrades, who were putting up with him and helping him to escape for an entire year, with huge patience and by risking their life and freedom from the cops. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Korydallos Prisons: 'Communique of War' by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell (Greece)

Friday, January 9th, 2015

“First I shot him in the mouth to stop him talking crap;
then I shot him in the arm to stop him writing crap”

Jacques Mesrine on the kidnapping of a French journalist

The dirty war and the vulgarity of the journalists in regards to the case of the attempted escape of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire has no end. Targeting comrade Angeliki, emotionally blackmailing her parents, and spreading vile lies about her alleged relationship as a girlfriend of the one who has been arrested.

Angeliki is a friend of rebellion, anarchy, freedom.

If there were more people like Angeliki, struggle and anarchy would be the only possible reality.


SOLIDARITY AND POWER by any means possible to comrade Angeliki and to all those wanted in connection to the same case.

The Cells will always stand by you…

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell
Panagiotis Argyrou
Giorgos Polydoros
Olga Ekonomidou
Gerasimos Tsakalos
Christos Tsakalos
Haris Hatzimixelakis
Theofilos Mavropoulos
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Mihalis Nikolopoulos
Damiano Bolano

From Asirmatista

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Για την προσπάθεια άξιζε…” – Συνωμοσία Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς / "Valio La Pena Intentarlo…" – Conspiracion de Celulas del Fuego / "E' Valsa La Pena Di Tentarlo…" – Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco / “It was worth a try…” – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece)

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

We will not give away a single word that would unlock information for the enemy. Escaping from prison is the only aim and purpose of a captive anarchist urban guerrilla. The word “escape” holds the concentrated sense of freedom which blows up the walls of prison that locked our lives. We, the captive anarchists of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, have never forgotten this word even if though most have forgotten us. The judges have condemned us to live for years as human shadows inside the locked buildings, but they have never been able to lock up our unruly desires.

Every night in the wanderings of our minds we escape into a world without prisons, armed guards and locked souls. And even if every morning the guard’s key brings us back to the concrete reality of prison, we know that at some point our day will come and we will dream of our anarchy with open eyes. The sound of the lock as it closes forges our hatred for prison. Every failure, every arrest, every mistake makes us even more stubborn. If we fall three times, we will rise four.

There is no victory or defeat, there is only struggle. We know that the anarchist urban guerrilla and the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is a battle against all odds. In this battle weapons, explosives, hideouts, cars, money, may be lost but all of them can be found again. What is not lost are the comrades who made us feel that our day would come and we would say “goodbye” to prison without return. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Armed attack against CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare by Nucleo Olga FAI/FRI (Italy)

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

7 May 2012

Roberto Adinolfi, chief executive of Ansaldo Nucleare, a company linked to Italian defence conglomerate Finmeccanica, was shot in the street outside his house in Genoa in northern Italy. The bullet fractured his right knee but he is not in a serious condition. Finmeccanica controls Ansaldo Energia, the parent of Ansaldo Nucleare.

From the press via culmine, transl waronsociety:


“The government of science and of men of science cannot fail to be impotent, ridiculous, inhuman, cruel, oppressive, exploiting, maleficent. We may say of men of science, as such, what I have said of theologians and metaphysicians: they have neither sense nor heart for individual and living beings. In so far as they are men of science, they have to deal with and can take interest in nothing except generalities; that do the laws” Michael Bakunin

“In Japan we had over ten thousand dead, but not a single one to date due to nuclear accidents.” Roberto Adinolfi

“The environmental impact of nuclear energy is limited, considering that it does not produce CO2.”Roberto Adinolfi

Toward an imaginative way to destroy the existent

Ideas born from the fates, words accompanied by action carrying the mark of life. We have crippled Roberto Adinolfi, one of so many sorcerers of the atom with a candid spirit and a clean conscience. Roberto Adinolfi, nuclear engineer, administrator in charge of Ansaldo Nuclear; he has steered the Ansaldo-FIAT Consortium as its technical director, the consortium was created for the design of the Italian plants of Montalto di Castro and Trino Vercellese; in the past he has collaborated in the renovation of the Superphenix and has constructed the plants at Cernavoda in Romania. Before nuclear fell into disgrace, he was one of the most responsible together with Scajola for the return of nuclear energy to Italy. Member of the Unicen Commission for nuclear regulation and Vice President of the Italian Nuclear Society, part of the Governing Board of the European technology platform Sustainable Nuclear Energy.

Despite not liking violent-style rhetoric, it has been with a certain pleasantness that we armed ourselves, with pleasure that we loaded the magazine. Grasping the pistol, choosing and following the target, coordinating mind and hand were necessary steps, the logical consequence of an idea of justice, the risk of a choice and at the same time a confluence of enjoyable sensations. A little bit of justice, some lead in the leg to leave a lasting memory of what was to him a grey assassin. The target is a colorless scientist, a technician, a word sadly in fashion these days which behind a fictitious neutrality hides the long arm of capital, a director little inclined to appear in the spotlight, at this time a villainous responsible who has not only designed and renovated nuclear plants that have caused and are causing deaths around the world. Not only has he designed and collaborated in the creation of deadly plants, but he has also promoted nuclear plants and their exploitation with Ansaldo scheming with various governments; science, politics and economics in perfect union.

In past centuries science had promised a golden era, today it is being carried out toward self-destruction and more total slavery. The science-technology pairing has never been at the service of humanity, in its deepest essence it shows the imperative need to eliminate everything that is irrational, to dehumanize, to annihilate, to effectively destroy humanity. Capitalism with the help of science tends to annul conflicts, individuals today are free to realize their subjective selves only through the consumption and production of goods. The machine orders, the human performs. Capital orders, the consumer consumes. Science orders, technology kills. State and science, capitalism and technology are only one thing, one single Moloch.

Increasingly close accords between states, diffuse capitalism, scrupulous science, criminal technology are inexorably killing the planet. A few kilometers to the north in France, Switzerland, Romania the nuclear plants can no longer be counted. In the European Union alone there are one hundred ninety-seven, twelve within the Italian borders. Adinolfi knows well that it is only a matter of time before a European Fukushima reaps death on our continent. We are certain, engineer, that if even for just a second you felt jointly responsible for Damocles’ sword hanging over our heads. We have bad news for you: for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and your body shows it.

With this action of ours we return to you a tiny part of the suffering that you, man of science, are pouring into the world. Roberto Adinolfi, lead man of Ansaldo Nuclear, tentacle of Finmeccanica, monstrous artificial octopus. It is its tentacles that everywhere strangle, murder and oppress. Finmeccanica means Ansaldo Energy with its nuclear tombs. Finmeccanica means Ansaldo Breda with its high-speed trains that devastate the land. Finmeccanica means Selex Sistemi Integrati, Dirstechnical Service, Inc. Elsac Datamat with its equipping of the racist US police for the control of the Mexican border, with its delirious design of electronic walls at the Libyan border against migrants, and its sophisticated electronic supplies to the Chilean police. Finmeccanica means Avio Alenia, Galileo and Selex with their deadly F35 fighter bombers, and the terrible aerial drones without pilots. Finmeccanica means interforce range from Salto to Quirra in Sardegna. Finmeccanica means bio- and nano-technology. Finmeccanica means death and suffering, new frontiers of Italian capitalism.

Human beings are made of flesh and dreams. Our dream is that of a humanity free from every form of slavery, that grows in harmony with nature. A dream that we make live in the moment in which we fight to realize it. Our dream has for us a name, “anarchy,” and we are ready to gamble everything in order to realize it. We are not alone in this adventure, in the whole world a new anarchy is blossoming opposite of an ideological and cynical anarch-ism, an anarch-ism empty of any breath of life, which only finds its realization in theory and attendance at assemblies and manifestations, the whole cowardice of a citizenism that stinks of death. A new anarchy is rising from the ruins of this anarch-ism, thousands and thousands of cells that speak among each other through thousands and thousands of actions.

Damiano Bolano, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Panayiotis Argyrou, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Olga Ikonomidou, Christos Tsakalos, Haris Hatzimichelakis, the imprisoned members cell of the CCF/FAI are the brothers and sisters who gave their determination and courage to fight, their consistency and projectuality have made us strong. Camenish, Pombo da Silva, Eat and Billy, Tortuga, Silvia, Costa, Billy and so many other prisoners in the prisons around the world, Russia, Mexico, Chile, Indonesia, Switzerland, the United States, were the ones who taught us not to fear prison. De Blasi, Pinones, Di Napoli, Cinieri, Morales, Sole, Baleno and so many killed by state repression, were the ones who taught us not to fear death. It was the brothers and sisters and those who we do not know of the Italian FAI/IRF who have proceeded to give a concrete informal organizational perspective. With their determination, constancy and persistence, in spite of the general pessimism, against a critique — a critique always full of envy, against a realism without hope, against everyone and everything,  they have succeeded in keeping the flame of the new anarchism alive. A flame becoming bright like the sun when the sisters and brothers of the CCF have brought their contribution of courage-action-organization.

If we were realists we would not have armed our hands. If we were realists we would not take on such risks, we would live our existence producing and consuming, maybe being indignant. We are the crazy lovers of freedom and we will never renounce the revolution and the complete destruction of the state and its violence. In our anarchist and nihilist revolt, the hope of a future without borders, wars, social classes, economy, exploited and exploiter. The possibility of realizing this dream is for us like a gleam of light in the darkness. However dim this gleam may be, it is always worth reaching for, cost what it may, the quality of our life will be enriched.

To you anarchists who accuse us of being unrealistic, adventurist, suicidal, provocative, martyrs, we say that with your “social” struggle, with your citizenism you work for the reinforcement of democracy. Always in search of consensus, without ever crossing over the limit of the “possible” and the “rational,” the only compass guiding your action is the penal code. Willing to risk only up to a point, always ready to find infinite ideological justifications so as not admit to your own fears. We are sure one day you will have the last word on us, as in the past you have had with your last experience of armed struggle. In a few years you will write a good book on our story, criticizing our errors and our shortcomings; from the heights of your “coherency” nothing is revolutionary enough, but no one, not even you, will be able to take away the pleasure that today we have fully realized and lived, here and now, our revolution.

If we consider the lives of the vast majority of us anarchists we realize that we are not so distant from the alienation of those who produce, consume and die. We produce and consume radical culture and alternative music and slowly, ever so slowly, die without ever having taken arms against and shot an oppressor. All our revolutionary tension is unleashed in fiery articles for our journals and websites, in fiery words to our songs and the sporadic clash in the plaza, enough to silence one’s own conscience. It is clear that what we are making is a self-critique, we do not feel that we are something different from other anarchists. By holding a stupid pistol, we have only taken one step in many for escaping from the alienation of “Now is not the moment…” “The times are not ripe…”

Vanquishing fear was simpler than what we had imagined it. Doing today what only yesterday we thought impossible is the only solution that we have found for breaking down the wall of daily oppression, of the impotency and resignation that we have seen up to now as pawns in an insurrectionalist anarchism of mere facade that with its lack of courage legitimates power. We could strike while looking for “consensus” on where the tooth hurts, for example some functionary of Equitalia [tax collection agency in Italy, which is very unpopular these days – transl.], but with this action we are not looking for “consensus.” What we are looking for now is complicity. In the recent past, a cell of the FAI/IRF severely wounded a functionary of Equitalia, which has received a wide approval, something that the self-named “social” anarchists in recent years have tried countless times to achieve without much success. The brothers and sisters of the “Free Eat and Billy Cell” have shown with that action that in the end consistency pays, and that it is not necessary to limit oneself to action in order to get “consensus.” These comrades have shaken from our backs a malediction that has for too long been weighing on anarchists’ backs, the malediction of this badly interpreted search for social consensus that binds the hands of those who are aware of the urgency to act, here and now.

In these times in which so much certainty of the state-capital is sinking, the idea of freedom cannot be derogated: the idea of social struggle in which we recognize ourselves and we want to move ourselves is that of a people in arms against any form of state, political, or economic oppression. We do not consider ourselves representative of citizens indignant over some malfunctioning of a system that they want to continue to be part of. Exchanging rage and indignation in the place of a process of revolt against the status quo is a sign of a dangerous revolutionary myopia. With the entangling of comrades, even generous ones, into the cultivation of a field of dissenting democracy, with its own little cliques and consortia and its miniature politicians, generosity transforms into assistance, the spectacularization of the clash with relative manipulation by the media. Only the radicalization of the conflict can lead to paths of social and individual freedom.

Identify the target, “hit where it hurts most,” know to recognize the enemy even when it is playing the lamb. Make the arms of critique and the critique of arms work hand in hand. There is neither rhetoric nor spectacle in an action carried out with the appropriate selection of means and objective.

With this action we give rise to the “Olga Cell.” We enthusiastically adhere to the FAI/IRF, uniting with so many groups of the new anarchist international around the world, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Indonesia, Russia, England, Italy, Spain, Greece… Projecting and carrying out this action were anarchists without any “military” experience, without any specialization, only the anarchists who with this our first action want to definitively mark a line between ourselves and that anarch-ism that burns only when chatting and is soaked in gregariousness. We have taken the name of a sister of ours from the CCF, Olga Ikonomidou because in her consistency and strength as part of the “Imprisoned Members’ Cell of the CCF”, she resides at the heart of the FAI/IRF. In our next action, the name of another Greek brother, an action for each of them. With Adinolfi’s wounding we propose a campaign of struggle against Finmeccanica, murderous octopus.  Today Ansaldo Nuclear, tomorrow another of its tentacles — we invite all the groups and individuals of the FAI to strike this monstrosity with all necessary means.


Olga Cell FAI/IRF

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Posted in Direct Action

CCF – Bullets of words for the bullets of FAI/FRI (Greece, Italy)

Monday, May 14th, 2012

From athens indymedia via contra-info:

It is a wonderful moment, the moment that the enemy kneels and falls from the determination of your brothers and sisters. A few days ago Roberto Adinolfi, CEO-magister of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, was shot by our brothers and sisters of the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)–International Revolutionary Front (FRI).

Roberto Adinolfi is a high priest of the new totalitarianism of science and technology imperatives. Science has become the modern religion of our time, promising an apathetic society the lethargy of a stuffed belly and artificial paradises in exchange for the coldness of an empty heart drowned in compromise.

The empire of scientific totalitarianism is fed by the vanity of an anthropocentric authoritarian civilization. A civilization imposed on our desires, our choices, the nature and animals, turning life into a quantitative scale to fit its miserable statistics. At the same time, contemporary people end up unable to even dare to live authentically, without hypocrisy, and as they sink deeper into their reliance on technological substitutes of real life they create illusions and superficial relationships. Now, with their scientific discoveries, they can ‘offer’ us more time to grow old but deprive us of a way to live authentically. So, science generates the coldest of all monsters of the human folly. It lays the technological fascistization of our lives. It lays genetic testing, electronic monitoring, laboratory animals, research statistics, the dictatorship of machines and numbers. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Two members of C.C.F. and Rami Syrianos are in isolation (Greece)

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Note: Read this as well.

On 11/11 there was a disciplinary transfer of two comrades-members of C.C.F.Giorgos Polydoros and Damiano Bolano.

Obviously, the timing is not accidental, since the probability of upcoming mobilisations is festering in the prison society, because of the increased austerity measures and cuts on items of basic needs.

Comrade G.Polydoros was taken to Halkida prisons. There remaining consistent with his dignity he denied the humiliating strip search the prison-guards wanted to apply and right now he is in isolation (for the fourth time in the 7 months since that he has been imprisoned).

Comrade D.Bolano was taken to Trikala prisons, where there is also the comrade-member of C.C.F. Haris Hadjimihelakis. The two comrades demanded the obvious, to be in the same wing. At that moment their demand was not accepted and Damiano denied to enter any other wing resulting in him being taken temporarily (according to what the service said) to isolation.

Naturally, the two comrades are not going to sit with their fingers crossed… The publicization of the conditions of the imprisoned members of C.C.F. is simply the first step of a move. A move that hovers above the heads of those in charge of the “correctional system” like an axe going around… and around… and around…

P.S.: As well on 11/11 we were informed that comrade Rami Syrianos is also in isolation in Diavata prisons, where he was transferred suddenly. During the search he defended his dignity resulting in the prison-guards taking him to the public prosecutor of the prisons for disciplinary defiance.

At the same time, December 5th has been set for his trial concerning the armed expropriation of a governmental institute for which he has proudly taken the responsibility.



In solidarity for the case of the R.O. C.C.F.

boubourAs/ actforfreedomnow!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Damiano Bolano and Giorgos Polydoros put in isolation (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

D. Bolano and G. Polydoros put in isolation

Since Saturday 01/10 the members of the RO-CCF Damiano Bolano and Giorgos Polydoros are in isolation because they complained about the conditions of detention in prisons of Nafplio (where they were transferred yesterday) and refused to enter their cells. In the beginning, they took them to isolation division as this part, due to a lack of space, it had been transformed a “regular” prison wing; however, few new prisoners were accepted afterwards. When the comrades refused to accept these conditions of detention, the answer was: one week in isolation.

No hostage in hands of the state

Anyone who forgets the POWs forgets the war itself

Hands off our comrades

In solidarity Allilegguoi/Allileggues

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Posted in Prison Struggle