Posts Tagged ‘Athens’

A report of the trial of anarchist Marios Seisidis – Athens (Greece)

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Comrade Marios Seisidis has been acquitted of six of the robberies that he had been accused of but was found guilty of the bank heist at Solonos street and three consecutive ‘attempted murder’ charges (concerning the bank guard and two police officers).
He has been sentenced to 36 years imprisonment in total. The court did not accept the defendant’s lawyer’s request to get a penalty suspension until the second degree court nor did it accept any attenuating circumstances for Marios Seisidis. Once again the vengeful tactics of the judicial system against our comrade were more than obvious.
It was encouraging that lots of comrades were present in the courthouse where they protested the court’s decision with slogans against the judges.

What is the crime of robbing a bank compared with the crime of founding one.
Bertolt Brecht


Anarchists in London

via actforfree

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Athens: Explosive attack against the bookstore of Adonis Georgiades, Politician of New Democracy by CCF – FAI/IRF (Greece)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Responsibility claim for the attack on Adonis Georgiades‘s bookstore.

On 3/15 we placed and detonated a clockwork explosive device at Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore at 263 Kifissias Av.

Adonis Georgiadis is a well known to all … picturesque, saturated and at the same time, a ridiculous political figure, who over the years moves within the (far)-right milieu according to his interests. Now an MP of New Democracy (the main right wing party) he does not miss any opportunity to propagate the neoliberal ideas whether in the parliament or in some television broadcast, being addicted to television as a TV persona. When not selling his nationalist noonsense (such as the books of Kostas Plevris – national-socialist figure) he makes “gifts” of 65 million euros to pharmaceutical companies who trade in human life. Specifically, Georgiades, as health minister in 2014, changed the pricing of drugs in favor of the pharmaceutical industries particularly favoring the Novartis company. Combined with the fact that his wife’s name featured in the Lagarde list, it’s proven that the TV booksalesman does not limit himself to book sales. (more…)

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Athens: ‘Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF’ take responsibility for arson attacks in Dafni (Greece)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017


Cut your strings puppet

We are taking responsibility for the arson attacks at dawn on March 10 at the Mayor’s house and at the Post office in Dafni.

In that area, that same evening seven years before, anarchist Lambros Foundas fell from cop bullets. Seven years on, we don’t forget our dead comrade who gave his life for freedom and dignity.

In times of repression we slip through the ruptured fence that the state rigs up and fills with the debris of fear and repression against any form of action that lurks the streets. At the targets our devices played the symphony of destruction before exploding few meters from the station patrol, the state police pigs at Dafni metro station that oversee the law-abiding life of the city’s marionettes: job, house, cafe, nightlife. Every day the city routine under full control, divided into small occupations.

However, history is written when the silent crowd is abandoned and the refusers of silence act. There where we turn our rage into fire and feed our fire with gasoline. We are the ones that don’t fit into your world. Let your sweat pour to protect it with a smile until comes its destruction.

We don’t forget, we don’t forgive LONG LIVE LAMBROS FOUNDAS


Solidarity to the evicted squats and occupied spaces and to the comrades arrested during the state’s last repressive operation. 10, 100, 1000s of squats against a world of organized rot.

Attack with all means the regime whether it is left or right


Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF

via actforfree

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Letter bomb explodes inside IMF offices in Paris, another 8 devices suspected in the post (France, Greece)

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

A day after the German Ministry of Finance received a fully functioning Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI parcel bomb addressed to Wolfgang Schäuble, Finance Minister, the Parisian offices of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also received a similar explosive device which was not detected by security. It exploded upon opening, injuring a female employee with burns to the face and arms. Her injuries are not life threatening.

The incident caused a wave of reaction as the embattled French State activated public security protocols, sealing off the area with armed anti-terrorist teams and instigating a large, now cross-border investigation with Greek involvement. The current French President made a statement about the attack which was picked up by the mass media, spreading further the idea-virus of insurrectional violence directed at those who are responsible for the ruination of the planet and the economic exploitation of billions of people which results in countless deaths, suicides and miserable existences. The French State is already in a declared state of emergency with army units patrolling the streets during the ongoing presidential election and coping with riots against police brutality and corruption.

Evidence of Greek stamps on the remnants of the device and the fact that a Greek return address was attached have become part of the official investigation, as the letter-bomb was confirmed by the Greek Minister for Public Order, Nikos Toskas, to have been sent from Greece. The bomb was designated for the IMF’s European representative, Jeffrey Franks, who has worked for the IMF for 24 years and has been director of the IMF’s Europe office since March 2015. The attack has not yet been claimed by those responsible, but Greek intelligence officials believe it to be the work of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

Embassies, financial institutions, branches of the Greek Post Office and all European ministries have been put on alert. Greek police are posting orders for sweeping controls on packages, for those leaving Greece and also interior, as it has not been established that a Greek target will not be next. According to the Greek police, the packages were sent with low amounts of explosive which defeated the X-Ray machines in the airport of Athens. The parcels have a reduced weight, volume and size, with realistic return sender-name and addresses to add to the deception. According to their research of postal records and security footage, Greek intelligence officials believe that up to another 8 similarly functional bombs may have been sent from post offices in Athens and are inbound to targets all over Europe…

Long live CCF / FAI-FRI
Long live Anarchy

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Nemesis Project: CCF/FAI take responsibility for a letter-bomb attack against the German Minister of Finance (Germany, Greece)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Nemesis Project – Act 2

Nine Years after the first appearance of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in January 2008.

After more than 300 attacks against targets of domination that resulted in tens of millions of euros in damage and the transferring of fear to the camp of power.

After more than 60 arrests of comrades and other individuals over the years who have been accused of being our members and the thousands of years of imprisonment imposed upon them.

After so many times that Ministers and Police Chiefs have declared in the media that they have managed to ‘dismantle’ us and that “the CCF is finished.”

After the inclusion of the CCF in lists of ‘terrorist’ organizations by the State Department in the US and by Europol in the EU.

… we continue even louder.

With the creation of an international conspiratorial network of FAI and CCF cells in dozens of countries that have carried out and continue to carry out guerrilla attacks.

With even greater passion and tenacity to not only attack the infrastructure of the system but also the people in power.

Always against social apathy.

Always against the oppressors of our lives.

Still they cannot understand that the CCF is an idea and that the idea cannot be imprisoned because it is like the Hydra. For each comrade that is imprisoned, new comrades are ready to take their place and continue on the path of attack.

We still have the rage…

We sent a booby-trapped parcel bomb to the German Minister of Finance within the context of the campaign of the second act of Project Nemesis.

A communique will follow in the coming months.

Comradely greetings to the FAI direct action groups in Chile and Greece for their contributions to Project Nemesis.

Rebellious greetings to the FAI comrades in Italy and the imprisoned members of CCF in Greece who remain unrepentant.

Forward for the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis.

Nothing has ended, everything continues.


Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI

via Athens IMC, translated by Insurrection News

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Athens: Responsibility claim for 6 coordinated incendiary attacks by CCF – Incendiary Destabilization Outbreaks / FAI-IRF (Greece)

Sunday, February 5th, 2017


We claim responsibility for the 6 following arson attacks.

– A bank at Petralona a few streetss next to the consumer neighborhood of Gazi.
– The security agency FALCON at the main and busy Kifisias Avenue, which is being advertised by the journalistic trash of the television.
– A post office Savings Bank at the seemingly police state Aleksandra’s Avenue.
– 3 diplomatic corps vehicles

Cities are history‘s theatre. They are the places where life performs disciplined social roles, played by law abiding citizens or happy slaves in the reflection of digital communication displays’ and storefronts of consumption, while walking predetermined paths from wage-slavery to paid entertainment. Each move we make is controlled by the vigilant eyes of thousands of cameras on the streets, roadblocks by uniformed police and cops’ motor patrols.

In the current conditions of economic crisis, the only currency with a constant value is the currency of fear in the hands of authority. The fear that nothing can change, that we are few and that prison is lurking for those who dare to question authority’s orders. However life is running fast and cannot wait for those who are afraid to live. LOOK FEAR IN THE FACE AND FEAR WILL FLINCH AND LEAVE.

We must turn the cities into battlefields and the nights into our allies in urban guerilla surprise attacks. We must lay mines of fire in all the symbols of this world that keeps us imprisoned. We know that burning a bank or setting an official state car on fire is not sufficient; however the real power of illegal anarchist actions is that they are like spare keys. Spare keys that release people’s strength of rebellion, the strength to strike authority and live dangerously free. This is why we create small militant groups ready for action, here and now. We can’t wait for the soulless crowd; we can’t seek after proletarians that are asking only for a better salary. We are not shepherds for the masses of people to follow, nor are we gravediggers for those who have buried their lives into silence.

Through self-organization and informal coordination, we create a legacy of deeds in this fight against this authority of entrapment, breaking the pace of the legal order. These difficult times cannot break our beliefs in any way; on the contrary they become more acute, they reignite. We blend our hatred with conscience and dignity and when this mixture binds, it will poison and destroy the body of every prosecutor, every journalist, every cop, every security guard, every snitch, all kinds of henchmen and peaceful citizens and in general all the garbage that forms this sterilized society of security. The settled will never abandon their commodities and choose the road to rebellion; of that we are well aware. Fear of social rejection leads to inaction and conservative anarchist practices which are confined within the “internal” movement. Our means are purely illegal and we are not willing to make them more “social” and therefore acceptable, as much as the left or right wing stewards of power and the sympathizers-supporters of the movement are trying to convince us.

We became what we dreamt since we were children, ANARCHISTS OF THE DEED that don’t sleep at night and all we care for is to set your nights on fire and ruin your party by destabilizing on a regular basis the metropolitan normality. We are the ones that dare to risk where punishment and incarceration is lurking, deconstructing fear in all its aspects. Because in the end anarchy is in our hearts, in our minds, in every drop of blood that runs through our veins, in our illegal actions far away from your bourgeois morals and cleanness. Maybe you can sometimes imprison our bodies but you can never imprison our anarchist beliefs that will always find fertile ground against every form of authority. Besides, our continuous attacks are the most undisputed evidence.

We live in time of war and we know that well. Real solidarity to our imprisoned comrades is one of the most powerful weapons in this social war that is unfortunately being deprived of its meaning. We must make it clear that the anarchist action and assault can only be realized through solidarity. Our solidarity is not a result of mercy or philanthropic, leftist sentimentality. In the eyes of our comrades we can see ourselves, since we chose to be on the field of illegality and the urban guerilla anarchist action.

And if we have losses and imprisoned comrades in this battle, the anarchist cells are like Hydra. For every arrest, new comrades will throw themselves in the battlefield, for every arrest an incendiary device will shimmer right before the ignition. And this fire will last forever… creating anarchy inside anarchy.

Because as we said at the beginning, life is giving a sick performance while the director is setting the scene, lining up everyone to his own interest; with the actors playing their part literally and the passive audience that is either watching absorbed or whistling indifferently and watching silently when bored. However in this theatre, some of us didn’t accept the predetermined parts that have been given to us, we are the ones that will sabotage the show and give to your play our own ending. Don’t say that we are few; don’t say that we don’t matter, because in the end we will win. WE ARE THE ONES WHO WILL BRING THE CURTAIN DOWN!


P.S. Snitches, journalists, prosecutors don’t ever think that we have forgotten you.


 Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI-IRF 
 Incendiary Destabilization Outbreaks/FAI-IRF

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Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou arrested in Attica, Lil’ Lambros-Viktoras held hostage, thirst and hunger strike by RS imprisoned fighters (Greece)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

Update: According to Athens Indymedia a new order was issued by the prosecutor on 08.01.16 terminating the detention of Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas, the 6 year old son of Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, and awarding temporary custody of the child to his grandmother. The child has already left the hospital with his relatives. Comrades Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and Konstantina Athansopoulou have ended their hunger and thirst strike. A decision on final custody of the child will take place in six months time.

International solidarity is our weapon

According to Greek media, the comrade Pola Roupa, member of Revolutionary Struggle, has been arrested at a home in the Attica region. Pola is the partner of Revolutionary Struggle member and political prisoner Nikos Maziotis and was one of the most wanted fugitives in Greece. According to media reports Pola was at the house with her young child and a 25 year old woman when police raided. The 25 year old woman was also arrested. There are unconfirmed reports that two more people may have been arrested as well. More information as it becomes available.

Solidarity with Pola Roupa and Revolutionary Struggle!

From our comrades in Greece we have learned that during the arrest of comrade Pola Roupa (member of Revolutionary Struggle and partner of the comrade Nikos Maziotis, also a member of Revolutionary Struggle), that the police kidnapped and detained her 6 year old son.

The child is being held in a hospital room under armed guard and the police are refusing to allow family members or legal representatives to see him. Although we do not know if he is being interrogated it is worth noting that it is illegal under Greek law to interrogate a minor without the presence of a parent / guardian or lawyer.

In response to the state’s vengeful kidnapping and detention of their son, comrades Pola and Nikos have begun a hunger and thirst strike to demand that their child be released from police custody and into the care of close relatives. The 25 year old woman comrade who was arrested with Pola has also begun a hunger strike with the same demands as Pola and Nikos. She is being held under guard in hospital with a serious injury to her arm. (more…)

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Green Nemesis #2: Sabotage of consumer goods hits major multi-national corporations Coca-Cola, Nestlé and Unilever, forcing them to withdraw goods at huge cost (Greece)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

Last Monday eco-anarchist comrades took responsibility for a successful sabotage of products produced by our enemies, the multinational corporations. The sabotage will cost millions of euros in lost revenue over the Xmas holiday period and it is an attack against the projected impenetrable images of the corporations during the Christian consumer spectacle as the story has been spread by the terror hungry media hysteria. The following is a machine translation of info on Athens IMC. We will update this report with any developments and more accurate translation as it comes. The first act of the Green Nemesis project took place in December 2013 with a similar victorious sabotage costing millions. Long live subversive anarchy. Death to civilisation.

Specifically, the companies announced that immediately proceed on a precautionary removal of these products from all points of sale in Attica:

Hellmann’s Caesar Salad Dressing (plastic bottle of 235 ml)
Pummaro “classic” and “more concentrated” (Carton of 500g and 520g respectively)
Nestea Ice Tea Peach (500ml plastic bottle, plastic bottle 4CH500)
Nestea Ice Tea Lemon (500ml plastic bottle, plastic bottle 4CH500)
Coca-Cola Light (500ml plastic bottle, plastic bottle 4CH500)

It all started yesterday when organizing a suspension of the indymedia, and message sent to media, warning that has poisoned food and has repositioned in soupermerket shelves.

The text of the organization accompanied by the corresponding photos and was as follows:

Products megacorporations Coca Cola, Nestle, Unilever and Delta (detail listed below) were poisoned with chlorine and hydrochloric acid. For a time, which will not reveal as we do not want to partially withdraw the lots marketed, expropriation of knowledgeable super market chains throughout Attica these products.

The sauce for the Ceasar salad Hellmans (owned by Unilever) was quite easy. Just pulled the lid firmly, without xesfragistei, removed 10mL product and added 10mL bleach. We are shaken, and the product does not present any obvious deterioration.

For ” Fresh milk ‘DELTA was also simple process. All you needed was to ram a syringe at the top of the pack, to tilt the package to remove the product 20mL and 20mL fill with hydrochloric acid (HCl). We pressed me carton to make sure it does not drip and made sure that it is like new.

For Pummaro tomato sauce (to Unilever) followed the same procedure with the milk, with the difference that just needed to raise the top of the package, so as to position the syringe to remove product 10mL and 10mL fill with hydrochloric acid. Then simply welding the sides of the upper part with a little glue in a thin brush.

For products of Nestle and Coca Cola followed the following procedure: little unstuck on a label to the point of glue opened with calcined tweezers very fine hole to country barely the tip of the syringe and remove 20mL than products, repositioning 20mL hydrochloric acid. Seal the hole with minimum silicon and simply stick again label. There was no apparent deformation of the product.

Throughout the course of the procedure took care to not let any genetic material that can be our identification, and also after the end of the process for all products, sufficiently purified, for added confidence.

More specifically, they expropriated and poisoned:

-12 Salad Ceasar salads Hellmans (Unilever)
-23 Packaging Pummaro tomato sauce ” Classic ” (Unilever)
-11 Packaging Pummaro tomato sauce ” more concentrated ” (Unilever)
-35 Packages’ fresh milk ” DELTA
-12 Bottles Nestea peach of Nestle
-10 Bottles Nestea lemon, Nestle’s
-29 Bottles of Coca Cola Light

Poisoned products will be repositioned in large super market chains shelves throughout Attica. Be sure not to be prevented rather the repositioning process, as well as the so expropriation and put them back (away from Katha kind ” eyes ”, electronic or otherwise). The repositioning of the products will start just three days after sending this message (that will start from 12.22.2016) and will last exactly two weeks (until 05/01/2017).

Operations targeting this action is the sabotage of these companies through the full withdrawal of the products for these 2 weeks, making it clear that it does not intend to cause any damage to consumers. Hitting the marketers profile of these megacorporations, seek to challenge the economic blow, as if they want to be ” safe ” their clients should withdraw all batches of products will be on for as long shelves in which would take action.

For the publication of this warning message are making a responsible regime’s media to which it was sent (Daily, Jungle, Bloko, Newsbeast). In case of non-publication, with the, what it entails, net charge is the specific means again.

With the completion of the action will be published detailed sponsorship text.

The text meant immediate alarm in the headquarters of the Hellenic Police commissioned the inquiry into the case in Counter-Terrorism and informed the FSA.

Following the announcement of the Greek Police, the Coca-Cola company, Nestle and Unilever decided to precautionary withdraw the products mentioned at the beginning of the article.

Even invited consumers for any questions or information call the following numbers:

Coca-Cola: 800-11-55800
Unilever: 800-11-99099
Nestea: 800-11-55800

“We will continue to inform consumers and others concerned with newer releases, by prior agreement with the competent authorities. We understand consumers and our customers who trust us for so many years, for any disruption, “they said in their joint press release.

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Three trolley buses incinerated in downtown Athens (Greece)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

During the night of Monday December 19th 2016, a group of comrades decided to slightly heat up the urban winter by setting fire to social peace and apathy.

With just 5 liters of flammable material and infinite hatred of all Power, we took to Patission Street, stopped passing trolley buses and torched them after taking down all passengers and drivers.

Three burned trolley buses, one for each pretrial detention imposed on those arrested during clashes of December 6th 2016 in Athens.

Strength to the anarchist prisoner (CCF member) Panagiotis Argirou, who was recently sentenced by the State to 7 more years of captivity, this time for attempted arson on a bus in 2009.

Fire to the machines and the civilization!

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Athens: ATM of Piraeus Bank destroyed (Greece)

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

In the evening of Friday December 16th, shortly before 20:00, we decided to pay a visit to the Piraeus Bank branch located at Canningos Sq. After smashing the ATM screen and the windows next to it with a hammer, we poured gasoline on the machine and torched it. Before leaving, we also threw a molotov to the ex-Ministry of Commerce located opposite the bank.

This action is dedicated to the memory of anarchist-nihilist Sebastian Oversluij, who was shot dead by a security guard while attempting to expropriate a BancoEstado branch in Santiago, Chile, on December 11th 2013.

This is also an act of complicity in solidarity with anarchist Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, who is held captive in the Chilean dungeons for taking revenge for the loss of Sebastián by opening fire against another private security guard of the same bank on January 21st 2014.


via ContraInfo

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Athens: Attack against the office of security company SCS (Greece)

Friday, December 16th, 2016

In the morning of November 30 we attacked with hammers and fire the office of the security company S.C.S, located in the neighborhood of Zografou, Athens.

Private security companies plays a para-police role, making their profits by selling fear and promoting snitching and collaboration with the police.

For these reasons, and not only, it was not difficult for us to choose them as a target. Also, with our action we have shown that this company is useless and it’s services are just an illusion as they were not even able to protect themselves. Not one of their human or mechanical means of control can stop those who have the desire to attack the existent.

With this action we want to support the call against the G-20 summit that will take place in Hamburg on the 7th and 8th of July in 2017. The 7th and 8th of July as well as the preceding months can be a meeting point between comrades from around the world and simultaneously form a focal point for a campaign that contributes to the sharpening of tensions and create new points of rupture without limitations of time or place. (more…)

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Protest turns into a fierce riot 8 years after the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos by the police (Greece)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

New video from the fierce riot that “exploded” in Athens on December 6, 2016, commemorating the 8th year since 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos murder in cold blood by a policeman in the Exarcheia neighborhood of Athens, on December 6, 2008.

Everything started a few minutes after 9 pm, on the night of 6 December 2008, when a tensed argument between two cops and a group of youngsters ended with the policemen leaving the scene, but only for the murderers to park their patrol car a few blocks away and return to confront the kids with their guns. One of the two cops (Korkoneas) aimed towards the kids and fired two shots. One of the bullets struck 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos in the heart and fell dead. (more…)

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Tasos Theofilou: Open letter on the commencement of his trial at the court of appeal (Greece)

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

On November 21st, after a nine-month postponement, my trial commences at the court of appeal. It’s been two years since the completion of my trial at the court of first instance, when I was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for the charges of common complicity to homicide and robbery in connection with the events on Paros island on 10/8/2012. I was acquitted of participation in CCF as well as of direct perpetration of homicide by a majority opinion. It was a political (not judicial) compromise and a result of conflict between the manipulation of this particular case by the police in cooperation with the mainstream media during the first days after my arrest, on the one hand, and the lack of any evidence, along with the solidarity expressed by the audience and the reaction of independent media, on the other. Thereof emerged the temporary Solomonic solution of my partial acquittal of the charges, deferring the prospect of a conclusive decision until a trial at the court of appeal.

Apart from the appeal initiated by myself, in which I upheld a full acquittal of all charges, there was also one more appeal, as of right, initiated by a gentleman called Δράκος [Dragon] –namely, a public prosecutor whose surname obviously adds further symbolism to the witch-hunt orchestrated by the Counter-terrorism Service. Eventually, the division of opinion between the presiding judge, Mr. Hatziathanasiou, – who voted for my conviction for all charges- and the two other members of the court – who chose the more moderate option that eventually prevailed- made room for further manipulation. (more…)

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Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF : Nemesis Project – An open proposal (Greece)

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

”He who speaks of war, must have a plan…”

The most insidious authority is the one that carries the promise of inclusiveness. This is why we transitioned from monarchy to democracy but not freedom. ”Safety” is a word favored by democracy. The more we hear about “safety”, the more our lives and freedom regress. Worst of all, contemporary power and democracy have elicited the compromise and submission of society almost voluntarily. Democracy operates as a transparent factory that produces social relations. People submit to governmental ideology, mainstream standards and disciplined behaviors and consider that what we experience today (the economic tyranny, the extortion of wage slavery, the dictatorship of the spectacle, the technological surveillance) are the inevitable natural world order.

But even in a pervasive authority, bosses, officials, managers and proprietors will always exist. Nowadays, the visibility of people in power is particularly clear. Politicians, businessmen, ship owners, publishers, journalists, judges and police officers are the persons in authority. The Nemesis Project aims to attack those persons. The Nemesis Project is our turn to make fear move into the backyard of the enemy.

Instead of attacking impersonal symbols of justice, we think that it is very important to transpose our hostilities to the personal environment of the enemy, their homes, offices, hangouts and vehicles. We know that to authority ”nobody is irreplaceable” but we also know that a personal hit against one of them would instill fear in another 100. We create a legacy of fear for their kind and whoever becomes their replacement. It is our own minimum counterweight in balancing the terror controlled by the enemy. In balancing the terror caused by the murders of workers by their bosses, the accidental shootings by cops, the thousands of years in prison sentenced by judges, the lies by journalists, the laws and the orders by politicians. In all of these cases, the enemy has a name and an address.

Attacking them proves that people in authority are not invincible. At the same time, instead of confining anarchist insurrection in incidents of occasional conflict with cops, we can make revolution a permanent component of our daily lives by discovering those that hide behind orders and decisions which govern our lives, by studying their moves and routes and by organizing our own offensive cells which will respond to the challenges of authority. We do not anticipate a social short-circuit that will lead in mass mobilizations, but we become the accelerators of history through our actions, by creating the dilemma ”with authority or with freedom”. We create spaces and eras where history is written by our own hand and does not just happen. Anarchist urban guerrilla is a way of looking life straight in the eye, in order to form an authentic collective ”we”. It is the construction of an anarchist process of liberation with courage, consistency and determination. Our actions are not evaluated in relation only to the blow against the enemy but also to the possibility of changing our own lives.

The Nemesis Project is an international proposal to create a list with the names of people in authority so that we can attack them where they feel safe, on the sidelines… at their own houses. The bomb explosion at the house of District Attorney G. Tsatani was the first attack, the first act of the Nemesis Project. We share this plan with all the FAI-IRF cells and all the anarchists of action across the world, wanting to start a dialogue on the diffusion of the anarchist struggle. And we know that the best dialogue for the assessment of an action can be no other than a new action…

Through the Nemesis Project we salute all our comrades that are held captive in the cells of democracy across the world and are no longer by our side. It is especially dedicated to the members of the CCF Olga Economidou, George Polydoros, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, our anarchist comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou and the Italian comrades of FAI Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai.

To all those who did not bury the axe of war…

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF

We will return soon.

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Anarchists in Athens “welcome” Barack Obama (Greece)

Saturday, November 19th, 2016

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