September 13, 2017
by actforfreedom

Canada,Montreal -Arson of two luxury cars in St-Henri

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Inspired by the riots in Hamburg, we burned two luxury cars outside of a condo in St-Henri during the night of July 13.
In a neighbourhood where people have to choose between food and rent, don’t be surprised when we set fire to your flagrant displays of class privilege.
We used a simple method: fire sticks half-covered in fire-paste. All the material can be found in a camping store. We lit the fire-paste covered end and placed it in the top corners of the car’s grill, between the headlights. We used two sticks per car. The fire is mostly invisible until plastic or motor oil catches fire, giving you time to leave unseen. Be careful: the fire can easily spread to cars parked close-by.
The police who violently enforce gentrification had these encouraging words to say:
“[Montreal police Cmdr. Sylvain Parent] said police have increased their visibility in the neighbourhood in response to the attacks, but it’s hard to stop people who want to commit crimes. “If there’s someone who wants to do something and they see a police officer pass, they’ll wait until we pass by,” he said. “If they really want to do something, they’ll do it anyway.”
Until next time,
Black Masked Winners (BMW) / Anarchistes Dans l’Insurrection (AUDI)

September 13, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece,Thessaloniki-Responsibility claim by Anarchist cell – Destruction of the existent

Thessaloniki-responsibility claim
We are confronting technology to the extent that it is a tool in the hand of the bosses and capitalism, taking away our capabilities practical or not. Their target is to establish any kind of technology as crucial for each one of us, to enslave each mind and body to one or the other technological means that at first sight makes our lives easier and more pleasant.
The real consequence on the other hand, is the destruction of social and human relations and of the earth and nature. All of this for the development of robust social control and making profits.
An inner part of the technological complex is telecommunications, which cause people many harmful symptoms.
Telecommunications are part of a totalitarian plan for control, where recording communications feed the data banks of states for domestic security reasons. The national and multinational corporations that have monopoly of these tools cooperate with the state, collecting data and actively take part in that repressive system.
Moreover, the telecomunications of today, within cutting-edge smartphones and web social networks, develop fake relationships away from what we consider the reality of social relationships, allowing us to communicate more when at the same time we meet each other less and less.
On the evening of the 3rd to 4th of May we got in and incinerated the box of the high voltage electronic transformer at the OTE building at Sykies. It is the same building in which the telecommunications antennas are stationed. In this way we tore a hole in the invisible network that is all around us.
Anarchist cell – Destruction of the existent
Translated by ”midnight express”for act for freedom now!

September 13, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece, Grete island -A solidarity banner for the silenced at a central point of the old city of Chania

Counter-information is NOT repressed NOR censored

In the times when the Internet is an essential element of our everyday life, the defense of its openness is and should be the critical  point of  its management  and thats one reason why we support any counter-informational voice
 Counter-information is , has been and will be the main pillar of promoting and managing the word and acts of political movements, the ones that oppose to the state and capital. It is essential to defend in every way – natural and online – any healthy contra-information source such & are
 Therefore, and as a minimal act of solidarity, we hanged a solidarity banner for the silenced at a central point of the old city of Chania
  Non-negotiable solidarity with

Initiative from
 text in Greek here


September 13, 2017
by actforfreedom

Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento – Zürich

Receved 10.9.17
Das Staatsmassaker der Piazza Fontana
Mailand, Italien, Herbst 1969. In einer Bank an der Piazza Fontana
explodiert eine Bombe mit 15 Toten. Anarchisten werden verhaftet, einer
von ihnen, Pinelli, stürzt aus dem Fenster des Präsidiums und stirbt.
Das Konstrukt ist schlampig. Der Hauptangeklagte, Valpreda, wird zwei
Jahre später freigesprochen. Schon nach wenigen Stunden denunzierte ein
anarchistisches Flugblatt: diese Bombe hatte der Staat gelegt.
Tatsächlich, wie heute feststeht, arbeiteten Faschisten und Männer des
Geheimdienstes seit Längerem daran, mit diversen Bomben auf öffentlichen
Plätzen ein Klima der Angst zu erzeugen, um ein hartes Regime zu
legitimieren. Gleichzeitig konstruierten sie eine Fährte zu den
Anarchisten. Viel stand auf dem Spiel für den Staat in diesem Moment.
Die starken Studenten- und Arbeiterkämpfe im “heissen Herbst” setzten
ihm zu. Das Gespenst der Selbstorganisation ging um. Er setzte also zum
grossen Streich an, und auf der Piazza Fontana zeigte er sein wahres
Gesicht: eine Bestie, die bereit ist, willkürlich Leute zu opfern, für
sein scheeles politisches Kalkül.
Der Kommissar, welcher Pinelli verhörte, Luigi Calabresi, von praktisch
allen Anarchisten als Verantwortlicher für seinen Tod denunziert, fällt
drei Jahre später, beim Verlassen seines Hauses, unter den Schüssen
eines Revolvers. Ein italienischer Anarchist, Alfredo M. Bonanno,
veröffentlichte viele Jahre später ein Buch mit dem Titel: “Ich weiss,
wer den Kommissar Luigi Calabresi getötet hat”.
Angesichts der soeben erschienenen deutschen Übersetzung (im Fermento
erhältlich), möchten wir über die darin aufgeworfenen Fragen
diskutieren, angeregt durch jene mehr und weniger fernen Ereignisse, die
nicht nur die italienische Gesellschaft aufrüttelten, sondern überall,
auch heute noch, eine gehörige Lektion erteilen über die Natur des
Staates, jeden Staates.
Donnerstag, 14. September, 18:00 Uhr
Armut und Gesundheit
Alle nicht-vererbbaren Krankheiten kommen bei Armen häufiger vor als bei
Reichen: Infektionen, Stoffwechselkrankheiten,
Herz-Kreislaufkrankheiten, Unfälle, Süchte – Alle! Arme sind das ganze
Leben lang öfter krank und sterben deutlich früher als Reiche.
Wie hängt der sozioökonomische Status mit Gesundheit und Krankheit
zusammen? Was sind die möglichen Gründe? Wie können diese überwunden
werden? Und nicht zuletzt: welche Ansätze zu konkreten Kämpfen gibt es?
Zu Beginn wird David Winizki, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin und
pensionierter Hausarzt, zum Thema referieren. Danach ist Raum zur
Donnerstag, 21. September, 19:00 Uhr
Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento
Josefstrasse 102
8005 Zürich
Mittwoch: 12:00 – 19:00
Donnerstag: 14:00 – 21:00
Freitag: 12:00 – 19:00
Samstag: 14:00 – 19:00

September 13, 2017
by actforfreedom


El 1 de Agosto del 2017 desaparece Santiago Maldonado. Lo último que se supo de él, es que estaba apoyando al Pu Lof mapuche de Cushamen (que se encuentra resistiendo a los embates del Estado argentino y la ocupación por parte del conocido Grupo Benetton)cuando llegó a reprimir violentamente Gendarmería Nacional, bajo el mando directo de la ministra de Seguridad de la Nación del gobierno de Macri, Patricia Bullrich.
Tras estos hechos los gestos de denuncia y solidaridad no han tardado en aflorar. La desaparición de Santiago no puede pasar desapercibida, es necesario sacar a la luz tanto el caso, como a los responsables y continuar la lucha por la recuperación de los territorios usurpados por el Estado y el capital.
Sin duda alguna el ataque de las fuerzas represivas continuaran ejerciéndose, seguirán encarcelando, desapareciendo y asesinando a compañerxs en las diferentes trincheras que hoy manifiestan el descontento y la lucha contra los Estados. Para esto tenemos que tomar medidas, tenemos que proyectar la lucha que llevamos en nuestros
territorios, tenemos que prepararnos, estar alistadxs, porque seguirán viniendo golpes. Tenemos que aprender a darlos de vuelta. Nada se puede esperar de la justicia.
Las necesarias marchas, los urgentes mítines, la imprescindible propagada no son la única herramienta para que sientan nuestra rabia ni para concretizar nuestras ideas ni acabar con el Estado y su sistema de miserias. Porque la desaparición de Santiago tiene responsables con nombres y apellidos. Tienen sus sucursales por todos lados. Hay que saber golpear.

September 11, 2017
by actforfreedom

Anarchist paper Vetriolo issue 1 is out, autumn 2017 – Italy

Actforfree received and Translated to English
We published issue 1 of anarchist paper Vetriolo at last. At the same time we also printed issue 0 for those who have recently asked for copies, as it had been out of stock for a while. After several months of censorship the contribution anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito wrote last winter for the previous issue has arrived. His letter had been blocked and seized on order of inquisitor judge Sparagna, the “scripta manent” operation’s instigator.
In this new issue there’s space for analysis on questions that were raised in the previous one, in particular the questions of cities, political alliances and internationalism, the history of the exploited’ movement and the continuation of an attempt at the analysis and elaboration of an anarchist theory of the State. Moreover we also treated other questions: a critical reflection of the concept of consistency; another one on survival in urban spaces and the changes that the latter undergo; an article of analysis on technology, in particular robotics, from an ecological point of view and in terms of its social and antisocial consequences. We dedicate an important part to the issue of “war”. With our often bitter tone and polemic articles we always welcome discussion and growth within the revolutionary anarchist movement.
In this issue:
A window on the pigsty
Against war, against peace
Times maduri
Action and reaction
In the name of consistency
The only possible administration
Betray the doing
Technological domination between ideology and reality
Recreation hour
A contribution on political alliances and internationalism
The State is not an app
A story on the left
Alfredo Cospito’s words from the prison of Ferrara
For copies and contacts:
One copy: 2 euros. For distributors, five and more copies: 1.50 euros. Postal fees: 1.30 euros. Postal fees in Europe: 3.50 euros. Free for prisoners.

September 11, 2017
by actforfreedom

Orbeil (Puy-de-Dôme), France – Summer barbecues of repeaters (22/08/2017)

As you reach to the top of the hill there’s the Great Bear right above your head. And then, below, you see the lights of Issoire, which make war on the stars in the sky. And above all, above everything, there’s a repeater next to you, which reminds you that you didn’t come to recite poetry. Light up the fire…
In the early hours of 22nd August we set fire up there on the hill. In Moidias, two repeaters that serve the telephone line from Issore to Brioude and the broadcasting of many radio frequencies went up in flames. As we couldn’t turn off the city lights, at least we switched off the smartphones .
Because this world is too narrow, it aims at the normalization, control, sterilization and digitalization of any individuality. Because we wanted to give ourselves a breath of air, feel alive rather than suffocate. True, this desire for destruction could have been satisfied with an attack on Red Cross premises, a breeding farm or a migrant detention centre. We attack so as not to be yet another architect of power’s structures. We attack for immediate pleasure and not for a hypothetical radiant future.

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September 11, 2017
by actforfreedom


Actforfree Received on 8.9.17
This made us give a smile of complicity to our comrades fighting in the
territory under domain of the argentinian state. This one text is
claiming responsibility of some actoins on the agitation month for
Santiago Maldonado. It has also a statement about some lies thrown
against them by the masses. For example, in august 1st demos they were
accused of being “infiltrated” just because they chose to disrupt
normality instead of behave peacefully. This is what happens when the
state attacks us. We hit them back with all our strength!!! WE WANT OUR
Translated by tormentas de fogo

“Those are not just words: we reached the “level” of direct action and
they lie about us because they fear us. Not everything that happens hits
the system’s newspapers! Even ours! And everything runs really fast,
comrades. Revolutionary vertigo, which shakes up the heart: it was what
we wanted and finally what we’ve got. Let’s not flatter ourselves. As
our beutiful comrades from Portugal warn us, let’s be intelligent:
neither “library anarchism” nor “self destructive punk”, fine? We don’t
make up anything.

We met el Lechu and better listen to us very well
those who now claim he is a public figure… He is, to say, one of us:
ANARCHIST! Enemy of the state, the capital and the shitty “social peace”
of those who now (…and may a lightning fall in the head of those who
call him “ayahuasca junkie”) whip his missing doing politics with our
ideals. We are not “infiltrated”, as those people conniving with the
spectacle cluck every time it burns passion for the anarchic revolt.

In August 31, the building of GEOF was torched… the “anti terrorist”
Federal Operations Special Group building in the middle of the burgeosie
neighborhood of Palermo… plenty Buenos Aires downtown, and the shitty
media has hidden; they did the same thing with a lot of offensives that,
did not even go through their heads, could strike their power

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September 11, 2017
by actforfreedom

CHILE – A letter from the anarchist prisoner Marcelo Villarroel concerning the case of anarchist Santiago Maldonado

Actforfree Received on 05.09.17:
This is a letter from the anarchist prisoner Marcelo Villarroel
concerning the case of anarchist Santiago Maldonado who is still
missing. It also has a call for action. His words are welcome by us!!!
Fire to the prisons!!! We want our comrade Santiago Maldonado alive
translated by tormentas de fogo
These words are born and become necessary at the same time when it is
necessary to embrace all those who give themselves without limits when
seeking encounter with total liberation.
For the expansion of the revolt, for the unequivocal confrontation with
power, for the extension of autonomous practices to deny domination and
everything that makes possible its existence.

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September 11, 2017
by actforfreedom



Actforfree Received on 04.09.17:
The following is the final version in portuguese of “WELCOME TO HELL:
We would like to share even though it is not in English
We also want to say we stand with contrainfo channels such as act for
freedom, and we are working on translations from spanish and portuguese
to english.
tormentas de fogo [“firestorm”]

September 8, 2017
by actforfreedom

Solidarity with the imprisoned comrades in Italy from 111 Squat in Thessaloniki – Greece

On August 3rd 2017, cops raided several houses and occupied spaces in
Florence (eviction of Riottosa squat), Rome and Lecce, aiming at the
arrest of 8 comrades from Florence. This specific operation concerns 2
attacks. The first concerns the placing of an explosive device at a
fascist bookstore that has connections with Casapound, on new years day
last year, resulting in the injury of the bomb disposal cop (who lost an
arm and eye). The second attack was with molotov cocktails against
police facilities on April 4th 2016. The 2 attacks took place in
Florence. Cops claim that they identified people through phone taps,
surveillance, and identification of dna samples.
The charges are:
“attempted homicide” for the 5 comrades from the first case, and
“manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or
incendiary device to a public place” for all comrades, all of this in
the frames of “consisting a criminal organization”.
A few days later 6 comrades were released while the charges remained,
and 2 comrades were imprisoned for the attack on the fascist bookstore.
One of the 2 comrades has had all communication forbidden.
During the summer of 2017 one more theatrical play took place, with the
Italian state, society and mass media as the directors.
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September 8, 2017
by actforfreedom

Responsibility claim on August 29th, Thessaloniki – by workshop of destruction “the anti-greek”

On August 30th the “Sacred Battalion” (fascist group), called for one
more fascist fiesta, always under the protection of the cops. The
location of the event was again announced 2 hours before the event.
The main speaker was Dimitris Valasidis, ex-military man who was seen
arguing with garbage bins on Tsimiski street during last years gay pride
Another guest was also Nikos Vasiliadis, professor of modern history in
the International and European Studies department of Macedonia
We perceive the battle with the fascists is not a separated practice of
some specialists but a part of our daily struggles.
So on August 29th we visited Vasiliadis office in Macedonia University
completely redecorating it. An action that was withheld by all mass
P.S. Freedom to the italian anarchists Pierloreto Fallanca and Salvatore
Vespertino who are imprisoned for the placing of a bomb at a fascist
bookstore in Florence, where one cop lost an arm and an eye.
workshop of destruction “the anti-greek”
Translated by boubourAs for Act for freedom now!

September 8, 2017
by actforfreedom

Santiago, Chile – Incendiary Action on the Eve of a New September 11

On September 1st, about 50 encapuchadxs (hooded ones) erected barricades and clashed with police with Molotov bombs in front of the UMCE (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences). The action was framed within the context of the eve of a new commemoration of September 11, 1973, the day that the military dictatorship began in Chile.

Some unknown comrades also erected barricades outside the Faculty for Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Chile and at JGM (Juan Gomez Millas Campus, University of Chile).
The action ended without anybody being detained.
via: Insurrection News

September 8, 2017
by actforfreedom

Mexico – Two New Texts from Anarchist Prisoner Fernando Bárcenas (Eng/Esp)

Received and translated on 04.09.17 by Insurrection News:
First of all, this is a clarifying letter. I think for some people it is difficult for them to understand positions, ideas and forms of struggle that violently attack the values of this society.
So, in this sense I want to clarify, when I say that I reject all forms of mediation and that I deny having representatives, I do not speak only of organizations and political parties, but also of anyone who tries to control my life and use my situation as a prisoner to manipulate and / or negate my words and thoughts.
However this reflection is much deeper than you think, because in the environments of people supposedly aware of the dominance many authoritarian values unintentionally prevail and unconsciously disturb and contribute to the people who are meant to ‘help’ them to achieve their freedom.
One of these forms, for example, is the attribution to the family of prisoners, the power to decide what is good or right to exercise pressure or not in the sense of progress in the liberation of comrades or the extension of the revolt against prisons ‘outside’ the walls.

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September 4, 2017
by actforfreedom

Hamburg (Germany): The state takes revenge on the G20

Article posted online 30 August 2017
From this Monday, August 28, almost two months since the end of the G20, the trials began against the accused persons, all of whom are being held on remand in Hamburg.
Two trials are already over and further court appearances are expected in the coming days.
1st trial (28/08/2017): 2 years and 7 months’ imprisonment for one alleged rioter.
Dutch, 21 years old, he is accused of throwing two bottles at a cop during the “Welcome to Hell” demo of July 6. The charges are “serious assault and battery of a policeman”, “violent disorder” and “rebellion”. The judge hit hard and inflicted a prison sentence of 2 years and 7 months. This sentence goes way beyond the request of the prosecutor, who had asked for one year and nine months.
The judge justified their decision with the new law aimed at strengthening the protection of agents of the State on duty *, which came into force on 30 May 2017.
Many people (families, people close to him and those in solidarity) were present in the courtroom in support of the accused. On another note, the accused chose to remain silent right through the trial, and to cover his face completely in order to avoid the scavengers of the press present in number in the court.
During the deliberations, some reaction from the supporters broke the silence of the courtroom. The father of the accused let go: « they want our son to pay for what happened these four days in Hamburg  ».
The height of ridicule was reached when the “wounded” riot policeman, 30-years-old from Berlin, came to testify stating that, despite the fact that the bottles had touched his leg and head, having felt a shock at the level of his helmet, he had managed to catch up with the alleged launcher and arrested him. He went on to say that, at the time of the arrest, the accused adopted a fetal position, which constitutes an act of resistance.

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September 4, 2017
by actforfreedom

‘About the holidays in Hamburg’: selfies, disorders and the tyranny of images (09/08/2017)

A month ago in Hamburg, Germany, a G20 summit was beginning, and with it mass protests against it, with demands for a more ‘human’ running of capitalism, up to the total destruction of the system in order to build a more ethical world where there would be a place and respect for all, where there would be no repression or hierarchy, where the earth would be protected and the insatiable thirst for empty benefits on which this society is based would disappear from our values and life goals.
 You can read about what happened during the 3 days of the summit and the demonstrations in many websites, including this blog, if you look in the corresponding posts (starting from the month of July, for those who are curious); and as I couldn’t go to Hamburg (and I’m sorry about that) for reasons that are irrelevant here, I won’t comment on what happened or go into detail. The comrades who were there have talked about that and continue to do so.
I’d like to talk about a particular aspect of those demonstrations, which I think occurs too often in this kind of context, and which seems a serious problem, at least to me, and one that annoys me. It’s what is known as the ‘tyranny of the image’.

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September 4, 2017
by actforfreedom

Turin, Italy – Updates on the 3rd May arrests in Turin (18/08/2017)

A court of review hearing, held to decide over Kam, Fran, Antonio, Beppe and Lorenzo ended a few hours ago. The charges that led the five comrades behind bars and banned Monica and Michela from the city were discussed, in order to decide if the measures imposed before the trial were to be modified.
Even if the hearing was held behind closed doors we learned that a large assortment of cops was in the courtroom: plain clothes officers from Porta Palazzo police station, Digos officers, screws, [prosecutors] Padalino’s and Rinaudo’s bodyguards and a bunch of carabinieri. They were all there to highlight the power that they hold in a courtroom. Power transferred through court papers and the reconstruction of that night’s events, like the events of many other nights, days and moments spent in a corner of some police station or in the streets during a police check. Anything that happens before and after, the cause and the effect, are mixed up to create a tale that is more effective on paper, the assessment of the charges and the weight of the sentence.

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September 3, 2017
by actforfreedom

Beautiful like a cop car in flames -France

Translated by Act for freedom now!
via: Attaque
Indymedia Grenoble / Tuesday 15 August 2017

Posters put up in the streets of Saint-Malo, Rennes, Paris, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon and Besançon, in solidarity with the comrades Kara and Krème, still incarcerated in Fleury-Mérogis for the case of the cop car that was burned on the quai de Valmy on 18 May 2016 in Paris.


  Spring 2016: the rage in the streets shakes this resigned country, as has not happened for more than a decade. The umpteenth law that shortens a little more one of our many chains – wage slavery – is the drop of water that makes the vase full of exploitation, state of emergency, all police power, paranoia, virtual life and future promises that look too much like this dreary present. The cities of France are criss-crossed by devastating demonstrations, small moments of life are built on the destruction of what oppresses us every day.

On May 18th in Paris, a wild demonstration responds as it should to a rally of cops complaining that everyone hates the police. A screen-printed car of the cops is attacked, its windows broken, one of the cops takes a few blows, then the car goes up in flames. Immediately thereafter, and during the ensuing year, nine persons are charged for this joyous bonfire. Some of them have spent long periods in prison, while another remains untraceable for Justice. All will go on trial in Paris from 19 to 22 September.
Two anarchists, Kara et Krème, are still in prison.

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September 3, 2017
by actforfreedom

Solidarity demo in Amsterdam for NoG20 prisoners

On the early evening of Thursday August 31st a #noG20 arrestees solidarity demonstration took place in the center of Amsterdam.
A 21-year old person from Amsterdam has been convicted to two year and seven months in prison. He is accused of having thrown two empty beer bottles at the police after hundreds of riot police blocked and attacked the “Welcome to Hell” demonstration on the evening before the G20 summit in Hamburg last July (see here:
There was no real evidence against the Dutch comrade. The main proof being two police testimonies that described the individual who threw the bottles as a person with dreadlocks. The 21 year old that was convicted on Monday has no dreadlocks. Another 108 people are currently still awaiting trial, including one 33 year old person from Nijmegen.