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'You are not alone': Perth dad's message of love to bereaved fathers

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"I was supposed to be the protector, the fixer. I had to try to hold us all together. I couldn't look after my family if I fell apart."

Thrown into unimaginable darkness by the death of his son Christian in 2007, Perth father Sam Dudley did what so many men do when tragedy strikes - he "sucked it up".

Supporting his wife Carly and his young daughter, Sam went back to work and tried to be a pillar of strength for his family.

"It was at that point when I started to really pretend like I was okay," Mr Dudley said.

"Because I realised that everyone else's world had kept on spinning, even though ours had stopped.

"Nothing throws you into an existential crisis like the winter of grief. It's a fierce energy that weighs you down. Sadness hits you like waves in the ocean. One after another, after another."


Determined to honour their son's all-too-brief life, the Dudleys turned their energy to helping others.

Carly launched a service, on a stretch of Perth's coast she calls 'Christian's Beach', to write the names of children who have died in the sand at the beach, as a tribute for bereaved parents.

With Sam's support, this effort evolved into CarlyMarie Project Heal, an online site that offers a range of support to grieving parents, including 'International Bereaved Mothers' Day,' created by Carly in 2010 and shared around the world.

They also launched 'International Bereaved Father's Day,'  and ten years on from the death of their son, Mr Dudley led an effort to create a video for the day telling his story as an avenue for others to express their own.

Hundreds of men from more than twenty nations sent in pictures of themselves with the children they grieve - helping to create a piece that's had close to two hundred thousand views so far.

"The pain I felt - nothing compares to it," Mr Dudley says in the video.

"I remember holding my wife as she held the body of our lifeless son in her arms. There is no word for that kind of agony. My wife says I carried her through that time, but really I think we carried each other.

"But this journey, this walk of life, these cards we were dealt, if they have taught me anything it's that it's okay for me to come undone. It's okay to be broken. To be hurt.

"Sure, it might make others feel uncomfortable, but the world won't end if I show how I'm feeling."

Mr Dudley has become an active member of his community through personal training, speaking at events and pursing his passion for acting and film making.

And with now three daughters to run around after, he said his family gives him the strength to keep going.

"The message I hope this film gives to men who have lost a child is that 'you are not alone'. That it's okay to break the silence. We always think men have to be the silent ones and hold it together.

"But I hope this sparks something inside them, to look for the beauty in this world. We all have a different journey. Everyone's grief and circumstances are different. But there is help, and support, and love out there."

With music by local composers Damien Greenwood and Jason Schmechtig from Jeenyis Scoring, Mr Dudley said the video to launch International Bereaved Father's Day was a collaborative effort - and the courage so many men from around the world showed through sharing their stories was deeply moving.

"We might not speak so much about our children who have died, but that doesn't mean we don't think about them every single day," Mr Dudley says in the video. 

"Who they might have become, what our lives might look like if they were still here. We carry them with us everywhere we go... they are in our hearts. Always."