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The Fall of The eXile For all those wondering what the "Save The eXile Fundrasier" banner is all about, here it is as simply as it can be phrased: The eXile is shutting down.
June 11, 2008 in eXile Blog

War Nerd: War of the Babies in Taki's Magazine The War Nerd talks about babies, the greatest weapon of the 20th century.
May 28, 2008 in eXile Blog

Kids, Meet Your President A website for Russian kids to learn all about President Medvedev's passion for school, sports and family.
May 22, 2008 in eXile Blog

Cellphone Democracy Cam If this girl was exposed to Jeffersonian democracy...
May 20, 2008 in Face Control

More Classy B&W; Dyev Photos Yet another hot Russian babe imitating the Catpower look...
May 20, 2008 in Face Control

More Classy B&W; Club Photos w/Russian Dyevs We took the Pepsi Challenge here...
May 15, 2008 in Face Control

Proof That Genetic Memory Is Real! Sure, the Ottomans shut down the Istanbul Slavic slave markets centuries ago...
May 15, 2008 in Face Control

Russia's Orthodox Church Youth Outreach Program The priest is going, "Father Sansei is very impressed with grasshopper Sasha’s...
May 15, 2008 in Face Control

Shwarma Shuttle Expo This hopped-up "Kopeika" Lada shows off its rubber-burning power to an awed provincial audience...
May 11, 2008 in eXile TV

He Loves Me ... He Loves Me Not ... He Loves Me! Why does this woman wear her shiner...
May 1, 2008 in Face Control

Charlton Heston Predicts Food Crisis
April 19, 2008

When Charlton Heston died the other week, I paid respects by downloading his dystopian trilogy: Planet of the Apes (1968), The Omega Man (1971), and Soylent Green (1973). I hadn't seen them since the 80s, when they were mainstays of weekend programming on Boson's UHF stations. I was curious how they'd look through adult eyes, and wondered if they passed the sci-fi test of holding any precise predictive power.

Of the three, the one that feels the most contemporary is Soylent Green, even if The Omega Man was just remade as a Will Smith vehicle (I Am Legend). Everybody knows that Soylent Green "is people," but more interesting and less commented on is why the U.S. government in 2022 is making the green Cheeze-It-looking wafers in the first place. The reason is climate change. In the film's opening scene, New York City detective Robert Thorn (Heston) listens to his elderly roommate Sol (Edward G. Robinson) kvetch about life in 2022. "How can anything survive in a climate like this?" spits Robinson. "A heat-wave all year long. A greenhouse effect. Everything burning up."

Midway through the film, there are food riots exactly like the ones that erupted from Haiti to Indonesia a week after Heston's death. Various factors, climate change high among them, have in the past year doubled the price of some staple grains. But he echoes of Soylent Green aren't just general: In the film, riot cops are attacked during the food riots; two days ago in Haiti, a UN peacekeeper was shot and killed for his ration. It was the first killing in the four-year history of the UN's current mission in Haiti.

A high-profile Soylent Green scenario was laid out in careful detail in a 2002 World Bank study of current demographic and environmental trend lines, "Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World." The report warned that unless the global economy switched tracks onto a more sustainable path—and fast—the results would be social and environmental chaos during the current generation, with a return to scarcity the defining feature of this dystopia. Five years later the fundamental changes called for in the World Bank report seem as distant as ever, with the Soylent Green reality it warned of coming rapidly into focus.

Charlston Heston was a legendary force in film for a lot of reasons. Now we know he had impeccable timing and a sense for the dramatic even in death. Here's hoping our own Soylent Green, if it comes to that, will at least be made out of potatoes.

—Alexander Zaitchik

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Save The eXile: The War Nerd Calls Mayday
The future of The eXile is in your hands! We're holding a fundraiser to save the paper, and your soul. Tune in to Gary Brecher's urgent request for reinforcements and donate as much as you can. If you don't, we'll be overrun and wiped off the face of the earth, forever.

Scanning Moscow’s Traffic Cops
Automotive Section
We’re happy to introduce a new column in which we publish Moscow’s raw radio communications, courtesy of a Russian amateur radio enthusiast. This issue, eXile readers are given a peek into the secret conversations of Moscow’s traffic police, the notorious "GAIshniki."

Eleven Years of Threats: The eXile's Incredible Journey
Feature Story By The eXile
Good Night, and Bad Luck: In a nation terrorized by its own government, one newspaper dared to fart in its face. Get out your hankies, cuz we’re taking a look back at the impossible crises we overcame.

Your Letters
Russia's freedom-loving free market martyr Mikhail Khodorkovsky answers some of this week's letters, and he's got nothing but praise for President Medvedev.

Clubbing Adventures Through Time
Club Review By Dmitriy Babooshka
eXile club reviewer Babooshka takes a trip through time with the ghost of Moscow clubbing past, present and future, and true to form, gets laid in the process.

The Fortnight Spin
Bardak Calendar By Jared Lindquist
Jared comes out with yet another roundup of upcoming bardak sessions.

Your Letters
Richard Gere tackles this week's letters. Now reformed, he fights for gerbil rights all around the world.

13 Toxic Talents: Hollywood’s Worst Polluters
America By Eileen Jones
Everybody complains about celebrities, but nobody does anything about them. People, it’s time to stop fretting about whether we’re a celebrity-obsessed culture—we are, we have been, we’re going to be—and instead take practical steps to clean up the celebrity-obsessed culture we’ve got...

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